introduction | grammar | primer | compound words |
Bold text indicates predefined words, including morphemes (root words). The remaining words are compound words. Short Ygyde words follow == mark. Every definition of the compound word is followed by initials of its author, for example (AN). New and improved definitions are marked with lower case initials, for example (an). Alternative definitions are marked with a dash, for example (-AN).
This dictionary was made by:
abacus = otylysi = "noun old number tool" (an)
to abdicate = ugawitu = "verb lost genetic manager" (an)
abbreviation = onudysy = "noun short text part" (AN)
to abduct = ipypymy = "verb owned person separation" (AN)
abduction = opypymy = "noun owned person separation" (an)
aberrant, abnormal = asydeli = "adjective bad different" (AN)
to abet = usypono = "verb bad caring work" (AN)
ability, knowledge how to do something = ypydu = "noun owned knowledge" (AN,PHZ)
ability, having the means to do something = ypyni = "noun owned path" (AN,PHZ)
abiotic (inorganic) object = ybuko = "noun dead shape" (an)
(thermal) ablation = ykumy = "noun burning separation" (AN)
to abolish, to eliminate, to rid = ugaci = "verb lost manipulation" (AN)
abominable, very bad, horrible, disgusting, repugnant, loathsome, outrageous = asysyli == asysli = "adjective bad bad" (an)
aboriginal, indigenous = atyty = "adjective old country" (an)
to abort = ibupumy = "verb dead child separation" (AN)
abortion = obupumy = "noun dead child separation" (AN)
about, pertaining, concerning, regarding = hipo
above, over = iba
abrasive = ysefe = "noun sharp powder" (AN)
abroad = ymyty = "noun outer country" (AN)
absence = ymyca = "noun outer address" (AN)
absent, away = amyca = "adjective outer address" (AN)
absurd, no meaning = yli
absorption = ynimo = "noun secret fusion" (AN)
abstract = ynudy = "noun short text" (AN)
abstraction = ylu
abundance, plenty = ymasoso = "noun good big group" (an)
abundant, ample = amasoso = "adjective good big group" (an)
to abuse = ulapope == ulapoe = "verb opposite caring relationship" (an)
acceleration or deceleration (number) = ycijoly = "noun changing mobile number" (AN)
acceleration (number) = ymujoly = "noun fast mobile number" (AN)
accent = ydejyde = "noun different sonic language" (AN)
to accept = umoci = "verb attractive manipulation" (an)
access = ymani = "noun good path" (an)
accident = ylysyli = "noun random bad" (an)
accidental = alysyli = "adjective random bad" (an)
to accompany, to associate with = inunupy = "verb short distance person" (AN)
according to, in conformity with = hico
bank account = yluga = "noun mathematical money" (AN)
accountant = olugaja = "noun mathematical money craftsman" (AN)
accuracy = ycamedu = "noun false true knowledge" (an)
accurate, factual, credibile = amedu = "adjective true knowledge" (an)
accusation = ysycoce = ysycoe = "noun bad legal communication" (an)
to accuse = usycoce = usycoe = "verb bad legal communication" (an)
to ache = ibuma = "verb sickness detector" (PHZ)
to achieve, to accomplish, to attain, to reach, to succeed, to fulfill = uduli = "verb gained" (AN)
achievement, accomplishment = yduli = "noun gained" (AN)
acid = ynygu = "noun repulsive liquid" (an)
acid or alkali = ypugu = "noun hungry liquid" (an)
across, through = igu
to act (to perform on the stage) = ucaja = "verb false craftsman" (AN)
actinium = ylubulo = "noun 89 dead atom" (an)
action, affair (a voluntary act of will) = ynono = "noun busy work" (an)
actor = ycaja = "noun false craftsman" (AN)
activist = ydipy = "noun political person" (an)
acute angle = ylola = "noun small angle" (AN)
adaptation = opemo = "noun relationship fusion" (an)
to adapt = ipemo = "verb relationship fusion" (an)
to add = ibebe
addition = obebe
addiction = ytimibu = "noun repeating mental sickness" (AN)
additional, auxiliary, supplementary, reserve, spare = episy = "adjective sibling part" (an)
address = hyca
to adhere, to stick, to cling = uwali = "verb sticky" (AN)
administration = otute = "noun manager organization" (an)
admission (permission to enter) = yduzuni = "noun gained inner path" (AN)
admission (of guilt) = ymesyce = "noun true bad communication" (an)
adjective = ocidysy = "noun changing text part" (AN)
to adjust = ugyci = "verb simple manipulation" (AN)
adult (noun), grown-up = ytypy = "noun old person" (an)
advantage = yduny = "noun gained force" (AN)
adventure = ymotage = "noun attractive dangerous environment" (an)
advertisement = otoce = "noun business communication" (AN)
to advertise = itoce = "verb business communication" (AN)
advice = ococe = "noun expert communication" (AN)
aerodynamic = ajogo = "adjective mobile gas" (an)
aerogel = yfyfy = "noun lightweight foam" (an)
to affect, to influence = ipeny = "verb relationship force" (an)
affection = ymimoli == ymioli = "noun mental attractive" (AN)
affectionate = amimoli == amioli = "adjective mental attractive" (AN)
Afghanistan = dujaty = "longitude=64 latitude=121 country" (an)
Africa = bizawe = "longitude=20 latitude=7 sheet" (an, approximate)
after in space (behind) = iju, after in time = ida
afterlife (an existence after death) = obupyge = "noun dead person environment" (AN)
afternoon (hours 12-18) = ego
again = hepi
age (of someone or something) = ebo
agency (organization) = ydyte = "noun middle organization" (AN)
agent (person) = ydypy = "noun middle person" (AN)
agnostic = ocelipy = "noun religious no meaning person" (AN)
ago, in the past = hety
to agree, to reconcile, to consent = upice = "verb similar communication" (AN,ei)
agreement (same opinion), reconciliation, consent, = ypice = "noun similar communication" (AN,ei)
aggressive = etage = "adjective war environment" (an)
agriculture = osobyto = "noun big food business" (an)
ahead = adape = "adjective front relationship" (an)
AIDS = ygejabu = "noun stationary sexual sickness" (PHZ)
aim = onili = "noun path" (an)
to aim = inila = "verb path angle" (AN)
air = ygogo = "noun atmospheric gas" (AN)
aircraft = ygojo = "noun atmospheric vehicle" (an)
airfield, airport = obajoji == obajoi = "noun top vehicle place" (AN)
air force = ogotate == ogotae = "noun atmospheric war organization" (AN)
airline = obajoto = "noun top vehicle business" (AN)
airmail = obacete = "noun top communication organization" (an)
airplane, aeroplane = ybajo = "noun top vehicle" (AN)
military airplane, fighter, bomber, drone, radar airplane = obatajo = "noun top war vehicle" (AN)
civilian drone = obacijo = "noun top manipulation vehicle" (an)
airship = yfofyjo == yfoyjo = "noun long lightweight vehicle" (an)
alabaster = ytugiky = "noun rich geological rigid solid" (AN)
alarm = ykuce = "noun burning communication" (AN)
false alarm = ycakuce = "noun false burning communication" (an)
album = yjykodi = "noun sonic artistic publication" (an)
Albania = bijuty = "longitude=20 latitude=129 country" (an)
albatross = ybajobo = "noun top mobile animal" (AN)
albedo = ojugysy = "noun rear photon part" (AN)
alkali = ytagu = "noun dangerous liquid" (an)
alcohol = ykumigu = "noun burning mental liquid" (AN)
alcoholic (liquid) = amigu = "adjective mental liquid" (AN)
alcoholic, drunkard = omigupy = "noun mental liquid person" (AN)
alcoholic beverage = ymigu = "noun mental liquid" (AN)
alcoholism = omigubu = "noun mental liquid sickness" (AN)
alert, awake, conscious = anomili = "adjective busy mental" (an,ei)
to alert = upamili = "verb busy mental" (an)
alga = ygybe = "noun simple plant" (AN)
algebra = odana = "noun name calculation" (AN)
Algeria = besuty = "longitude=4 latitude=117 country" (an)
alien = emytypy = "adjective outer country person" (an)
alive = alabuli = "verb opposite dead" (an)
all, every, everything = idu
alligator = yjynibo = "noun sonic secret animal" (AN)
alloy = osikymo = "noun electric rigid solid fusion" (an)
ally (country) = omapety = "noun good relationship country"
almond (edible seed) = ofupuby = "noun dry child food" (an)
almost, nearly = ibu
alone = asumy = "adjective prolonged separation" (AN)
along = ibi
already = hetu
also ("and" between phrases), besides, moreover, furthermore = igy
alternate = alaji = "adjective opposite place" (AN)
as = hipi
altruism = opopylu == opoylu = "noun caring person abstraction" (-an)
altruism = odepymo = "noun different person fusion" (-PHZ)
altruistic = epopylu == epoylu = "adjective caring person abstraction" (-an)
altruistic, generous, empathic = edepymo = "adjective different person fusion" (PHZ)
altruist = ypopy = "noun caring person" (an)
aluminum, aluminium = ydasilo "noun 13 electric atom" (an)
always, ever = ege
ambassador = omytytu == omytyu = "noun outer country manager" (AN)
amber = otybegu = "noun old plant liquid" (PHZ)
ambiguous = alyce = "adjective random communication" (AN)
ambulance = ynejo = "noun medical vehicle" (AN)
to amend = ididyci = "verb political text manipulation" (an)
North America = cacewe = "longitude=264 latitude=135 sheet" (an, approximate)
South America = mowewe = "longitude=300 latitude=75 sheet" (an, approximate)
American citizen (from USA) = cajopy = "longitude=264 latitude=127 person" (an)
American Samoa = zawety = "longitude=192 latitude=75 country" (an)
Americoid, Amerind, American Indian, Native American = otapy = "noun war person" (an)
Americoid race = yta u owipyso = "war race" (an)
ammonia = ybygu = "noun smelly liquid" (AN)
ammunition = otakuki == otakui = "noun dangerous tube rod" (an)
among, amid = idy
ampere = ysile = "noun electric unit" (an)
amphibian (animal) = yfebo = "noun cold animal" (AN)
ampoule = ylokyza = "noun small brittle container" (an)
amputation = opamy = "noun anatomical... separation" (AN)
to amuse, to entertain = upedeci = "verb happy different manipulation" (AN)
analysis = omydu = "noun separation knowledge" (AN)
to analyze = imydu = "verb separation knowledge" (AN)
anarchy = olydige = "noun random political environment" (an)
anarchist = olydipy = "noun random political person" (an)
anatomical part of a multicellular animal = hypa
anatomical part of a multicellular plant = ybi
ancestor = ytypo = "noun old parent" (AN)
ancient = atytyli == atytli = "adjective old old" (AN)
and, with, both, as well as, including (joining objects) = iwa
Andorra = bajity = "longitude=0 latitude=131 country" (an)
angel = ycemaja = "noun religious good craftsman" (an)
anger = ytamibu = "noun dangerous mental sickness" (an)
angle = yla
angle degree = otylale = "noun old angle unit" (an)
Angola = biwyty = "longitude=20 latitude=77 country" (an)
angry, resentful, irritated = atamili = "adjective dangerous mental" (an)
Anguilla = huti myzity = "north longitude=296 latitude=107 country" (an)
angular momentum = ykiwoly = "noun massive rotating number" (AN)
angular speed (number) = ywoly = "noun rotating number" (an)
angular velocity (vector = ywolely = "noun rotating physical number" (an)
ankle = ygibapa = "noun geological top anatomical..." (AN)
anklet = ysadowu = "noun bottom pretty torus" (AN)
animal = ybo
animal shelter = ogabozo = "noun lost animal building" (AN)
animism = ocebote = "noun religious animal organization" (AN)
animist = ocebopy = "noun religious animal person" (AN)
anisotropic = adeleni = "adjective different physical path" (AN)
anniversary = ypetino = "noun happy repeating work" (AN)
to announce = ijydece = "verb sonic language communication" (AN)
announcement = ojydece = "noun sonic language communication" (AN)
to annoy = usype = "verb bad relationship" (an)
annoying = asype = "adjective bad relationship" (an)
anorexia = onybybu == onybyu = "noun repulsive food sickness" (an)
another = hicu
ant = olopibo = "noun small sibling animal" (AN)
Antarctica = babawe = "longitude=0 latitude=1 sheet" (an)
antelope = ymuzybo = "noun fast warm animal" (AN)
(wire) antenna = oceki = "noun communication rod" (AN)
microwave dish antenna = ocewo = "noun communication disk" (AN)
national anthem = ojytyde = "noun sonic country language" (AN)
Antigua and Barbuda = huti mozuty = " north longitude=300 latitude=105 country" (an)
antimony = yzytalo = "noun 51 dangerous atom" (an)
antler = otokipa = "noun ephemeral rod anatomical..." (AN)
anus = osazipa = "noun bottom hole anatomical..." (AN)
anxiety, nervousness = ytadu = "noun dangerous knowledge" (an)
anxious, nervous, apprehensive, uneasy = atadu = "adjective dangerous knowledge" (an)
any, something, anything = ily
anyone, anybody = ily ypy = "any person" (an)
anytime = ily ejo = "any time of day" (AN)
anywhere = ily yji = "any place" (AN)
apartment = opyzosy = "noun owned building part" (AN)
apathetic = azemibu = "adjective idle mental sickness" (an)
apathy = yzemibu = "noun idle mental sickness" (an)
ape = ysomibo = "noun big mental animal" (AN)
aperitif = ydamigu = "noun front mental liquid" (AN)
aperture = ybizi = "noun optical hole" (AN)
aphelion = onubanu = "noun short astronomical object distance" (an)
to apologize = ipotice = "verb caring trade communication" (AN)
apology = opotice = "noun caring trade communication" (AN)
apostrophe = obadysy = "noun top text part" (AN)
appeal = yticota = "noun repeating legal war" (AN)
to appear = ulanili = "verb opposite secret" (an)
appearance = ylanili = "noun opposite secret" (an)
appeasement = okapyti = "noun weak person trade" (an)
appendicitis = owapabu = "noun sticky anatomical... sickness" (AN)
appetizer = ydaby = "noun front food" (AN)
apple (fruit) = ybafeby = "noun top cold food" (AN)
apple (tree) = ybafebe = "noun top cold plant" (an)
(household) appliance = ozyje = "noun room machine" (AN)
application = osici = "noun tool manipulation" (AN)
to apply for = upuci = "verb hungry manipulation" (AN)
appointment (meeting) = ocupymo = "noun new person fusion" (AN)
appointment (giving of a position) = ocutuno = "noun new manager work" (AN)
to appoint (to give a position) = icutuno = "verb new manager work" (an)
to appreciate, to value, to prize, to cherish, to treasure = ituluma = "verb rich abstraction detector" (AN)
appreciation = otuluma = "noun rich abstraction detector" (AN)
to approach = ununu = "verb short distance" (an)
appropriate, useful, befitting, apt, felicitous, suited, suitable, proper = amasi = "adjective good tool" (an)
approval = ycyce = "noun safe communication" (an)
to approve = ucyce = "verb safe communication" (AN)
apricot = ybaboby == ybaoby = "noun top hairy food" (AN)
April = ejy
approximate = apily = "adjective similar number" (AN)
apron = ycydyfi = "noun safe middle garment" (an)
aquarium = oguboza = "noun wet animal container" (an)
to acquit= umacoce = "verb good legal communication" (an)
arc = oziwusy = "noun narrow torus part" (an)
arch = obawuko = "noun top torus shape" (an)
are (100 square meters) = oge owyle = 100 "noun surface unit" (an)
Arab = yfupy = "noun dry person" (an)
Arabic language = yfude = "noun dry language" (AN)
arboretum = osobeso = "noun big plant group" (AN)
archaism = ytycu = "noun old technology" (AN)
area = owyly = "noun surface number" (AN)
Argentina = mygoty = "longitude=296 latitude=55 country" (an)
argon = ydizelo = "noun 18 idle atom" (an)
to argue, to disagree, to oppose = udece = "verb different communication" (AN)
argument = ozadusy = "noun strong knowledge part" (an)
mathematical argument = yzuluda = "noun inner mathematical name" (AN)
archipelago = ygifuso = "noun geological dry group" (an)
aristocrat = ytuwitu = "noun rich genetic manager" (an)
arithmetic = olyna = "noun number calculation" (AN)
arm = ynupa = "noun short anatomical..." (AN)
upper arm = ynubapa = "noun short top anatomical..." (an)
armed (with a gun or other powerful weapon) = etaje = "adjective war machine" (an)
armed (with a knife, sword, spear, bow, or other simple weapon) = etasi = "adjective war tool" (an)
Armenia = pijuty = "longitude=44 latitude=129 country" (an)
armor = ocytawe = "noun safe war sheet" (-an)
armor = ocycuwy = "noun safe technology surface" (-ei)
army, armed forces = otate = "noun war organization" (AN)
land army = ogitate == ogitae = "noun geological war organization" (AN)
around = iwo
to arrange = imateso = "verb good organization group" (an)
arrangement = omateso = "noun good organization group" (an)
array = ylalyso = "noun opposite random group" (an)
to arrest = icojaci = "verb legal craftsman manipulation" (AN)
arrival = yzuni = "noun inner path" (an)
to arrive = uzuni = "verb inner path" (an)
arrogance = ycatuce = "noun false rich communication" (an)
arrogant, boastful, pompous = acatuce = "adjective false rich communication" (an)
to arrogate = ucatu = "verb false manager" (an)
arrow (missile) = ysejoki = "noun sharp mobile rod" (AN)
arrow (figure) = oniko = "noun path shape" (an)
arsenic = hykybulo = "noun 33 dead atom" (an)
art = ykoli = "noun artistic" (an)
artist = ykoja = "noun artistic craftsman" (an)
artery = ydupa = "noun gained anatomical..." (AN)
(newspaper) article = ylodi = "noun small publication" (AN)
artifact = ocuko = "noun technology shape" (an)
artillery = ofotaje = "noun long war machine" (an)
artistic = hako
Aruba = ube mezyty = "west longitude=292 latitude=101 country" (an)
asbestos = ysygifo = "noun bad geological fiber" (an)
ash = ykefe = "noun dirty powder" (AN)
ash tray = okefeza = "noun dirty powder container" (AN)
ashamed = esydage = "adjective bad name environment" (an)
Asia = gacuwe = "longitude=96 latitude=141 sheet" (an)
to ascend (go up), to climb, to rise = ubani = "verb top path" (an)
ascetic = apepupy == apepuy = "adjective happy hungry person" (AN)
to ask (a question) = udace = "verb front communication" (an)
to ask for, to demand, to request = upuce = "verb hungry communication" (an,ei)
asleep = azemili = "adjective idle mental" (an)
to fall asleep = unozeli = "verb busy idle" (AN)
asparagus = odobybe == odobye = "noun pretty food plant" (AN)
asphalt = ojuky = "noun road rigid solid" (AN)
asset = ogalu = "noun money abstraction" (AN)
to assimilate = upipy = "verb similar person" (AN)
astatine = ylalolo = "noun 85 small atom" (an)
asteroid, planetoid = yfyba = "noun lightweight astronomical object" (an)
astringent taste = efubysy = "adjective dry food part" (an)
astronomer = obaco = "noun astronomical object expert" (AN)
astronomical object, celestial object = yba
astronaut = obapy = "noun astronomical object person" (an)
astrology = ocabane = "noun false astronomical object science" (AN)
astrologer = ocabaco = "noun false astronomical object expert" (an)
asylum (refuge) = ycyji = "noun safe place" (AN)
asymmetric = adelako = "adjective different opposite shape" (AN)
at least = iza u ojuju = more equal (an)
at most = ika u ojuju = less equal (an)
atheist = ylacepy = "noun opposite religious person" (AN)
athlete = yzapy = "noun strong person" (AN)
atmospheric = ago
atom = ylo
atomic nucleus = ozulosy = "noun inner atom part" (an)
biological nucleus = owiweje = "genetic cellular machine" (an)
attack, assault, offense = ydata = "noun front war" (AN)
attention, alertness = ymumili = "noun fast mental" (an)
attempt, endeavor = ydetino = "noun different repeating work" (an)
to attend = uzuca = "verb inner address" (an)
attic = ybazy = "noun top room" (AN)
to attract = umoli = "verb attractive" (an)
attraction = ymoli = "noun attractive" (an)
attractive = amo
August = emo
aunt = ofipopi == ofipoi = "noun feminine parent sibling" (an)
aurora = ykagogy == ykagoy = "noun weak atmospheric photon" (an)
Australia (country) = kokety = "longitude=132 latitude=63 country" (an)
Australia (continent) = kokewe = "longitude=132 latitude=63 sheet" (an)
Australoid, Australian Aborigine = ybepy "noun wild person" (an)
Australoid race = abe u owipyso = "wild race" (an)
Austria = bocety = "longitude=12 latitude=135 country" (an)
authentication = ycamece = "noun false true communication" (an)
to authenticate, to confirm, to validate = ucamece = "verb false true communication" (an)
author = opynopy = "noun owned work person" (AN)
authority = otulu = "noun manager abstraction" (AN)
to authorize = itulu = "verb manager abstraction" (an)
autogyro = yzewojo = "noun idle rotating vehicle" (an)
automatic = emuje = "adjective chip machine" (an)
autonomy, self-governing = ydimy = "noun political separation" (an)
autonomous = adimy = "adjective political separation" (an)
autumn, fall = heci
available = alagali = "adjective opposite lost" (an)
avalanche = ofefemy = "noun cold powder separation" (an)
average = adyly = "adjective middle number" (an)
to avoid = unymy = "verb repulsive separation" (an)
aware of, conscious of = acydu = "adjective safe knowledge" (an,ei)
awareness of = ycydu = "noun safe knowledge" (an)
ax, axe, hatchet = ykisesi = "noun massive sharp tool" (an)
axis = ydyni = "noun middle path" (AN)
awkward = alyni = "adjective random path" (an)
Azerbaijan = dajuty = "longitude=48 latitude=129 country" (an)
azimuth = ygila = "noun geological angle" (AN)
babble = olide = "noun no meaning language" (AN)
baby carriage, perambulator = ogupujo = "noun wet child vehicle" (an)
to baby-sit = itopoja = "verb ephemeral parent craftsman" (an)
baby sitter = otopoja = "noun ephemeral parent craftsman" (an)
bachelor = ylajepo = "noun opposite masculine parent" (an)
bachelorette, spinster = ylafipo = "noun opposite feminine parent" (an)
background = yjuge = "noun rear environment" (an)
backup (data) = ocypidu = "noun safe sibling knowledge" (an)
backward = ajuni = "adjective rear path" (AN)
to move backward = ujuni = "verb rear path" (an)
to regress in any field (opposite idanilu)= ijunilu = "verb rear path abstraction" (an)
decline in any field (opposite odanilu) = ojunilu = "noun rear path abstraction" (an)
bacteriophage = owebobu == owebou = "noun cellular animal sickness" (an)
bacterium = ywebo = "noun cellular animal" (AN)
bad = hasy
bag = yfaza = "noun elastic container" (AN)
baggage, luggage = ojozaso = "noun mobile container group" (an)
Bahamas = cisyty = "longitude=284 latitude=113 country" (an)
Bahrain = ube desoty = "west longitude=52 latitude=115 country" (an)
bait = ycamoby = "noun false attractive food" (an)
bait-and-switch = ycamoti = "noun false attractive trade" (an)
to bake = izyfyci = "verb warm foam manipulation" (AN)
baking powder = ozyfyfe = "noun warm foam powder" (an)
balance (weight measuring device) = ykima = "noun massive detector" (AN)
balance, stability, equilibrium = ygege = "noun stationary environment" (an)
balcony = omyzosy = "noun outer building part" (AN)
bald (lacking hair) = alabopy = "adjective opposite hairy person" (AN)
bald (undisguised) = alanidi = "adjective opposite secret publication" (AN)
ball, sphere = hyfa
ball used in games = ypefa = "noun happy ball" (an)
inflated ball used in games = opegofa = "noun happy gas ball" (an)
(transportation) balloon = yfyjo = "noun lightweight vehicle" (AN)
(toy) balloon = yfypefa = "noun lightweight happy ball" (PHZ,AN)
ballot (sheet of paper) = ydiwe = "noun political sheet" (an)
bamboo = ozakube = "noun strong tube plant" (an)
bandage = ynewa = "noun medical tape" (AN)
adhesive bandage = ywanewa = "noun sticky medical tape" (AN)
banana = yfodyby = "noun long middle food" (AN)
Bangladesh = tisyty = "longitude=92 latitude=113 country" (an)
bankrupt = abuto = "adjective dead business" (AN)
bank = ogato = "noun money business" (AN)
banker = ogaco = "noun money expert" (AN)
bank account = yzega = "noun idle money" (AN)
bar (business) = omiguzy = "noun mental liquid room" (AN)
Barbados = uby mozoty = "east longitude=300 latitude=103 country" (an)
barbarian = ybetapy = "adjective wild dangerous person" (an)
barium = hysekilo = "noun 56 massive atom" (an)
(tree) bark = omywebi = "noun outer sheet anatomical..." (AN)
barley = ygybeby == ygybey = "noun simple wild food" (AN)
baron, baroness = ygywitu = "noun simple genetic manager" (an)
barrel (container) = osokuza = "noun big tube container" (an)
barrel (of a gun) = otakusy = "noun dangerous tube part" (an)
barrette = ysobosu = "noun big hairy fastener" (AN)
barricade = ogytamy = "noun simple war separation" (an)
barrier = ojumy = "noun road separation" (an)
barter, exchange = olagati = "noun opposite money trade" (an)
to barter, to exchange = ilagati = "verb opposite money trade" (an)
basalt = ygikiky = "noun geological massive rigid solid" (an)
base, basis = ysasy = "noun bottom part" (an)
(military) base = otazu = "noun war city" (an)
basement, cellar = ysazy = "noun bottom room" (AN)
basin = owoza = "noun disk container" (an)
basket = okycyza = "noun brittle net container" (an)
basketball = owufa = "noun torus ball" (an)
bat = yjybo = "noun sonic animal" (an)
bath = yjiguci = "noun clean wet manipulation" (an)
bathroom = yguzy = "noun wet room" (AN)
bathtub = yfoguze = "noun long wet furniture" (AN)
battle = otasy = "noun war part" (an)
battering ram = ykiki = "noun massive rod" (AN)
battery = ywusiza = "noun chemical electric container" (an)
rechargeable battery = ysusiza == ysuiza = "noun prolonged electric container" (an)
(military) battalion, battle group, regiment, brigade = ofytate == ofytae = "noun lightweight war organization" (AN)
to be = ulabulu = "verb opposite dead abstraction" (an)
beach = yfuguge == yfugue = "noun dry wet environment" (an)
sandy beach = ojifege = "noun clean powder environment" (an)
beak = ofopazi = "noun long anatomical... hole" (an)
beaker = ywuza = "noun chemical container" (AN)
beam (stream of particles or waves) = yzijoso = "noun narrow mobile group" (an)
beam (long piece of metal, etc.) = yzaki = "noun strong rod" (an)
bean = ozubefa = "noun inner plant ball" (an)
bear = ypubobo == ypuobo = "noun hungry hairy animal" (AN)
beard = yjebopa = "noun masculine hairy anatomical..." (AN)
bearing = ywosu = "noun rotating fastener" (AN)
plain bearing, journal bearing, pivot = owokisu = "noun rotating rod fastener" (an)
rolling bearing = owowusu == owousu = "noun rotating torus fastener" (an)
ball bearing = owofasu = "noun rotating ball fastener" (an)
to beat, to hit repeatedly = utizany = "verb repeating strong force" (an)
beautiful = adodoli == adodli = "adjective pretty pretty" (AN)
beauty salon = ydoto = "noun pretty business" (an)
beaver = ybonobo = "noun hairy busy animal" (AN)
because of, on account of, owing to = igo
to become = ucilu = "verb changing abstraction" (AN)
bed = yzeze = "noun idle furniture" (AN)
bedspread (decorative), coverlet = ykozefu = "noun artistic idle textile" (ei)
bee = ylonobo = "noun small busy animal" (an)
beef = ozygubo u opaby = "cow meat" (an)
beefsteak = ozygubo u ozipaby = "cow steak" (an)
beer = omifygu = "noun mental foam liquid" (AN)
beetle = ynulobo = "noun short small animal" (AN)
beetroot, beets = ynusaby = "noun short bottom food" (an)
before in space (in front of) = ida, before in time (previous to) = iju
to beg = upuja = "verb hungry craftsman" (an)
beggar = ypuja = "noun hungry craftsman" (AN)
begging = opujano = "noun hungry craftsman work" (an)
to begin = udasy = "verb front part" (an)
beginning = ydasy = "noun front part" (an)
to behave, to act = unolu = "verb busy abstraction" (AN)
behavior = ynolu = "noun busy abstraction" (AN)
behind = ajupe = "adjective rear relationship" (an)
Belarus = pecuty = "longitude=28 latitude=141 country" (an)
Belize = cyzity = "longitude=272 latitude=107 country" (an)
Belgian = a becoty = genitive "longitude=4 latitude=139 country" (an)
Belgium = becoty = "longitude=4 latitude=139 country" (an)
to believe = ucedu = "verb religious knowledge" (an)
bell = ojykiku == ojykiu = "noun sonic rod tube" (an)
belly, abdomen = yzupa = "noun inner anatomical..." (AN)
to belong to = upyli = "verb owned" (an)
below, beneath = hisa
belt = owafi = "noun tape garment" (AN)
bench = yfoze = "noun long furniture" (an)
to bend = ilany = "verb angle force" (AN)
bent = elany = "adjective angle force" (an)
Benin = bezety = "longitude=4 latitude=99 country" (an)
bequest (disposition in will) = ywigasy = "noun genetic money part" (an)
Bermuda = myjaty = "longitude=296 latitude=121 country" (an)
beryllium = ybozalo = "noun 4 strong atom" (an)
best = iso ama = "most good" (an)
to betray = ucape = "verb false relationship" (an)
betrayal = ycape = "noun false relationship" (an)
better = iza ama = "more good" (an)
between = izi
beverage, drink = oguby = "noun liquid food" (AN)
Bhutan = tisuty = "longitude=92 latitude=117 country" (an)
biased, unfair = ysydege = "noun bad different environment" (an)
Bible = yfacedi = "noun elastic religious publication" (an)
bicycle = yzijo = "noun narrow vehicle" (AN)
bicycle road = ozijoju == ozijou = "noun narrow vehicle road" (AN)
big, large = haso
bigger = iza u aso = more big (-an)
bigger = ika u alo = less small (-an)
bigger = asopi = "adjective big sibling" (-an)
very big, very intense, great = asosoli = "adjective big big" (an)
bigot = ynygepy = "noun repulsive stationary person" (AN)
billion, 10^9 = ody
binary = emuly = "adjective chip number" (AN)
to bind = ugymo = "verb simple fusion (an)
binocular = obipisi == obipsi = "noun optical sibling tool" (AN)
biodiversity = ynabege = "noun complex wild environment" (an)
biology = ybene = "noun wild science" (an)
biometric = epama = "adjective anatomical... detector" (AN)
birch = osowebe = "noun big sheet plant" (AN)
bird = ybabo = "noun top animal" (AN)
birth = opumy = "noun child separation" (AN)
to give birth = ipumy = "verb child separation" (an)
bishop = ycetu = "noun religious manager" (AN)
bismuth = hynukylo = "noun 83 brittle atom" (an)
bison = ybozabo = "noun hairy strong animal" (AN)
bit, small piece, detail = ylosy = "noun small part" (an)
(drill) bit = owoziki = "noun rotating hole rod" (an)
to bite = uzusepa = "verb inner sharp anatomical..." (AN)
bitter taste = etabysy = "adjective dangerous food part" (an)
bivalve = osagibo = "noun bottom pump animal" (AN)
black = ubi
blackberry (fruit) = ydyseby = "noun middle sharp food" (AN)
blackberry (plant) = ydysebe = "noun middle sharp plant" (an)
blackboard, chalkboard = okykiwe == okyiwe = "noun brittle rod sheet" (an)
blackmail, shakedown = ysyga = "noun bad money" (an)
bladder = oguzapa = "noun wet container anatomical..." (AN)
blanket = yzefu = "noun idle textile" (AN)
blasphemy = ykecece = "noun dirty religious communication" (AN)
blemish = ysylosy = "noun bad small part" (an)
to bless = ucepoce = "verb religious caring communication" (PHZ)
blessed = acepoce = "adjective religious caring communication" (PHZ)
blessing = ycepoce = "noun religious caring communication" (PHZ)
blind = alabipa = "adjective opposite optical anatomical..." (an)
blinking light = ytigy = "noun repeating photon" (AN)
bloated, swollen = asosyke == asoyke = "adjective big bad soft solid" (an)
block = ygyky = "noun simple rigid solid" (an)
blood = ojogupa = "noun mobile liquid anatomical..." (AN)
blouse = yfidyfi = "noun feminine middle garment" (an)
blow, stroke = ytony = "noun ephemeral force" (an)
to blow one's nose = igogupa == igoupa = "verb atmospheric liquid anatomical..." (AN)
blue = husy
blueberry (fruit) = yfedyby = "noun cold middle food" (AN)
blueberry (plant) = yfedybe = "noun cold middle plant" (an)
blunt (not sharp) = alaseli = "adjective opposite sharp" (an)
blunt (bluff, curt, unceremonious) = azace = "adjective strong communication" (an)
blurred = akedo = "adjective dirty picture" (an)
board (flat slab) = okywe = "noun rigid solid sheet" (an)
board (group of supervisors) = otuso = "noun manager group" (an)
boarding-house = yby u olypyzo = "food hotel" (an)
boat or ship (of any kind and size) = ygujo = "noun wet vehicle" (an)
military ship, aircraft carrier = ogutajo = "noun wet war vehicle" (AN)
small boat (shorter than 20m) = ylogujo = "noun small wet vehicle" (an)
body bag = ybufaza = "noun dead elastic container" (AN)
to boil = ujygu = "verb sonic liquid" (an)
boiling = ajygu = "adjective sonic liquid" (an)
Bolivia = mywaty = "longitude=296 latitude=73 country" (an)
bolometer = ofegyma = "noun cold photon detector" (AN)
bolt = owiki = "noun helix rod" (AN)
bomb = otonyza = "noun ephemeral force container" (AN)
nuclear bomb = otoloza = "noun ephemeral atom container" (AN)
(financial) bond = ycyga = "noun safe money" (AN)
bone = okypa = "noun rigid solid anatomical..." (AN)
book = ykidi = "noun massive publication" (an)
bookstore = okidito = "noun massive publication business" (an)
boor, rude person = ynypy = "noun repulsive person" (AN)
winter boot = yzygifi = "noun warm geological garment" (AN)
work boot = oginofi = "noun geological work garment" (AN)
military boot = ogitafi = "noun geological war garment" (AN)
border, edge, rim, boundary, limit = yzumyni = "noun inner outer path" (AN)
to be bored = uzege = "verb idle environment" (an)
boring = azege = "adjective idle environment" (AN)
to be born = ipomy = "verb parent separation" (an)
boron = ybumalo = "noun 5 good atom" (an)
to borrow = udugali = "verb gained lost" (AN)
Bosnia and Herzegovina = ube bicaty = "west longitude=20 latitude=133 country" (an)
to bother, to irritate, to disturb, to harass, to persecute, to pester = usyge = "verb bad environment" (an)
Botswana = pakoty = "longitude=24 latitude=67 country" (an)
bottle = ozoguza = "noun tall liquid container" (AN)
(adjective) bottom = hasa
(noun) bottom = ysali = "noun bottom" (AN)
boulder = ysogifa = "noun big geological ball" (AN)
to bounce (of a ball) = ufamy = "verb elastic separation" (an)
bow (weapon) = ofamyla = "noun elastic separation angle" (AN)
to bow (to bend) = imadala = "verb good name angle" (an)
Bouvet Island (country) = bedity = "longitude=4 latitude=35 country" (an)
bowl = ogubyza = "noun wet food container" (AN)
box = okyza = "noun rigid solid container" (AN)
boy = ycujepy = "noun new masculine person" (AN)
boyfriend = ojepepy == ojepey = "noun masculine relationship person" (an)
bracelet = ydydowu == ydyowu = "noun middle pretty torus" (AN)
bangle bracelet, bangle anklet = yjywu = "noun sonic torus" (an)
cuff bracelet = ydydoku = "noun middle pretty tube" (AN)
to brag, to boast = ucatuce = "verb false rich communication" (an)
braggart, blow-hard = ycatuco = "noun false rich expert" (an)
brain = ymipa = "noun mental anatomical..." (AN)
brake = ylajosi = "noun opposite mobile tool" (AN)
brake light = ylajogy = "noun opposite mobile photon" (AN)
branch = ybabi = "noun top anatomical..." (AN)
brass = ocumoky = "noun new fusion rigid solid" (AN)
brassiere, bra = yfifi = "noun feminine garment" (an)
brave, courageous = azetali = "adjective idle dangerous" (an)
bravery, courage = yzetali = "noun idle dangerous" (an)
Brazil = muwoty = "longitude=304 latitude=79 country" (an)
Brazil nut (edible seed) = obepuby = "noun wild child food" (an)
leavened bread = ofyby = "noun foam food" (AN)
unleavened bread, tortilla = ykyby = "noun brittle food" (an)
bread roll = okafyby = "noun weak foam food" (AN)
to break = ukymy = "verb brittle separation" (AN)
breakdown = ylymy = "noun random separation" (an)
breakfast = eza u yby = "morning food" (an)
to breathe = ufypa = "verb lightweight anatomical..." (an)
bribe = yniga = "noun secret money" (AN)
to bribe = uniga = "verb secret money" (AN)
bribery = onigage = "noun secret money environment" (an)
brick = okyzosy = "noun brittle building part" (AN)
bridge = ybaju = "noun top road" (AN)
bright (radiating light) = egyli = "adjective photon" (an)
brine, salt water = ytybegu = "noun old wild liquid" (an)
to bring, to fetch, to get = ujomo = "verb mobile fusion" (an)
British = a bacity = genitive "longitude=0 latitude=143 country" (an)
British Indian Ocean Territory = tawity = "longitude=72 latitude=83 country" (an)
British Virgin Islands = uby myzity = "east longitude=296 latitude=107 country" (an)
brittle = haky
broccoli = yfyjaby = "noun lightweight sexual food" (AN)
bromine = hykubylo = "noun 35 smelly atom" (an)
bronze = otymoky = "noun old fusion rigid solid" (AN)
broom = ysobosi = "noun big hairy tool" (an)
broth = ogupaby = "noun wet anatomical... food" (an)
brothel = ojajazo = "noun sexual craftsman building" (an)
brother = yjepi = "noun masculine sibling" (AN)
half brother = ojesypi = "noun masculine part sibling" (an)
brown color = ula umu, ulo uca
Brunei Darussalam = gifuty = "longitude=116 latitude=93 country" (an)
brush = ybosi = "noun hairy tool" (AN)
bubble = ygufyfa == ygufya = "noun wet lightweight ball" (AN)
bucket = ysoza = "noun big container" (an)
buckle (clasp) = owasu = "noun tape fastener" (an)
bud = ycubi = "noun new anatomical..." (an)
bug (surveillance device) = ynijyme = "noun secret sonic recorder" (an)
Buddhism = ycelite = "noun religious philosophical organization" (an)
Buddhist = acelite = "adjective religious philosophical organization" (an)
Buddhist (person) = ycelipy = "noun religious philosophical person" (an)
to build, to construct = unamo = "verb complex fusion" (an,ei)
building, house = yzo
Bulgaria = pajity = "longitude=24 latitude=131 country" (an)
bulldozer = yzajo = "noun strong vehicle" (AN)
bullet, round = otakufa = "noun dangerous tube ball" (AN)
bumper = ycyke = "noun safe soft solid" (AN)
bundle = omoso = "noun fusion group" (an)
buoyancy = yfyzany = "noun lightweight container force" (an)
buoyant = afyzany = "adjective lightweight container force" (an)
bureau, department = otesy = "noun organization part" (an)
Burkina Faso = bazyty = "longitude=0 latitude=101 country" (an)
(fortification) bunker = yzasazo = "noun strong bottom building" (AN)
buoyancy = obaguny = "noun top liquid force" (AN)
bur = ywabi = "noun sticky anatomical..." (an)
bureaucracy, red tape = ytete = "noun slow organization" (an)
burial = ybugimy = "noun dead geological separation" (an)
to burn = ukuli = "verb burning" (an)
burned food = okuciby = "noun burning manipulation food" (AN)
burning = haku
to burst = umymy = "verb outer separation" (an)
Burundi = pyfaty = "longitude=32 latitude=85 country" (an)
bus = opyjo = "noun person vehicle" (AN)
bush = odybeso = "noun middle plant group" (an)
bushing = ynuku = "noun short tube" (an)
business, firm, company = hyto
busy = hano
but = idi
butane = okijygo = "noun massive engine gas" (AN)
butter = owykeby = "noun slippery soft solid food" (an)
butterfly = ydolobo = "noun pretty small animal" (an)
buttocks = ysajupa = "noun bottom rear anatomical..." (AN)
button (fastener) = ofisu = "noun garment fastener" (AN)
button (push-button switch) = ygysika = "noun simple electric valve" (an)
to buy = uduti = "verb gained trade" (AN)
by = hiko
byte (eight bits) = olodule = "noun small knowledge unit" (an)
cabal = ynite = "noun secret organization" (AN)
cabbage = ofeweby = "noun cold sheet food" (AN)
steel cable = yzasifo = "noun strong electric fiber" (an)
electric cable = osifoso = "noun electric fiber group" (an)
fiberoptic cable = obifoso = "noun optical fiber group" (AN)
CAD (computer aided design) = oludomi = "noun mathematical picture software" (AN)
cadmium = hyfitalo = "noun 48 dangerous atom" (an)
cactus = yfube = "noun dry plant" (AN)
caesium = hysakulo = "noun 55 burning atom" (an)
cafeteria = ogybyzy = "noun simple food room" (an)
to cajole = ucamici = "verb false mental manipulation" (AN)
cake = opefyby = "noun happy foam food" (AN)
calcium = hytewalo = "noun 20 sticky atom" (an)
calculation = yna
calculator = olymu = "noun number chip" (AN)
calculus = yluna = "noun mathematical calculation" (AN)
calf = yfosapa = "noun long bottom anatomical..." (AN)
callow = aculaco = "adjective new opposite expert" (an)
Cambodia = gyzyty = "longitude=104 latitude=101 country" (an)
camel = yfubobo = "noun dry hairy animal" (an)
camera = odome = "noun picture recorder" (AN)
single-lens reflex (SLR) camera = omedome = "noun true picture recorder" (an)
film camera = owudome = "noun chemical picture recorder" (an)
motion picture camera = ocidome = "noun changing picture recorder" (AN)
still camera = ogedome = "noun stationary picture recorder" (an)
Cameroon = bofity = "longitude=12 latitude=95 country" (an)
camouflage = ynitido = "noun secret repeating picture" (an)
camp = ojozoji = "noun mobile building place" (an)
camper (person) = ojozopy = "noun mobile building person" (an)
can = ozabyza = "noun strong food container" (an)
can, to know how to do = upydu = "verb owned knowledge" (PHZ)
can, to have the means to do = upyni = "verb owned path" (PHZ)
Canada = camyty = "longitude=264 latitude=149 country" (an)
canal = ygugini == yguini = "noun wet geological path" (an)
to cancel, to revoke = ubucoci == ubucoi = "verb dead legal manipulation" (an)
cancer = ylywebu = "noun random cellular sickness" (AN)
candela = ogyle = "noun photon unit" (AN)
candidate = ycudipy = "noun new political person" (an)
candy = ylopeby = "noun small happy food" (AN)
cannibal = owibypy = "noun genetic food person" (AN)
cannon = ysotaku = "noun big dangerous tube" (AN)
canoe = ygubejo = "noun wet wild vehicle" (AN)
canopy = obazowe = "noun top building sheet" (AN)
capacitor = ysiwe = "noun electric sheet" (an)
Cape Verde = lazuty = "longitude=336 latitude=105 country" (an)
capillary = aziguku = "adjective narrow wet tube" (AN)
Capoid, Khoisan, Bushman, San, Hottentot, Khoekhoen, Khoikhoi = ygypy = "noun simple person" (an)
Capoid race = agy u owipyso = "simple race" (an)
captain (military) = otaco = "noun war expert" (AN)
captain (of a ship) = ogujotu = "noun wet vehicle manager" (an)
capital (city) = ydizu = "noun political city" (AN)
capital (money) = otoga = "noun business money" (an)
capitalism = oditoge = "noun political business environment" (an)
capitalist = otutopy == otuopy = "noun rich business person" (an)
to capture = imucymo = "verb fast net fusion" (an)
car, automobile = ytujo = "noun rich vehicle" (AN)
car repairman = otujoja = "noun rich vehicle craftsman" (an)
carbon = ybibelo == ybielo = "noun 6 wild atom" (an)
carburator = ogugoje = "noun wet gas machine" (an)
card = ylowe = "noun small sheet" (AN)
cardboard = ofabewe = "noun elastic plant sheet" (an)
cardinal = ytycetu = "noun old religious manager" (an)
cardiologist = onegico = "noun medical pump expert" (an)
care (attention, protection, caution) = ypoci = "noun caring manipulation" (an)
to take care of, to look after = upoci = "verb caring manipulation" (an)
careful, cautious = apoci = "adjective caring manipulation" (an)
careless = alapoci = "adjective opposite caring manipulation" (an)
carpenter = osesuja = "noun sharp fastener craftsman" (an)
carpet = ysafu = "noun bottom textile" (an)
carriage, animal-drawn cart or wagon = obojo = "noun animal vehicle" (AN)
caribou = ybofebo = "noun hairy cold animal" (AN)
caring = hapo
carrot = ysafoby = "noun bottom long food" (an)
to carry = ujoci = "verb mobile manipulation" (an)
shopping cart = olotijo = "noun small trade vehicle" (an)
cartilage = okepa = "noun soft solid anatomical..." (AN)
cartoon (drawing) = ypedo = "noun happy picture" (an)
cartoon (film) = ocipudo = "noun changing child picture" (an)
cartridge = olojeza = "noun small machine container" (an)
to carve = ikomy = "verb shape separation" (an)
case (container) = ygyza = "noun simple container" (an)
case (instance) = ypilu = "noun sibling abstraction" (an)
cash = ylega = "noun physical money" (AN)
cashier = ogapy = "noun money person" (AN)
cassette = olowaza = "noun small tape container" (an)
castle = yzatuzo = "noun strong rich building" (an)
to cast with a mold = ikoza = "verb shape container" (AN)
castration = ysyjaci = "noun bad sexual manipulation" (AN)
cat (member of the Felidae family) = yfubo = "noun dry animal" (AN)
domestic cat = ypyfubo = "noun owned dry animal" (AN)
catalog = ofosodi = "noun long group publication" (an)
to catch, to capture = umumo = "verb fast fusion" (an)
caterpillar = ylofobo = "noun small long animal" (an)
caterpillar track, continuous track = okijowa = "noun massive vehicle tape" (an)
cattle = ypyzybo = "noun owned warm animal" (an)
Caucasoid, white person = ynapy = "noun complex person" (an)
Caucasoid race = ana u owipyso = "complex race" (an)
cauliflower = ojafaby = "noun sexual ball food" (AN)
cause, reason, due to = opope = "noun parent relationship" (an)
cavalry = omutate == omutae = fast war organization (an)
cavalry soldier = omutapy = fast war person (an)
cave = ysogisa = "noun big geological concavity" (an)
caveman, cavewoman = ogisapy = "noun geological concavity person" (AN)
Cayman Islands = cusaty = "longitude=280 latitude=109 country" (an)
ceiling = ybawy = "noun top surface" (AN)
to celebrate = upetono = "verb happy ephemeral work" (an)
celebration = ypetono = "noun happy ephemeral work" (AN)
celebrity = ylanipy = "noun opposite secret person" (AN)
celibacy = ylajamo = "noun opposite sexual fusion" (an)
celibate = alajamo = "adjective opposite sexual fusion" (an)
(living) cell = yweli = "noun cellular" (AN)
cell wall = ywewe = "noun cellular sheet" (an)
cellular (living cell) = awe
cemetery, graveyard = ybuzu = "noun dead city" (an)
censor = opydetu = "noun owned language manager" (an)
censorship (a.k.a. "fact checking") = ypyde = "noun owned language" (an)
centennial = a eso = "adjective century"
center = ydysy = "noun middle part" (an)
centimeter = ozu onule = "1/100 meter" (AN)
centipede = ytazibo = "noun dangerous narrow animal" (an)
Central African Republic = bifity = "longitude=20 latitude=95 country" (an)
centrifugal = awomyny = "adjective rotating outer force" (an)
centrifugal force = ywomyny = "noun rotating outer force" (an)
centripetal = awozuny = "adjective rotating inner force" (an)
centripetal force = ywozuny = "noun rotating inner force" (an)
century = heso
ceramic = ykyky = "noun brittle rigid solid" (AN)
cereal, grain = ygyby = "noun simple food" (AN)
certificate = ocodywe = "noun legal text sheet" (an)
cerium = hysojilo = "noun 58 clean atom" (an)
certain, of course = ime
Chad = bizoty = "longitude=20 latitude=103 country" (an)
chain = ofowuso = "noun long torus group" (an)
chair, seat = yloze = "noun small furniture" (AN)
chalk = okydyky = "noun brittle text rigid solid" (an)
chandelier = odogyze = "noun pretty photon furniture" (AN)
change = ycili = "noun changing" (an)
to change, to modify = ucili = "verb changing" (an)
changing = haci
channel (frequency band) = otilysy = "noun repeating number part" (an)
chapter (of book) = odisy = "noun publication part" (an)
chaotic = alytali = "adjective random dangerous" (AN)
to charge (battery) = uzusiza = "verb inner electric container" (an)
charge (price) = itiga = "verb trade money" (an)
charity = ypote = "noun caring organization" (an)
chart, graph of a function = yludo = "noun mathematical picture" (an)
chase = ymujupy = "noun fast rear person" (an)
to chase = umujupy = "verb fast rear person" (an)
cheater = ocacepy = "noun false communication person" (an)
check (bank's) = odyga = "noun text money" (AN)
to check, to inspect, to verify = usymano = "verb bad good work" (an)
checkers = ypegyno = "noun happy simple work" (AN)
cheek = ybadypa = "noun top middle anatomical..." (AN)
cheese = yfaby = "noun elastic food" (AN)
hard cured cheese = ytyfaby = "noun old elastic food" (AN)
soft uncured cheese = yfacuby = "noun elastic new food" (AN)
cheetah = ymufubo = "noun fast dry animal" (AN)
chemical = awu
chemical compound = owuloso = "noun chemical atom group" (an)
chemical element = ywulo = "noun chemical atom" (an)
chemical formula = ywuda = "noun chemical name" (an,ei)
chemistry = ywune = "noun chemical science" (an)
cherry = ybaloby = "noun top small food" (AN)
cesarean section = onepumy = "noun medical child separation" (AN)
chess = ynapeno = "noun complex happy work" (AN)
chest = ydypa = "noun middle anatomical..." (AN)
chick, baby bird = obabopu == obaopu = "noun top animal child" (PHZ)
chief = osotu = "noun big manager" (an)
chief executive officer = osototu == osotou = "noun big business manager" (an)
child (son or daughter) = hypu
child (boy or girl), offspring, kid, younger than adult = ycupy = "noun new person" (an)
childhood = ewe
infant (age = 0-1 years) = ycupu = "noun new child" (an)
toddler (age = 2-4 years) = ygupu = "noun wet child" (an)
baby (age = 0-4 years) = ylopu = "noun small child" (an)
youngster (age = 5-10 years) = yfupu = "noun dry child" (an)
adolescent, teenager (age = 11-19 years) = ytypu = "noun old child" (an)
stripling (age = 5-19 years) = ysopu = "noun big child" (an)
Chile = magity = "longitude=288 latitude=59 country" (an)
chilly = akafeli = "adjective weak cold" (an)
chimney, exhaust pipe = ykuku = "noun burning tube" (an)
chimpanzee = ynamibo = "noun complex mental animal" (AN)
chin = ybasapa = "noun top bottom anatomical..." (AN)
China = gyjety = "longitude=104 latitude=123 country" (an)
Mandarin (Chinese language) = gijede = "longitude=116 latitude=123 language" (an)
chip, electronic circuit = ymu
chlorine = ydujilo = "noun 17 clean atom" (an)
chlorophyll = ybibi = "noun optical anatomical..." (an)
chocolate = opekeby = "noun happy soft solid food" (AN)
choice = ymina = "noun mental calculation" (AN)
to choose = umina = "verb mental calculation" (an)
chopsticks = o obyki = plural "noun food rod" (ei)
Christian = afacete = "adjective elastic religious organization" (an)
Christian (person) = yfacepy = "noun elastic religious person" (an)
Christianity = yfacete = "noun elastic religious organization" (an)
Christmas = uzo klysmys = foreign religious name Christmas (an)
Christmas Island (country) = gywoty = "longitude=104 latitude=79 country" (an)
chromium = hytimylo = "noun 24 outer atom" (an)
chromosome = ywiweza == ywieza = "noun genetic cellular container" (AN)
chronological = a elu = "adjective Holocene time"
church, synagogue, temple, mandir, etc. = ycezo = "noun religious building" (AN)
cigar, cigarette = ykumiki = "noun burning mental rod" (AN)
circle (closed plane curve) = yziwu = "noun narrow torus" (an)
circle (portion of a plane) = owowy = "noun disk surface" (an)
circle of latitude (geography) = ogebani = "noun stationary astronomical object path" (an)
circular = ewowy = "adjective disk surface" (an)
electric circuit = omusy = "noun chip part" (an)
circulating = anawoli = "adjective complex rotating" (AN)
circumcision = ycejaci = "noun religious sexual manipulation" (AN)
circumlocution, rambling, meandering, verbosity, prolixity = ytice = "noun repeating communication" (an)
circumstance = onagesy = "noun complex environment part" (an)
circus = ytapeto = "noun dangerous happy business" (an)
citizen = otypy = "noun country person" (AN)
city = yzu
civil (not military) = elatate == elatae = "adjective opposite war organization" (an)
civil war = ozutyta == ozutya = "noun inner country war" (an)
civilization = ynate = "noun complex organization" (an)
civilized = anate = "adjective complex organization" (an)
Western Civilization = napote = "proper noun complex caring organization" (an)
defender of Western Civilization = ynapopy == ynapoy = "noun complex caring person" (an)
enemy of Western Civilization = ylanapy = "noun opposite complex person" (an)
clash = ytota = "noun ephemeral war" (an)
(demographic) class = ydiso = "noun political group" (AN)
(biological) class = ysawiso = "noun bottom genetic group" (AN)
claw = ygisepa = "noun geological sharp anatomical..." (AN)
clay = ywagife = "noun sticky geological powder" (AN)
clean = aji
to clean = ujili = "verb clean" (AN)
clear (comprehensible, without ambiguity) = amido = "adjective mental picture" (an)
clerk = ocodypy = "noun legal text person" (AN)
click = ylojyny = "noun small sonic force" (an)
to click = ulojyny = "verb small sonic force" (an)
clickbait = ycamoni = "noun false attractive path" (an)
cliff = ybagini = "noun top geological path" (an)
climate = ysugoge == ysugoe = "noun prolonged atmospheric environment" (AN)
clock = otusi = "noun manager tool" (AN)
clockwise = ewiwila = "adjective genetic helix angle" (an)
to clog = ukezi = "verb dirty hole" (an)
to close = ilakazi = "verb opposite valve hole" (AN)
closed, shut = elakazi = "adjective opposite valve hole" (an)
closet = ylozy = "noun small room" (an)
cloud = ygoko = "noun atmospheric shape" (AN)
clown = ypeja = "noun happy craftsman" (AN)
club (organization) = ypete = "noun happy organization" (AN)
club (weapon) = otytasi == otyasi = "noun old war tool" (AN)
clumsy = atajoli = "adjective dangerous mobile" (an)
cobweb, spider web = obocy = "noun animal net" (AN)
coach = opetaja = "noun happy war craftsman" (an)
coal = otybeky = "noun old plant rigid solid" (AN)
coast, shore = yfuguni = "noun dry wet path" (an)
coat = ymyfi = "noun outer garment" (an)
cobalt = ygydulo = "noun 27 gained atom" (an)
cockroach = ykelobo = "noun dirty small animal" (an)
Cocos (Keeling) Islands = gawyty = "longitude=96 latitude=77 country" (an)
code (cryptographic) = ynidy = "noun secret text" (an)
code (genetic) = ywidy = "noun genetic text" (an)
code (symbolic or computer) = omudy = "noun chip text" (an)
code (all laws in one field) = ynacodi = "noun complex legal publication" (an)
code (all laws in one country) = ocotydi = "noun legal country publication" (an)
codification = ygycoge = "noun simple legal environment" (an)
coercion = otatuci = "noun dangerous manager manipulation" (AN)
coffee = onobygu = "noun busy food liquid" (an)
coffin = ybuze = "noun dead furniture" (AN)
cohesive = amoso = "adjective attractive group" (an)
copulation, coitus, sexual intercourse, unprotected sex (for reproduction, conception) = yjawimo = "noun sexual genetic fusion" (ei)
to copulate, engage in coitus, sexual intercourse, unprotected sex (for reproduction, conception) = ujawimo = "verb sexual genetic fusion" (ei)
coin = owoga = "noun disk money" (AN)
gold coin or silver coin = otuwoga = "noun rich disk money" (AN)
coke = okubefy = "noun burning plant foam" (AN)
cold = hafe
to collapse, to crumple, to buckle, to fall, to be overthrown = ilykoci = "verb random shape manipulation" (an)
collar = ozifisy = "noun narrow garment part" (an)
collection = ypiso = "noun similar group" (an)
to collide, to bump = utomo = "verb ephemeral fusion" (an)
Colombia = mafuty = "longitude=288 latitude=93 country" (an)
colonel = odytatu == odytau = "noun middle war manager" (an)
to colonize = ipytyno = "verb owned country work" (an)
colonist = opytypy = "noun owned country person" (an)
colonization = opytyno = "noun owned country work" (an)
colony = ypyty = "noun owned country" (an)
color = hufi
colorful = udo
column (vertical group) = ybasaso == ybasao = "noun top bottom group" (an)
column, post, pole = yzoki = "noun tall rod" (an)
coma = ysuzebu = "noun prolonged idle sickness" (an)
comb = ofosesi == ofosei = "noun long protrusion tool" (AN)
to come = uzujoli = "verb inner mobile" (an)
comedy = ypekono = "noun happy artistic work" (AN)
comet = ygutoba = "noun wet ephemeral astronomical object" (an)
comfort (coziness) = ymage = "noun good environment" (an)
comfort (consolation, solace) = ypoce = "noun caring communication" (PHZ,AN)
to comfort someone = upoce = "verb caring communication" (PHZ)
comfortable = amage = "adjective good environment" (-an)
comfortable = azyfulu = "adjective warm dry abstraction" (PHZ)
comma = oli
commando = omutaja = "noun fast war craftsman" (an)
comment = ydydy = "noun middle text" (an)
committee = ytote = "noun ephemeral organization" (an)
commerce = ytiti = "noun repeating trade" (an)
common, widespread, typical, ordinary, general, representative, prevailing, prevalent, predominant, general = apilu = "adjective similar abstraction" (AN)
common sense = ymemina == ymeina = "noun true mental calculation" (AN)
communication = hyce
to communicate = iceli = "verb communication" (an)
communion = ycezuby = "noun religious inner food" (an)
communism = ypudige = "noun hungry political environment" (an)
communist, Marxist, Bolshevik = ypudipy = "noun hungry political person" (an)
neo-Marxist (hates Caucasoids and their civilization) = ywidipy = "noun genetic political person" (an)
Comoros = piwyty = "longitude=44 latitude=77 country" (an)
companion = ypipy = "noun similar person" (an)
(military) company = osotaso = "noun big war group" (AN)
to compare = upidema = "verb similar different detector" (PHZ)
in comparison to, compared with = hine
(magnetic) compass = opanima = "noun magnetic path detector" (phz,an)
compassion, pity = ypope = "noun caring relationship" (AN)
compatible, congruent, normal = amapili = "adjective good similar" (an)
competent, proficient, skillful, skilled, apt, adroit = amaja = "adjective good craftsman" (an)
to compete = upuno = "verb hungry work" (an)
competition = ypuno = "noun hungry work" (AN)
competitive = apuno = "adjective hungry work" (an)
competitor, rival = opunopy = "noun hungry work person" (an)
to complain = ibuce = "verb sickness communication" (an)
complaint = obuce = "noun sickness communication" (an)
complementary = amadepi = "adjective good different sibling" (an)
complete, completely, entire, whole, total, thorough, quite = alasy = "adjective opposite part" (AN)
to complete = ulasy = "verb opposite part" (an)
complex = hana
comprehensive, extensive = amanali = "adjective good complex" (an)
to compress, to squeeze = imony = "verb fusion force" (an)
compression = omony = "noun fusion force" (an)
compressive = emony = "adjective fusion force" (an)
compressive stress = ozumony = "noun inner fusion force" (an)
compressor = ogogi = "noun gas pump" (an)
compromise = ymeti = "noun true trade" (AN)
compunction, contrition, penitence, remorse, repentance = osynobu = "noun bad work sickness" (an)
to compute = imuso = "verb chip group" (an)
computer = omuso = "noun chip group" (AN)
desktop computer = ogemuso = "noun stationary chip group" (an)
laptop computer = ojomuso = "noun mobile chip group" (an)
mainframe computer = osomuso = "noun big chip group" (an)
computer digitizer = ojiwe = "noun place sheet" (AN)
computer display = ocidowe = "noun changing picture sheet" (AN)
computer file = omudu = "noun chip knowledge" (AN)
computer mouse = ojisi = "noun place tool" (AN)
computer touchpad = olojiwe = "noun small place sheet" (AN)
computer trackball = ojifa = "noun place ball" (AN)
concave = esali = "adjective concavity" (an)
concavity = hysa
concluding = atyno = "adjective old work" (an)
conclusion = ytyno = "noun old work" (an)
concrete = okymoky = "noun brittle fusion rigid solid" (an)
to concentrate = umyzuci = "verb outer inner manipulation" (an)
conception of offspring, microbiological joining of reproductive cells = ywewimo = "noun cellular genetic fusion" (ei)
to condense, to liquefy = igogu = "verb gas liquid" (AN)
condescending = acapoce = "adjective false caring communication" (an)
condiment = ywuby = "noun chemical food" (an)
condition (stipulation) = opope = "noun parent relationship" (an)
conditional, dependent, contingent = epope = "adjective parent relationship" (an)
condom = ycyjaza = "noun safe sexual container" (ei)
electrical conductivity = yjosige = "noun mobile electric environment" (an)
electrical conductance = yjosino = "noun mobile electric work" (an)
thermal conductivity = yjozyge = "noun mobile warm environment" (an)
thermal conductance = yjozyno = "noun mobile warm work" (an)
cone = osekyko == osekyo = "noun sharp rigid solid shape" (AN)
to confess = umecece = "verb true religious communication" (an)
confession = ymecece = "noun true religious communication" (an)
to confiscate, to expropriate, to impound = ucodumy = "verb legal gained separation" (ei)
confidence = ymemili == ymeili = "noun true mental" (AN)
conflict = ylita = "noun philosophical war" (an)
to confuse = ulydu = "verb random knowledge" (an)
confused, uncertain = elydupy = "adjective random knowledge person" (an)
confusing = alydu = "adjective random knowledge" (an)
confusion = ylydu = "noun random knowledge" (an)
Congo = bufyty = "longitude=16 latitude=89 country" (an)
to conjugate = icidemo = "verb changing language fusion" (an)
conjugation = ocidemo = "noun changing language fusion" (an)
conjunction = owadysy = "noun sticky text part" (ei)
to connect (with fasteners) = isumo = "verb fastener fusion" (an)
mechanical connection = osumo = "noun fastener fusion" (an)
to connect (electric circuits or cables) = usimo = "verb electric fusion" (an)
electric connection = ysimo = "noun electric fusion" (an)
to connect (optical fibers) = ubimo = "verb optical fusion" (an)
optical connection = ybimo = "noun optical fusion" (an)
to conquer = idutyta == idutya = "verb gained country war" (an)
conquest = odutyta == odutya = "noun gained country war" (an)
consanguinity = ywipe = "noun genetic relationship" (AN)
consciousness = ynomili = "noun busy mental" (ei)
conservative, right-wing = agedili = "adjective stationary political" (an)
conservative, right-wing person = ygedipy = "noun stationary political person" (an)
to conserve = ulagali = "verb opposite lost" (an)
to consist of = ilolu = "verb atom abstraction" (an)
consonant = onydesy = "noun repulsive language part" (AN)
conspicuous = alanili = "adjective opposite secret" (an)
conspiracy, plot = ylacope = "noun opposite legal relationship" (an)
constant = yzely = "noun idle number" (AN)
constipation = ogebybu == ogebyu = "noun stationary food sickness" (AN)
constitution = ocotydy = "noun legal country text" (an)
construction = ynamo = "noun complex fusion" (an)
to consult = ipuduce = "verb hungry knowledge communication" (an)
to consume = izubylu = "verb inner food abstraction" (an)
consumer = izubypy = "verb inner food person" (an)
contact = onunuge = "noun short distance environment" (an)
contagious, infectious = ajobu = "adjective mobile sickness" (an)
to contain = izali = "verb container" (an)
container = yza
to contaminate = ukeci = "verb dirty manipulation" (an)
contempt, scorn, disdain = ysylice = "noun bad philosophical communication" (an)
content (satisfied) = amope = "adjective attractive relationship" (an)
content, contents = yzuli = "noun inner" (an)
continent = ysogiwe = "noun big geological sheet" (an)
continual = asuci = "adjective prolonged manipulation" (an)
continuation = ysuci = "noun prolonged manipulation" (an)
to continue = usuci = "verb prolonged manipulation" (an)
contraband = ylacoti = "noun opposite legal trade" (an)
contraception = ylapu = "noun opposite child" (an)
contraceptive = alapu = "adjective opposite child" (an)
contract, agreement = ycosu = "noun legal fastener" (AN)
contrary to, against, anti, versus = hiny
contrast = ypidelu = "noun similar different abstraction" (an)
to control, to direct, to order, to command = ikalu = "verb valve abstraction" (an)
remote control = onumu = "noun distance chip" (an)
controversial = adece = "adjective different communication" (an)
controversy = ydece = "noun different communication" (an)
to converge = upini = "verb similar path" (an)
conversation, dialog (between two persons) = opice = "noun sibling communication" (AN)
face-to-face conversation = ydyce = "noun middle communication" (AN)
private conversation = yzuce = "noun inner communication" (AN)
convex = eseli = "adjective protrusion" (an)
to convince = iciduce = "verb changing knowledge communication" (an)
cook (person) = ozybyja = "noun warm food craftsman" (an)
to cook = uzyci = "verb warm manipulation" (AN)
cooked = azyci = "adjective warm manipulation" (an)
uncooked, raw = alazyci = "adjective opposite warm manipulation" (an)
Cook Islands = zykuty = "longitude=200 latitude=69 country" (an)
Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) = eme
cool = amafeli = "adjective good cold" (an)
copier = opiweje = "noun similar sheet machine" (an)
coplanar = awela = "adjective sheet angle" (an)
skew (not coplanar) = acala = "adjective false angle" (an)
copper = ygusilo = "noun 29 electric atom" (an)
coprolite = ykeky = "noun dirty rigid solid" (AN)
coprolith = okekypa == okeypa = "noun dirty rigid solid anatomical..." (AN)
coprology = okekyne == okeyne = "noun dirty rigid solid science" (AN)
coprophagan = okekebo = "noun dirty soft solid animal" (AN)
to copulate = ujamo = "verb sexual fusion" (AN)
copy = ypido = "noun similar picture" (an)
to copy = upido = "verb similar picture" (an)
copyright = ocodige = "noun legal publication environment" (an)
coral = obobe = "noun animal plant" (an)
cork = obefy = "noun plant foam" (AN)
cork stopper = ozubefy = "noun inner plant foam" (AN)
corn = ofopuby = "noun long child food" (AN)
corner = olali = "noun angle" (an)
kitty corner = ofonula = "noun long distance angle" (an)
corporation = ynate = "noun complex organization" (an)
(military) corps = osotate == osotae = "noun big war organization" (AN)
corpse, carcass, cadaver = ybubo = "noun dead animal" (-an)
corpse, carcass, cadaver = ybuleko = "noun dead physical shape" (-ei)
correct, right = amameli = "adjective good true" (an)
corrupt = aniga = "adjective secret money" (AN)
to correspond, to match, to harmonize = upili = "verb similar" (an)
to correspond (to communicate) = iwece = "verb sheet communication" (an)
correspondence (communication) = owece = "noun sheet communication" (an)
Costa Rica = cozety = "longitude=276 latitude=99 country" (an)
cotton = ofabefo = "noun elastic plant fiber" (an)
cougar, puma = yfuzobo = "noun dry tall animal" (AN)
to cough = ujybu = "verb sonic sickness" (AN)
to count = ilyme = "verb number recorder" (AN)
count, countess = ydywitu = "noun middle genetic manager" (an)
counter, meter = ytima = "noun repeating detector" (an)
counter (table) = otiwy = "noun trade surface" (an)
counterclockwise = ala ewiwila = opposite "adjective genetic helix angle" (an)
counterfeit money = ycaga = "noun false money" (AN)
counterfeit money maker = ocagaja = "noun false money craftsman" (AN)
country = hyty
countryside = ylazu = "noun opposite city" (an)
county = olotysy = "noun small country part" (AN)
coupon = ylatudy = "noun opposite expensive text" (an)
(judicial) court = ycote = "noun legal organization" (an)
courtyard = ysamywy = "noun bottom outer surface" (an)
cousin, relative = ywipy = "noun genetic person" (AN)
cousin-german = ymypi = "noun outer sibling" (AN)
cover, lid = ybawe = "noun top sheet" (an)
to cover, to coat = ubawe = "verb top sheet" (an)
cow = ozygubo = "noun warm liquid animal" (AN)
coward = otabupy = "noun dangerous sickness person" (an)
cowardly = etagebu = "adjective dangerous environment sickness" (an)
crab = ynukybo = "noun short brittle animal" (AN)
to crack = iziziny = "verb narrow hole force" (an)
cracker = okyweby = "noun brittle sheet food" (an)
craftsman = yja
crane (bird) = yzodabo == yzodao = "noun tall front animal" (an)
crane (machine) = ysabaje = "noun bottom top machine" (an)
crash = ytozany = "noun ephemeral strong force" (an)
crayfish = yfekybo = "noun cold brittle animal" (AN)
to crawl = utesapy = "verb slow bottom person" (an)
crazy, mad, insane, demented, deranged = atamibu = "adjective dangerous mental sickness" (an)
cream = ykawake = "noun weak sticky soft solid" (an)
creationism = ycene = "noun religious science" (AN)
creativity, ingenuity, imagination = ynomino = "noun busy mental work" (an)
creative, imaginative, ingenuous = anomino = "adjective busy mental work" (an)
non-creative = azemino = "adjective idle mental work" (an)
credit (deferred payment) = ywoga = "noun rotating money" (AN)
credit (ascription) = opynoce = "noun owned work communication" (an)
credit card = omuga = "noun chip money" (AN)
crime = ylacoli = "noun opposite legal" (AN)
criminal = ylacopy = "noun opposite legal person" (an)
criminal, illegal = alacopy = "adjective opposite legal person" (an)
cripple = osubupy = "noun prolonged sickness person" (an)
crisis = ysydige = "noun bad political environment" (an)
critic = osycepy = "noun bad communication person" (an)
critical = asyce = "adjective bad communication" (an)
criticism, reproach, reprimand, blame, condemnation, objection, complaint, protest = osynoce = "noun bad work communication" (an)
to criticize, to denounce, to reproach, to chide, to reprimand, to reprehend, to condemn, to blame = isynoce = "verb bad work communication" (an)
Croatia = bucaty = "longitude=16 latitude=133 country" (an)
crocodile = ytanibo = "noun dangerous secret animal" (AN)
crop = obeby = "noun plant food" (an)
cross = yfaceko = "noun elastic religious shape" (AN)
to cross = ujoli u igu = "to move across" (an)
crossbreeding, cross breeding = ydewimo = "noun different genetic fusion" (an)
to crossbreed = udewimo = "verb different genetic fusion" (an)
crossbred, hybrid = adewimo = "adjective different genetic fusion" (an)
crow = ykebabo == ykebao = "noun dirty top animal" (AN)
crowd = opyso = "noun person group" (an)
crowded = epyso = "adjective person group" (an)
crown = ydobafi = "noun pretty top garment" (AN)
crucifix = ycebuko = "noun religious dead shape" (AN)
to crush = ukyny = "verb brittle force" (an)
crustacean = ykybo = "noun brittle animal" (AN)
to cry (weeping) = ulapegu = "verb opposite happy liquid" (AN)
cruel = esypyci = "adjective bad person manipulation" (an)
cruelty, atrocity, brutality = osypyci = "noun bad person manipulation" (an)
crystal = yjiky = "noun clean rigid solid" (an)
Cuba = cusety = "longitude=280 latitude=111 country" (an)
cube = ogyzako = "noun simple container shape" (an)
cubic = eguko = "adjective liquid shape" (an)
cubic meter = eguko honule = "cubic meter" (AN)
cubic meter = ogule = "liquid unit" (-an)
cuboid = opizako = "noun similar container shape" (an)
cucumber = ydyfoby = "noun middle long food" (an)
cuisine = ydeby = "noun different food" (an)
to cultivate, to till = igibeno = "verb geological plant work" (an)
cultivation = ogibeno = "noun geological plant work" (an)
culture = ylige = "noun philosophical environment" (AN)
cup (small, open container) = ologuza = "noun small liquid container" (an)
(trophy) cup = ytuza = "noun expensive container" (an)
cupboard = ozaze = "noun container furniture" (AN)
to cure = uneci = "verb medical manipulation" (ei)
to curl = iwiko = "verb helix shape" (an)
current (present) = a hepa = "adjective now" (an)
electric current = yjosili = "noun mobile electric" (an)
direct electric current (DC) = ysusili = "noun prolonged electric" (an)
alternating electric current (AC) = ytisili = "noun repeating electric" (an)
curse, swear-word, insult = ykeda = "noun dirty name" (AN)
curtain = ozyfu = "noun room textile" (an)
curvature (1/r) = olafanu = "noun opposite ball distance" (an)
curve (curved line) = ynani = "noun complex path" (AN)
curved, curvilinear = anani = "adjective complex path" (an)
Bezier curve = yluni = "noun mathematical path" (an)
polycurve (made of Bezier curves) = ynaluni = "noun complex mathematical path" (an)
to cuss = ukede = "verb dirty language" (AN)
custom = ysucoge = "noun prolonged legal environment" (an)
customary, customarily = asucoge = "adjective prolonged legal environment" (an)
customer, client, buyer = odutipy = "noun gained trade person" (AN)
custom-house, customs house = opygazo = "noun owned money building" (an)
to cut = isewasi = "verb sharp tape tool" (an)
to cut off = usemy = "verb sharp separation" (an)
cutlet = ozibypa = "noun narrow food anatomical..." (an)
cyan = hucu
cycle = ytisy = "noun repeating part" (an)
cylinder = yzowo = "noun tall disk" (an)
cymbals = ojyweso = "noun sonic sheet group" (an)
Cyprus = pyjety = "longitude=32 latitude=123 country" (an)
Czech Republic = bucoty = "longitude=16 latitude=139 country" (an)
daily = a ewo = "adjective 24 hours"
dam = ygugise = "noun wet geological protrusion" (AN)
damage = ysyci = "noun bad manipulation" (AN)
damaging, harmful, pernicious, malicious, detrimental = asyci = "adjective bad manipulation" (an)
damn (curse) = ykebu = "noun dirty sickness" (an)
religious damnation = ysyceti = "noun bad religious trade" (AN)
to damage = usyci = "verb bad manipulation" (AN)
damaged = asyci = "adjective bad manipulation" (an)
to dance = uwopy = "verb rotating person" (AN)
danger = ytali = "noun dangerous" (an)
dangerous = hata
dark = udu
darkness = olagyge = "noun opposite photon environment" (an)
database = onamudu = "noun complex chip knowledge" (AN)
date (YYYYMMDD) = hena
Holocene time = elu
datum = olodusy = "noun small knowledge part" (an)
daughter = yfipu = "noun feminine child" (AN)
day (daytime, diurnal time) = hecy
day (24 hours) = ewo
daydream = ozenodu = "noun idle work knowledge" (an)
dead = abu
deadline = heku
deaf = alajypa = "adjective opposite sonic anatomical..." (an)
to deal with = inoge = "verb work environment" (an)
death = ybuli = "noun dead" (AN)
debate, discussion (between more than two persons) = opyce = "noun person communication" (an)
debt = ypyga = "noun owned money" (AN)
debtor = opygapy = "noun owned money person" (an)
decagram = ozu ykile = "1/100 kilogram" (AN)
decade = hesi
decapitation, beheading = obapamy = "noun top anatomical... separation" (AN)
deceleration = yjotely = "noun mobile slow number" (AN)
December = ewy
deception, trick, dishonesty = ysycace == ysycae = "noun bad false communication" (an)
deceptive, misleading = ycado = "noun false picture" (an)
decibel = yjyle = "noun sonic unit" (AN)
decimal = atyly = "adjective old number" (AN)
decimal point = oli
decimeter = ozo onule = "1/10 meter" (AN)
to decide = ucamena = "verb false true calculation" (an)
decision = ycamena = "noun false true calculation" (AN)
decisive = azamini = "adjective strong mental path" (an)
declaration = ynucoce = "noun short legal communication" (an)
to decorate = udoko = "verb pretty shape" (an)
decoy = ycabo = "noun false animal" (AN)
decrease = ysololi = "noun big small" (an)
to decrease = usololi = "verb big small" (an)
decrypt = ulanidy = "verb opposite secret text" (an)
deed (document of ownership) = ypycody = "noun owned legal text" (an)
deep = azosali = "adjective deep bottom" (an)
deer = ybezybo = "noun wild warm animal" (an)
defeat = ygata = "noun lost war" (AN)
to defeat, to beat = uduta = "verb gained war" (an)
to defecate = ukeke = "verb dirty soft solid" (AN)
defect, flaw, fault = ysysy = "noun bad part" (an)
to defend = ujuta = "verb rear war" (AN)
defense = yjuta = "noun rear war" (an)
defendant = yconypy = "noun legal repulsive person" (AN)
to define = idadu = "verb name knowledge" (an)
definition = odadu = "noun name knowledge" (AN)
to deflate = umygo = "verb outer gas" (an)
(financial) deflation = yzaga = "noun strong money" (an)
degree Celsius = yzyle = "noun warm unit" (an)
degree Fahrenheit = ytyzyle = "noun old warm unit" (an)
degree Rankine = ytyfele = "noun old cold unit" (an)
new temperature scale (0=0K, 100=273.15K) = yfezyle = "noun cold warm unit" (an)
to delay, to postpone = uteci = "verb slow manipulation" (AN)
to delete, to erase = ilici = "verb no meaning manipulation" (an)
delicious = amamaby = "adjective good good food" (an)
delivery = ygamy = "noun lost separation" (an)
demand = ypuce = "noun hungry communication" (an)
democracy = ypodige = "noun caring political environment" (an)
democratic = apodige = "adjective caring political environment" (an)
Democratic Republic of the Congo = pafyty = "longitude=24 latitude=89 country" (an)
to demonstrate (politically) = udice = "verb political communication" (an)
(political) demonstration = ydice = "noun political communication" (an)
(political) demonstrator = odicepy = "noun political communication person" (an)
to demoralize = ususype = "verb prolonged bad relationship" (an)
Denmark = bomaty = "longitude=12 latitude=145 country" (an)
dense = akily = "adjective massive number" (an)
having low density = afyly = "adjective lightweight number" (an)
density = yfykily = "noun lightweight massive number" (AN)
dentist = yseneco = "noun sharp medical expert" (AN)
dent = ylosa = "noun small concavity" (an)
to deny = ulamece = "verb opposite true communication" (an)
departure = ymyni = "noun outer path" (AN)
to depend = imipupe == imipue = "verb mental child relationship" (an)
to deposit (for safekeeping) = icygaji = "verb safe money place" (an)
deposit (safekeeping) = ocygaji = "noun safe money place" (an)
to deposit (phase transition), to desublime, to resublime = igoky = "verb gas rigid solid" (an)
depravity = ysylidu = "noun bad philosophical knowledge" (an)
mental depression = ylapebu = "noun opposite happy sickness" (AN)
economic depression = obutoge = "noun dead business environment" (an)
geological depression = ysogisa = "noun big geological concavity" (an)
depth = ysanu = "noun bottom distance" (an)
(optical) depth of field = ymebinu = "noun true optical distance" (AN)
deregulation = ylocoge = "noun small legal environment" (an)
dermatologist = ymyneco = "noun outer medical expert" (an)
to descend (go down) = usani = "verb bottom path" (an)
to descend (from ancestor) = uwipu = "verb genetic child" (an)
descendant = ywipu = "noun genetic child" (an)
to describe = icedu = "verb communication knowledge" (an)
description = ocedu = "noun communication knowledge" (an)
desert (dry wilderness) = yfuge = "noun dry environment" (an)
to deserve, to warrant, to justify = umati = "verb good trade" (an)
design = ocuna = "noun technology calculation" (an)
to design, to develop, to plan = icuna = "verb technology calculation" (an)
designed = ecuna = "adjective technology calculation" (ei)
desire, wish, temptation = opupylu = "noun hungry person abstraction" (an)
desk = odyze = "noun text furniture" (AN)
desperation = ykudu = "noun burning knowledge" (AN)
despised = ysypype == ysypye = "noun bad person relationship" (an)
despite, although, notwithstanding, however = ila
dessert = yfyby = "noun lightweight food" (an)
destination = omyniji = "noun outer path place" (an)
to destroy, to demolish, to annihilate = ubulyci = "verb dead random manipulation" (an)
destruction, demolishing, annihilation = ybulyci = "noun dead random manipulation" (an)
to detect = imali = "verb detector" (an)
detector = yma
detergent = ojiloso = "noun clean atom group" (an)
to dethrone = iwitumy = "verb genetic manager separation" (an)
to develop (photography) = uwudo = "verb chemical picture" (an)
development (photography) = ywudo = "noun chemical picture" (an)
to deviate, differ = udemy = "verb different separation" (PHZ)
deviation = ydemy = "noun different separation" (PHZ)
devil = ycesyja = "noun religious bad craftsman" (an)
devil's advocate = ycuco = "noun new expert" (an)
devoted, trustworthy, faithful, constant, loyal, devout = asupe = "adjective prolonged relationship" (-an)
devoted, trustworthy, faithful, constant, loyal, devout = asutipe = "adjective prolonged repeating relationship" (-ei)
devotion, faithfulness, loyalty, trustworthiness = ysupe = "noun prolonged relationship" (an)
dexterous, deft = amumaci == amuaci == aumaci = "adjective fast good manipulation" (an)
diabetes = opugubu = "noun hungry liquid sickness" (an)
diabetic = epugubu = "adjective hungry liquid sickness" (an)
diagnose = ibuda = "verb sickness name" (an)
diagnosis = obuda = "noun sickness name" (an)
diagnostic = ebuda = "adjective sickness name" (an)
diagonal = edylani = "adjective middle angle path" (an)
dial = omawo = "noun detector disk" (AN)
to dial = iceca = "verb communication address" (AN)
diameter = omyfanu = "noun outer ball distance" (an)
diarrhea = okebybu == okebyu = "noun dirty food sickness" (AN)
dice (for games) = olylyko = "noun random number shape" (an)
dictator = ydipo = "noun political parent" (AN)
dictatorship = odipoge = "noun political parent environment" (AN)
dictionary = odededi == odedei = "noun different language publication" (an)
to die = ubuli = "verb dead" (AN)
dielectric = agesipi = "adjective stationary electric sibling" (an)
diesel engine = ykijy = "noun massive engine" (AN)
diesel fuel = ykikugu = "noun massive burning liquid" (an)
diet = ytizuby = "noun repeating inner food" (an)
to differ = udeli = "verb different" (an)
difference = ydeli = "noun different" (an)
different = ade
difficult, hard = asuno = "adjective prolonged work" (an)
diffusion = yzumo = "noun inner fusion" (an)
to dig = igisano = "verb geological concavity work" (AN)
to dilute = ukagu = "verb weak liquid" (AN)
dimension = ile
diminutive = yloda = "noun small name" (an)
dining room = ozubyzy = "noun inner food room" (an)
dinner = eka u yby = "evening food" (an)
dinosaur = ysotybo = "noun big old animal" (an)
diode = osigika = "noun electric pump valve" (an)
diploma = ycocowe = "noun legal expert sheet" (an)
diplomacy = omytyce = "noun outer country communication" (an)
diplomat = omytyco = "noun outer country expert" (an)
diplomatic = emytyco = "adjective outer country expert" (an)
direction (control) = onici = "noun path manipulation" (an)
direction (line) = onila = "noun path angle" (an)
directory = ocadi = "noun address publication" (an)
dirt = ykeli = "noun dirty" (an)
dirty = hake
to disable, to cripple, to incapacitate = ususybu = "verb prolonged bad sickness" (an)
disabled = asusybu = "adjective prolonged bad sickness" (an)
to disappoint = ugamadu = "verb lost good knowledge" (an)
disappointment = ygamadu = "noun lost good knowledge" (an)
disaster, tragedy = ylybulu = "noun random dead abstraction" (AN)
to discard, to throw away = usymy = "verb bad separation" (AN)
to discharge (battery) = umysiza = "verb outer electric container" (an)
self discipline = yzutu = "noun inner manager" (an)
discomfort, inconvenience = ysyge = "noun bad environment" (an)
to disconnect = usimy = "verb electric separation" (an)
to discourage = ukazepy = "verb weak idle person" (an)
to discover = udunili = "verb gained secret" (an)
discovery = ydunili = "noun gained secret" (an)
to discriminate = inytupe = "verb repulsive manager relationship" (an)
discrimination, prejudice = onytupe = "noun repulsive manager relationship" (an)
chronic disease = ysubu = "noun prolonged sickness" (PHZ)
to discuss, to converse = ipice = "verb sibling communication" (an)
to disdain, to despise = unype = "verb repulsive relationship" (an)
dish (container) = obyza = "noun food container" (an)
dish (food served in a dish) = obyso = "noun food group" (an)
disheveled = ysyboko = "noun bad hairy shape" (AN)
dishwasher = ojisije = "noun clean tool machine" (AN)
disk, disc = ywo
to dislike = ukanype = "verb weak repulsive relationship" (an)
disorder = ylyge = "noun random environment" (an)
disorderly, disorganized, haphazard = alyge = "adjective random environment" (an)
to disperse = ilyniso = "verb random path group" (an)
to displease = ukanyde = "verb weak repulsive language" (an)
disposable = atolu = "adjective ephemeral abstraction" (AN)
to dissolve = igumo = "verb liquid fusion" (an)
disruptive = asyzeci = "adjective bad idle manipulation" (an)
distance = hynu
distant, far (in time or space) = afonu = "adjective long distance" (an)
distinction = ydema = "noun different detector" (an)
to distinguish = udema = "verb different detector" (an)
to distort = usydo = "verb bad picture" (an)
distorted = asydo = "adjective bad picture" (an)
to distract (attention) = ulymodu = "verb random attractive knowledge" (an)
distraction (of attention) = ylymodu = "noun random attractive knowledge" (an)
to distribute (to deliver) = idesoti = "verb different group trade" (an)
distribution (delivery) = odesoti = "noun different group trade" (an)
distribution (in space) = ocanu = "noun address distance" (an)
to disturb = ulytage = "verb random dangerous environment" (an)
disturbance, disorder, brawl, uproar = ylytage = "noun random dangerous environment" (an)
ditch = yfogisa = "noun long geological concavity" (an)
to dive = ugusapy = "verb wet bottom person" (an)
to diverge = udeni = "verb different path" (AN)
diver = ygusapy = "noun wet bottom person" (an)
diversity = ynage = "noun complex environment" (AN)
to divide = ikuku
division = okuku
(military) division = odytate == odytae = "noun middle war organization" (an)
divorce = opomy = "noun parent separation" (AN)
divorced = epomy = "adjective parent separation" (an)
divorced person = emypo = "adjective separation parent" (an)
dizzy = awomibu = "adjective rotating mental sickness" (an)
Djibouti = pizyty = "longitude=44 latitude=101 country" (an)
DNA = ywiwi = "noun genetic helix" (AN)
to do = inolu = "verb work abstraction" (an)
dock = ogujowy = "noun wet vehicle surface" (an)
document = ycody = "noun legal text" (AN)
(pentagonal) dodecahedron = odokyko == odokyo = "noun pretty rigid solid shape" (an)
dog = ybopybo = "noun hairy owned animal" (an)
dogma = ygecedu = "noun stationary religious knowledge" (AN)
dogmatism = ygecebu = "noun stationary religious sickness" (an)
doll = ylocapy = "noun small false person" (an)
U.S. dollar = cajoga = "longitude=264 latitude=127 money"
dolphin = ojawybo = "noun sexual surface animal" (AN)
domestic (pertaining to home) = azuzo = "adjective inner building" (an)
domestic (pertaining to own country) = azuty = "adjective inner country" (an)
tame, domesticated = alabeli = "adjective opposite wild" (an,ei)
to dominate = imacope = "verb good expert relationship" (an)
Dominica = hupu mozuty = "south longitude=300 latitude=105 country" (an)
Dominican Republic = mazity = "longitude=288 latitude=107 country" (an)
domino = opelyno = "noun happy number work" (AN)
to donate = upoga = "verb caring money" (an)
donation = ypoga = "noun caring money" (an)
donkey = ysuzybo = "noun prolonged warm animal" (an)
(small) door = ozyka = "noun room valve" (an)
garage door = ozoka = "noun building valve" (an)
door handle, valve handle = owokase = "noun rotating valve protrusion" (AN)
Doppler effect = yjojylu == yjoylu = "noun mobile sonic effect" (an)
double, pair, couple, two = 2, owu, hofo, (an)
double-click = hofo ylojyny = "double click" (an)
doubt = ycidu = "noun changing knowledge" (an)
dough = ocubyke = "noun new food soft solid" (an)
down = hisa
downpour = ykigogu == ykigou = "noun massive atmospheric liquid" (an)
downtown = yzuzu = "noun inner city" (an)
draft (military conscription) = otamo = "noun war fusion" (an)
to drag = ujony = "verb mobile force" (an)
dragon = ycatabo = "noun false dangerous animal" (an)
dragonfly = ymulobo = "noun fast small animal" (AN)
drain = ymygu = "noun outer liquid" (an)
to drain = umygu = "verb outer liquid" (an)
drainpipe, downpout = ymyguku = "noun outer liquid tube" (an)
drama (theatrical play, conflict on stage) = ocajano = "noun false craftsman work" (an)
dramatic (pertaining to drama) = ecajano = "adjective false craftsman work" (an)
dramatic (conflict or contrast) = atadeli = "adjective dangerous different" (an)
to draw (to sketch) = ifukido = "verb dry rod picture" (an)
drawer = ozeza = "noun furniture container" (AN)
drawing (to sketch) = ofukido = "noun dry rod picture" (an)
drawbridge = yjoju = "noun mobile road" (AN)
drawing table = odoze = "noun picture furniture" (AN)
drawing board = odowe = "noun picture sheet" (AN)
dream = yzedu = "noun idle knowledge" (AN)
to dress = udufi = "verb gained garment" (an)
(feminine) dress = yfisofi = "noun feminine big garment" (an)
drift = ytelyni = "noun slow random path" (an)
drifting = atelyni = "adjective slow random path" (an)
drill = ozisi = "noun hole tool" (an)
drill rig = ogizije = "noun geological hole machine" (an)
to drill = iwozimy = "verb rotating hole separation" (AN)
hand drill = owozisi = "noun rotating hole tool" (AN)
motorized drill = owozije = "noun rotating hole machine" (AN)
drill bit = owoziki = "noun rotating hole rod" (AN)
to drink = izuguby = "verb inner liquid food" (an)
drinking glass, tumbler = okyguza = "noun brittle liquid container" (an)
to drip = ilogufa = "verb small liquid ball" (an)
to drive (car, motorboat) = ijoni = "verb vehicle path" (an)
to drive (using mechanical energy) = inony = "verb work force" (an)
driver (person) = onija = "noun path craftsman" (an)
drop, droplet = ogufa = "noun liquid ball" (AN)
drought = ygofuge = "noun atmospheric dry environment" (an)
to drown = uzobugu = "verb deep dead liquid" (an)
drum = ojykewe = "noun sonic soft solid sheet" (AN)
drunk = emigubu = "adjective mental liquid sickness" (AN)
dry = hafu
to dry up = ugufuli = "verb wet dry" (an)
duck = ycynubo = "noun safe short animal" (an)
ductility = ocifoky = "noun changing fiber rigid solid" (an)
dull (not sharp) = alaseli = "adjective opposite sharp" (an)
dumpster, skip (for garbage, trash) = ysokeza = "noun big dirty container" (an)
dune = yjogife = "noun mobile geological powder" (AN)
dung, excrement, feces, shit = ykeke = "noun dirty soft solid" (AN)
durable = alatoli = "adjective opposite ephemeral" (an)
durian = ybabyby == ybayby = "noun top smelly food" (AN)
duration = ele
during, while = ezi
dust (in the air) = ygofe = "noun atmospheric powder" (an)
duty = omadano = "noun good name work" (an)
dysprosium = yjijylo = "noun 66 sonic atom" (an)
dystopia = ysycaji = "noun bad false place" (AN)
each other, one another = hice
eagle = yzababo == yzabao = "noun strong top animal" (AN)
ear = yjypa = "noun sonic anatomical..." (AN)
early = emu
external ear = yjymypa = "noun sonic outer anatomical..." (AN)
to earn = uduga = "verb gained money" (an)
earring = oziwu = "noun hole torus" (an)
earstud = oziki = "noun hole rod" (an)
earplug (noise absorbing) = ojypafy = "noun sonic anatomical... foam" (AN)
earplug (ornament) = ojypasu = "noun sonic anatomical... fastener" (AN)
earlobe = yjysapa = "noun sonic bottom anatomical..." (AN)
earphone = yjymu = "noun sonic chip" (an)
Earth = maba = "proper noun good astronomical object" (an)
earthquake = ytoginy = "noun ephemeral geological force" (AN)
east = uby
eastern = a uby = "adjective east" (an)
easy = agytono = "adjective simple ephemeral work" (an)
to eat, to swallow = uzuby = "verb inner food" (AN)
to eavesdrop = unijyme = "verb secret sonic recorder" (an)
eccentric (person) = ydedepy = "noun different different person" (an)
eccentric (not circular) = alafa = "adjective opposite ball" (an)
eccentric (support) = alady = "adjective opposite middle" (an)
eclipse = ytoniba = "noun ephemeral secret astronomical object" (an)
ecology = obegene = "noun wild environment science" (an)
economist = olutoco = "noun mathematical business expert" (AN)
economy, thriftiness = ylatuno = "noun opposite expensive work" (an)
economy (business) = otyto = "noun country business" (an)
to edit = iditu = "verb publication manager" (an)
edition = idily = "verb publication number" (an)
editor = oditu = "noun publication manager" (an)
to educate = umydu = "verb outer knowledge" (an)
eel = ywygubo = "noun slippery wet animal" (AN)
effect or law proved by science, abstraction = ylu
efficiency = ylapucu = "noun opposite hungry technology" (AN)
efficient = alapucu = "adjective opposite hungry technology" (an)
effort = onoli = "noun work" (an)
egalitarian = apidige = "noun similar political environment" (an)
egg = owibofa = "noun genetic animal ball" (an)
eggbeater = otinywi = "noun repeating force helix" (an)
Egypt = pysoty = "longitude=32 latitude=115 country" (an)
eight, 8 = ogu, hoso
eighteen = ogy ogu
eighty = ogu ogy
elastic, flexible, pliable, supple = hafa
elasticity = yfali = "noun elastic" (an)
elbow = ynudypa = "noun short middle anatomical..." (AN)
to elect = udimy = "verb political separation" (an)
election = ydimy = "noun political separation" (an)
elder = ydybebe = "noun middle wild plant" (AN)
electric = hasi
electric field = ysige = "noun electric environment" (an)
electric generator = ylasijy = "noun opposite electric engine" (an)
electric insulation = ygesiwe = "noun stationary electric sheet" (an)
electrician = ysija = "noun electric craftsman" (an)
electricity = ysili = "noun electric" (an)
electromagnet = ysipasi = "noun electric magnetic tool" (an)
electron = ofylosy = "noun lightweight atom part" (AN)
electronic = emuli = "adjective electronic circuit" (an)
electrostatic = agesige = "adjective stationary electric environment" (an)
electrostatic induction = osiweci = "noun electric sheet manipulation" (an)
element, component, constituent, ingredient = osyli = "noun part" (an)
elementary particle = olosy = "noun atom part" (AN)
elephant = ysozybo = "noun big warm animal" (AN)
elevation, altitude = ybaly = "noun top number" (AN)
elevator = ysabaza = "noun bottom top container" (AN)
eleven = ogy hofi
elite = omacoso = "noun good expert group" (an)
elm = osobube == osobue = "noun big sickness plant" (AN)
El Salvador = ube cyzoty = "west longitude=272 latitude=103 country" (an)
elsewhere = ydeji = "noun different place" (an)
ellipse = otibani = "noun repeating astronomical object trajectory" (an)
elongated (longer than normal) = afoci = "adjective long manipulation" (an)
email = ocyce = "noun net communication" (AN)
email address = ocyca = "noun net address" (an)
embankment = yfogise = "noun long geological protrusion" (AN)
to embarrass = usyda = "verb bad name" (an)
embarrassing = asyda = "adjective bad name" (an)
embarrassment = ysyda = "noun bad name" (an)
embezzlement = oputuci = "noun hungry manager manipulation" (AN)
emergency = ykuge = "noun burning environment" (AN)
emigrant = yzumypy = "noun inner outer person" (an)
to emigrate = uzumypy = "verb inner outer person" (an)
emigration = yzumyty = "noun inner outer country" (an)
emotion, feeling = yminy = "noun mental force" (AN)
to feel (emotion) = uminy = "verb mental force" (an)
emotional, impulsive = aminy = "adjective mental force" (an)
emphasis, persuasion = yzace = "noun strong communication" (an)
to emphasize, to persuade = uzace = "verb strong communication" (an)
empathic = edepyce = "adjective different person communication" (PHZ)
empire = ysoty = "noun big country" (an)
to employ (someone) = inopy = "verb work person" (an)
empty = azilu = "adjective hole abstraction" (an)
to enable = inoni = "verb work path" (an)
to enclose, to surround = izalu = "verb container abstraction" (AN)
to encourage = imanice = "verb good path communication" (an)
encouragement = omanice = "noun good path communication" (an)
to inspire, to arouse, to incite, to provoke, to instigate, to stimulate, to insist on = unoci = "verb busy manipulation" (an)
to encrypt = unidy = "verb secret text" (an)
encrypted = anidy = "adjective secret text" (an)
encyclopedia = ysokidi = "noun big massive publication" (an)
end, back = yjusy = "noun rear part" (an)
to end, to finish = ujusy = "verb rear part" (an)
to endanger = utali = "verb dangerous" (an)
endurance = ysujy = "noun prolonged engine" (an)
enemy = ytapy = "noun dangerous person" (an)
energetic = azeleno = "adjective idle physical work" (an)
energy = yzeleno = "noun idle physical work" (an)
engaged (betrothed, pledged to be married) = eposu = "adjective parent fastener" (an)
engaged (busy) = anono = "adjective busy work" (an)
engine, motor = yjy
internal combustion engine = ykujy = "noun burning engine" (an)
engineer = ocuco = "noun technology expert" (AN)
engineering = ocudu = "noun technology knowledge" (an)
English language = otode = "noun business language" (an)
BBC English language = ytytode == ytyode = "noun old business language" (an)
Midwestern English language = ocutode = "noun new business language" (an)
enigma = ynanili = "noun complex secret" (an)
to enjoy = upelu = "verb happy abstraction" (an)
enjoyable = apeli = "adjective happy" (an)
enough, sufficient = amaso = "adjective good group" (an)
to enter = izuzini = "verb inner hole path" (an)
enthusiasm, eagerness, fervor, zeal, ardor, passion = ynope = "noun busy relationship" (an)
enthusiastic = anope = "adjective busy relationship" (an)
entrance = ozuzini == ozuini = "noun inner hole path" (AN)
envelope = oweza = "noun sheet container" (AN)
envious, jealous = apupipe == apuipe = "adjective hungry similar relationship" (an)
envy, jealousy = ypupipe == ypuipe = "noun hungry similar relationship" (an)
environment, scenery = yge
environmentalist = opogepy = "noun caring environment person" (AN)
enzyme = ywuwegu == ywuegu = "noun chemical cellular liquid" (AN)
ephemeral = hato
epistemological = elidune = "adjective philosophical knowledge science" (an)
equal = ojuju
equality, parity, fairness, impartiality = ymapige = "noun good similar environment" (an)
Ecuador = cifety = "longitude=284 latitude=87 country" (an)
eloquent, articulate = adeco = "adjective language expert" (an)
equator = ydygiwu = "noun middle geological torus" (an)
Equatorial Guinea = bofoty = "longitude=12 latitude=91 country" (an)
to equivocate = ulyce = "verb random communication" (an)
equivocation = yzece = "noun idle communication" (an)
eon (very long period of time) = egi
eraser = ofamysi = "noun elastic separation tool" (AN)
erbium = hycenelo = "noun 68 medical atom" (an)
Eritrea = puzoty = "longitude=40 latitude=103 country" (an)
ergonomic = emanoge = "adjective good work environment" (an)
ermine = ybocibo = "noun hairy changing animal" (AN)
error, mistake, fault = ycana = "noun false calculation" (an)
equipment, apparatus = osije = "noun tool machine" (an)
escalator = ybasajo = "noun top bottom vehicle" (an)
escape = ycyni = "noun safe path" (an)
to escape = ucyni = "verb safe path" (an)
Eskimo, Inuit = yfepy = "noun cold person" (an)
esophagus = odybypa = "noun middle food anatomical..." (AN)
espionage = ynino = "noun secret work" (an)
to estimate, to figure up, to figure out = ilyli = "verb number" (AN)
Estonia = pemety = "longitude=28 latitude=147 country" (an)
estuary = ygutege = "noun wet slow environment" (AN)
eternity = eli
ethane = ofyjygo = "noun lightweight engine gas" (AN)
ether (volatile liquid) = yfygu = "noun lightweight liquid" (AN)
Ethiopia = puzaty = "longitude=40 latitude=97 country" (an)
ethnic minority = odedepy = "noun different language person" (AN)
eunuch = ygajapy = "noun lost sexual person" (AN)
euphemism = ycamace = "noun false good communication" (an)
europium = yjybilo = "noun 63 optical atom" (an)
et cetera, and so forth, and so on = apili = "adjective similar" (an)
to etch = ikysa = "verb rigid solid concavity"(an)
etiquette, decorum, propriety = ylabepe = "noun opposite wild relationship" (an)
Europe = bycewe = "longitude=8 latitude=135 sheet" (an)
euthanasia = ymabuli = "noun good dead" (an)
to evaporate, to vaporize = igugo = "verb liquid gas" (AN)
eve (day before) = ewo iju = 24 hours before (an)
even number = opily = "noun sibling number" (AN)
evening (hours 18 to 24) = heka
event, act, occurrence, episode, incident, happening, affair, case = onolu = "noun work abstraction" (an)
each, every, everybody, everyone = hifo
everywhere = idu yji = all place
evidence = ycomedu = "noun legal true knowledge" (an)
evil, immoral, vicious, vile, nefarious, depraved = asylipe = "adjective bad philosophical relationship" (an)
exact = amely = "adjective true number" (AN)
exaggeration = ycasoly = "noun false big number" (an)
exam, examination = oduma = "noun knowledge detector" (an)
to examine = iduma = "verb knowledge detector" (an)
example = ymalu = "noun good abstraction" (an)
excavator = ogisaje = "noun geological concavity machine" (an)
excess = ysysoso == ysyoso = "noun bad big group" (AN)
except, minus, without, excluding, apart from = ide
exception = ydesy = "noun different part" (an)
money exchange = ogati = "noun money trade" (an)
money exchange rate = ocigaly = "noun changing money number" (an)
heat exchanger = yfezyku = "noun cold warm tube" (an)
to exclude, to preclude = ilasyli = "verb opposite part" (an)
excuse = omadace = "noun good name communication" (an)
exercise (physical activity), workout = opopano = "noun caring anatomical... work" (ei)
to exercise (physical activity), to workout = ipopano = "verb caring anatomical... work" (ei)
aerobic exercise (physical activity), aerobics = ogipa u hyno = "heart work" (ei)
exercise (learning) = oduno = "noun knowledge work" (an)
to exhale = imygopa = "verb outer gas anatomical..." (an)
exhaust (escape of gas) = ymygo = "noun outer gas" (an)
to exhaust (person) = inobu = "verb work sickness" (an)
exhibition = odiji = "noun publication place" (AN)
exile = ycomyty = "noun legal outer country" (an)
to exile = ucomyty = "verb legal outer country" (an)
to exist, to live (be alive), to last = ulabuli = "verb opposite dead" (an)
exit = omynizi = "noun outer path hole" (AN)
to expect = udadu = "verb front knowledge" (an)
expected = adadu = "adjective front knowledge" (an)
to expel, to emit = umyno = "verb outer work" (an)
to expend, to exhaust, to consume = ukulu = "verb burning abstraction" (an,ei)
experience = onodu = "noun work knowledge" (an)
experienced = enodu = "adjective work knowledge" (an)
experiment, trial, test = ylyno = "noun random work" (AN)
expert, specialist = hyco
to explain = inece = "verb science communication" (an)
explanation = onece = "noun science communication" (an)
to explode = uzatony = "verb strong ephemeral force" (an)
to exploit (selfishly) = usyduga = "verb bad gained money" (an)
exploration = oduni = "noun knowledge path" (an)
to explore = iduni = "verb knowledge path" (an)
explosion = yzatony = "noun strong ephemeral force" (an)
explosive (material) = otonyke = "noun ephemeral force soft solid" (an)
explosive (adjective) = azatony = "adjective strong ephemeral force" (an)
export = yzumyti = "noun inner outer trade" (an)
to express, to declare (by words, gestures, etc.) = ideli = "verb language" (an)
expression, utterance, declaration, assertion, statement = odeli = "noun language" (an)
to extend, to stretch (itself) = ufoli = "verb long" (an)
to extend, to stretch (something) = ufoci = "verb long manipulation" (an)
extinguish = ulakuli = "verb opposite burning" (an)
(fire) extinguisher = ylakusi = "noun opposite burning tool" (an)
extortion = ytaga = "noun dangerous money" (an)
extra = asodeli = "adjective big different" (an)
extraterrestrial = adeba = "adjective different astronomical object" (an)
extraterrestrial alien = odebapy = "noun different astronomical object person" (ei)
extraterrestrial civilization = obate = "noun astronomical object organization" (AN)
extraterrestrial life = ymybeba == ymybea = "noun outer wild astronomical object" (an)
extremism = ylibu = "noun philosophical sickness" (an)
extremist = olibupy = "noun philosophical sickness person" (an)
expulsion, emission = ymyno = "noun outer work" (an)
expulsion of undesirable people = osypymy = "noun bad person separation" (an)
extrovert = omypepy = "noun outer relationship person" (an)
exurb = ymymyzu = "noun outer outer city" (an)
eye = ybipa = "noun optical anatomical..." (AN)
eyebrow = obisepa = "noun optical protrusion anatomical..." (AN)
eye floater (ailment) = ykebipa = "noun dirty optical anatomical..." (AN)
eyelash = ybibopa == ybiopa = "noun optical hairy anatomical..." (AN)
eyelid = obikapa = "noun optical valve anatomical..." (AN)
face = ydabapa = "noun front top anatomical..." (an)
fact = ymedu = "noun true knowledge" (an)
factory, producer, maker = ocuto = "noun technology business" (AN)
fad = ytoni = "noun ephemeral path" (AN)
to fail = ugalu = "verb lost abstraction" (an)
failure = ygalu = "noun lost abstraction" (an)
faith = yzucedu = "noun inner religious knowledge" (an)
fair, just, impartial = amapige = "adjective good similar environment" (an)
fair (passable) = adymaly = "adjective middle good number" (an)
Falkland Islands = motaty = "longitude=300 latitude=37 country" (an)
fall (drop) = ybasani = "noun top bottom path" (an)
to fall (to drop to lower place) = ubasani = "verb top bottom path" (an)
false, fake, no, not, nor = haca
to falsify, to fake = ucali = "verb false" (an)
fame = ylani = "noun opposite secret" (an)
family = opote = "noun parent organization" (AN)
(biological) family = yzuwiso = "noun inner genetic group" (AN)
fame = ylanipy = "noun opposite secret person" (an)
familiar = apidu = "adjective similar knowledge" (an)
famous = alanipy = "adjective opposite secret person" (an)
fan (simple tool for moving air) = ojogosi = "noun mobile gas tool" (an)
fan (powered by a motor) = ojogoje = "noun mobile gas machine" (an)
fan (admirer), follower = yjupy = "noun rear person" (an)
fanatic, zealot, hothead, militant = ytadipy = "noun dangerous political person" (an)
farad = osiwele = "noun electric sheet unit" (an)
farce = okolino = "noun artistic absurd work" (an)
farm = obyto = "noun food business" (an)
farmer = obyja = "noun food craftsman" (AN)
Faroe Islands = lumoty = "longitude=352 latitude=151 country" (an)
to fart = ijygobi = "verb sonic gas anatomical..." (an)
fascism = odimoge = "noun political fusion environment" (an)
fascist = odimopy = "noun political fusion person" (an)
fashion = odofidu = "noun pretty garment knowledge" (AN)
fast, quick, prompt, express = hamu
fast food = ymuby = "noun fast food" (AN)
to fasten = isuli = "verb fastener" (an)
fat (food adjective) = ewypaby = "adjective slippery anatomical... food" (an)
fat, lard (noun) = owypaby = "noun slippery anatomical... food" (an)
fatal, deadly, lethal, mortal = abuci = "adjective dead manipulation" (AN)
fate, destiny = osulyni = "noun prolonged random path" (an)
father, dad = yjepo = "noun masculine parent" (AN)
father-in-law = ymyjepo = "noun outer masculine parent" (an)
fatigue = onobu = "noun work sickness" (an)
fault (responsibility for failure) = osynope = "noun bad work relationship" (an)
(geological) fault = ykygini = "noun brittle geological path" (an)
in favor of = imo
to fawn = ipypype == ipypye = "verb owned person relationship" (an)
feasible = acymuno = "adjective safe fast work" (an)
fastener = hysu
favor = ymamoli = "noun good attractive" (an)
favorite = amamoli = "adjective good attractive" (an)
fear = ysytadu = "noun bad dangerous knowledge" (an)
to fear = usytadu = "verb bad dangerous knowledge" (an)
fearful, scared, afraid = asytadu = "adjective bad dangerous knowledge" (an)
feather = ofywapa = "noun lightweight tape anatomical..." (an)
February = hepu
federal = esotyte == esotye = "adjective big country organization" (an)
to feed = izubyno = "verb inner food work" (an)
to feel = ikema = "verb soft solid detector" (AN)
feeling (sensation) = okema = "noun soft solid detector" (an)
female = yfili = "noun feminine" (an)
female animal = yfibo = "noun feminine animal" (an)
female plant = yfibe = "noun feminine plant" (an)
feminine = hafi
fence = yzowe = "noun tall sheet" (an)
fentanyl = ypebufe = "noun happy dead powder" (an)
fern = ytybe = "noun old plant" (AN)
ferocious = ebebota == ebeota = "adjective wild animal war" (an)
ferret = ybynobo = "noun smelly busy animal" (PHZ)
ferromagnetic = apaky = "adjective magnetic rigid solid" (an)
soft ferromagnetic material = ytopaky = "noun ephemeral magnetic rigid solid" (an)
hard ferromagnetic material, permanent magnet = ysupaky = "noun prolonged magnetic rigid solid" (an)
fertile = ewubege = "adjective chemical plant environment" (an)
fertilizer = owubege = "noun chemical plant environment" (an)
fetus = yzupu = "noun inner child" (AN)
feudal = ewituge = "adjective genetic manager environment" (an)
fever = yzybu = "noun warm sickness" (an)
feverish = azybu = "adjective warm sickness" (an)
few, slightly = hify
fewer, less = hika
fiance = yjajepo == yjaepo = "noun sexual masculine parent" (an)
fiancee = yjafipo = "noun sexual feminine parent" (an)
fiber = hyfo
ficticious, fictional = acadu = "adjective false knowledge" (an)
fiction, fable, fantasy = ycadu = "noun false knowledge" (an)
field (cleared ground) = ydugiwy = "noun gained geological surface" (an)
field (electric, magnetic, etc.) = ylege = "noun physical environment" (an)
field (part of a computer record) = onudusy = "noun short knowledge part" (an)
field of view = ybido = "noun optical picture" (an)
fierce = ezabota = "adjective strong animal war" (an)
fifteen = ogy owe
fifty = owe ogy
to fight = itali = "verb war" (an)
fiction = ycady = "noun false text" (AN)
Fiji = fykity = "longitude=176 latitude=71 country" (an)
(metal) file = oseseki = "noun sharp protrusion rod" (AN)
film, movie = ycido = "noun changing picture" (AN)
filter = ogifu = "noun pump textile" (AN)
airplane or rocket fin = ygowe = "noun atmospheric sheet" (AN)
fish fin = yguwe = "noun wet sheet" (AN)
financial = ogali = "noun money" (an)
financial loss = ygaga = "noun lost money" (AN)
to find = uduca = "verb gained address" (AN)
find (something found) = yduca = "noun gained address" (an)
fine (monetary punishment) = ysycoga = "noun bad legal money" (an)
finger = onokipa = "noun busy rod anatomical..." (AN)
fingernail = onowapa = "noun busy tape anatomical..." (AN)
fingernail polish = odowawy == odoway = "noun pretty tape surface" (AN)
sculptured fingernail, artificial fingernail = ydonowa = "noun pretty busy tape" (AN)
finger band = ylodoku = "noun small pretty tube" (AN)
Finland = pemuty = "longitude=28 latitude=153 country" (an)
fir = ycesobe = "noun religious big plant" (AN)
fire = ykuli = "noun burning" (AN)
to fire (to dismiss from a job) = ugano = "verb lost work" (an)
fired (dismissed from a job) = agano = "adjective lost work" (an)
to fire (a gun), to shoot = utaku = "verb dangerous tube" (an)
firefighter = ylakuja = "noun opposite burning craftsman" (an)
fireplace = ybekusa = "noun wild burning concavity" (an)
fire truck, fire engine = ylakujo = "noun opposite burning vehicle" (an)
firewood = ykubi = "noun burning anatomical..." (an)
firing (dismissal from a job) = ygano = "noun lost work" (an)
first = hopa
first aid kit = ygyneza = "noun simple medical container" (ei)
fish = ygubo = "noun wet animal" (AN)
fishnet = ogubocy = "noun wet animal net" (AN)
fishing rod = oguboki = "noun wet animal rod" (AN)
fist = ynotapa = "noun busy dangerous anatomical..." (an)
to fit (clothes) = ifiko = "verb garment shape" (an)
fitting (clothes) = efiko = "adjective garment shape" (an)
five, 5 = owe, hosa
flag = otyfu = "noun country textile" (AN)
flagrant, glaring, gross, egregious, rank = anysyli = "adjective repulsive bad" (an)
flame = ykugo = "noun burning gas" (an)
flammable = ekuloso = "adjective burning atom group" (an)
flash, flash of light = ytogy = "noun ephemeral photon" (an)
flash memory = olomume == olomue = "noun small chip recorder" (an)
flashlight (torch) = ogysi = "noun photon tool" (an)
flashlight (photographic tool) = otogysi = "noun ephemeral photon tool" (an)
flat (even surface) = agywy = "adjective simple surface" (AN)
to flee = ulatani = "verb opposite dangerous path" (AN)
fleet = ogujoso = "noun wet vehicle group" (an)
flipper, swim fin = ygusawe = "noun wet bottom sheet" (AN)
to float = ibaguni = "verb top liquid path" (an)
flood = ytogigu == ytogiu = "noun ephemeral geological liquid" (an)
floor = ysawy = "noun bottom surface" (AN)
floppy disk drive = omywome = "noun outer disk recorder" (PHZ)
floss = ynefo = "noun medical fiber" (AN)
to flow (of gas) = ujogo = "verb mobile gas" (an)
to flow (of liquid) = ujogu = "verb mobile liquid" (an)
to flow (of elastic solid, ice) = ujoke = "verb mobile soft solid" (an)
flour = ofeby = "noun powder food" (AN)
flower = yjabi = "noun sexual anatomical..." (AN)
ornamental plant = ydobe = "noun pretty plant" (AN)
ornamental flowering plant = yjabe = "noun sexual plant" (AN)
flu, influenza = yfybu = "noun lightweight sickness" (an)
fluent = adeja = "adjective language craftsman" (an)
fluorescence = ycigy = "noun changing photon" (AN)
fluorescent tube = ocigyku = "noun changing photon tube" (AN)
fluorescent bulb = ocigyfa = "noun changing photon ball" (AN)
fluid = ogogu = "noun gas liquid" (an)
fluorine = hypytalo = "noun 9 dangerous atom" (an)
flute = ylojyku = "noun small sonic tube" (AN)
fly = ygolobo = "noun atmospheric small animal" (AN)
to fly = ubajo = "verb top vehicle" (AN)
foam = hyfy
liquid foam = ogufy = "noun liquid foam" (AN)
solid, elastic foam = okefy = "noun soft solid foam" (AN)
rigid foam = okyfy = "noun rigid solid foam" (AN)
focal length = obimonu = "noun optical fusion distance" (AN)
(optical) focus = ybimo = "noun optical fusion" (AN)
close focus distance = ynubinu = "noun short optical distance" (AN)
fog = ysagoko = "noun bottom atmospheric shape" (AN)
foggy = asagoko = "adjective bottom atmospheric shape" (AN)
fold = olawe = "noun angle sheet" (an)
to fold = ilawe = "verb angle sheet" (an)
to follow = ujupy = "verb rear person" (an)
food = hyby
food damaged by ice crystals = ofemyby = "noun cold separation food"(an)
food energy (calories) = ozebyno ="noun idle food work" (an)
energetic (fat, sweet, meaty) food = olenoby ="noun physical work food" (an)
nutritious food = yneby = "noun medical food" (an)
fool = ytemili = "noun slow mental" (an)
foolhardy = apetali = "adjective happy dangerous" (an)
foot (leg part) = ygipa = "noun geological anatomical..." (AN)
foot (unit) = uzu fut = "foreign word fut" (an)
for = hitu
force (vector) = hyny
force (number) = onyly = "noun force number" (an)
to force, coerce, compel (someone to do something) = ipypyno = "verb owned person work" (an)
forearm = ynusapa = "noun short bottom anatomical..." (AN)
forecast, prediction, expectation = ydadu = "noun front knowledge" (an)
forehead = ybadapa = "noun top front anatomical..." (an)
foreign = amyty = "adjective outer country" (AN)
foreign language = ydede = "noun different language" (an)
foreigner, alien = omytypy = "noun outer country person" (AN)
foreign money exchange business = ocigato = "noun changing money business" (AN)
foreplay = yjaci = "noun sexual manipulation" (an)
forest = osobege = "noun big plant environment" (AN)
forehead = ybabapa = "noun top top anatomical..." (AN)
to forget = ugadu = "verb lost knowledge" (an)
to forgive = usymape = "verb bad good relationship" (an)
forgiveness = ysymape = "noun bad good relationship" (an)
fork, pitchfork = ososesi == ososei = "noun big protrusion tool" (AN)
dinner fork = olosesi == olosei = "noun small protrusion tool" (AN)
to fork = ipini = "verb sibling path" (AN)
form (paper with blanks to fill in) = opiziwe = "noun similar hole sheet" (an)
formal = acoge = "adjective legal environment" (an)
chemical formula = ywudy = "noun chemical text" (an)
mathematical formula = yludy = "noun mathematical text" (an)
fort, fortress = yzazo = "noun strong building" (AN)
fortune = ysoga = "noun big money" (AN)
fossil = ybugiky = "noun dead geological rigid solid" (AN)
foul, wretched, vile, offensive, nasty, horrid = anylu = "adjective repulsive abstraction" (AN)
forward = adani = "adjective front path" (an)
to move forward = udani = "verb front path" (an)
to make progress in any field (opposite ijunilu) = idanilu = "verb front path abstraction" (an)
progress in any field (opposite ojunilu) = odanilu = "noun front path abstraction" (an)
fountain = yzogu = "noun tall liquid" (an)
foundation = osazosy = "noun bottom building part" (AN)
four, 4 = owy, owi
fourteen = ogy owy
fourty = owy ogy
fox = ynibobo = "noun secret hairy animal" (AN)
fragile, delicate, frail = akakyli = "adjective weak brittle" (an)
picture frame = odoky = "noun picture rigid solid" (an)
frame, framework = yziky = "noun narrow rigid solid" (an)
France = becety = "longitude=4 latitude=135 country" (an)
francium = ylytolo = "noun 87 ephemeral atom" (an)
(business) fraud = ycato = "noun false business " (an)
(trade) fraud = ycati = "noun false trade " (an)
free, independent, sovereign = alapyli = "adjective opposite owned" (an)
to free, to release = ulapyli = "verb opposite owned" (AN)
freedom, independence = ylapyli = "noun opposite owned" (AN)
free of charge = alaga = "adjective opposite money" (AN)
freedom of speech (a.k.a. "hate speech") = ylapyde = "noun opposite owned language" (an)
to freeze = iguky = "verb liquid rigid solid" (AN)
freezer = yfefeje = "noun cold cold machine" (an)
French language = becede = "longitude=4 latitude=135 language" (an)
French Guiana = mifuty = "longitude=308 latitude=93 country" (an)
French Polynesia = sewety = "longitude=220 latitude=75 country" (an)
French Southern Territories = ditity = "longitude=68 latitude=47 country" (an)
frequency = ytily = "noun repeating number" (an)
fresh = acumaby = "adjective new good food" (an) (an)
Friday = emy
friend = omapepy == omapey = "noun good relationship person" (an)
friendly = amape = "adjective good relationship" (an)
to frighten, to scare, to terrify = itaduny = "verb dangerous knowledge force" (an)
frigid = afefeli == afefli = "adjective cold cold" (AN)
frog = ygufebo = "noun wet cold animal" (AN)
from in time and space, since = hite
from now on = ewi
front = ada
frugal, thrifty, parsimonious = epugapy = "adjective hungry money person" (an)
fruit = yzoby = "noun tall food" (AN)
fruit of annual or biennial plant or shrub, berry = ydyby = "noun middle food" (AN)
tree fruit = ybaby = "noun top food" (AN)
frustrating = enykecu = "adjective repulsive soft solid technology" (an)
to fry = uwyzyci = "verb slippery warm manipulation" (AN)
to deep fry = izyguci = "verb warm liquid manipulation" (AN)
frying pan = ywyzyza == ywyzya = "noun slippery warm container" (an)
fuel = okuloso = "noun burning atom group" (an)
liquid fuel = ykugu = "noun burning liquid" (an)
fuel cell = ysiwuka = "noun electric chemical valve" (an)
full = akilu = "adjective massive abstraction" (an)
function (activity) = ymeno = "noun true work" (an)
function (mathematics) = ygyna = "noun simple calculation" (an)
to function = umeno = "verb true work" (an)
funeral = ybucemy = "noun dead religious separation" (AN)
fungus = obebo = "noun plant animal" (an)
funny = elige = "adjective absurd environment" (an)
fur (anatomical part) = obowypa = "noun hairy surface anatomical..." (an)
fur (garment) = ybofi = "noun hairy garment" (an)
furious = atamibu = "adjective dangerous mental sickness" (an)
furnace = ykuza = "noun burning container" (an)
furniture = yze
furrow = yzigisa = "noun narrow geological concavity" (an)
(electric) fuse = ykusifo = "noun burning electric fiber" (an)
(explosive) fuse = ytekufo = "noun slow burning fiber" (an)
fusion, joint = ymo
futile = elino = "adjective no meaning work" (an)
future (noun), in the future, eventually = hecu
future (adjective) = a ecu = "adjective in the future"
fuze = otonyka = "noun ephemeral force valve" (an)
gable = obazosy = "noun top building part" (an)
Gabon = bofyty = "longitude=12 latitude=89 country" (an)
gadolinium = yjokelo = "noun 64 dirty atom" (an)
gained = adu
galaxy = ysoba = "noun big astronomical object" (AN)
cluster of galaxies = osobaso = "noun big astronomical object group" (AN)
(art) gallery = ykozo = "noun artistic building" (an)
gallium = ykagulo = "noun 31 wet atom" (an)
galosh = yfugifi = "noun dry geological garment" (an)
Gambia = lyzoty = "longitude=344 latitude=103 country" (an)
gambler = olytipy = "noun random trade person" (an)
gambling = olygati = "noun random money trade" (an)
gambling loser, lottery loser = ylygapy = "noun random lost person" (an)
gambling winner, lottery winner = ylydupy = "noun random gained person" (an)
game = ypemi = "noun happy software" (AN)
Gamma rays = ytagy = "noun dangerous photon" (AN)
gang, mafia = ylacote = "noun opposite legal organization" (an)
gangster = ylacoja = "noun opposite legal craftsman" (an)
garage = ojozy = "noun vehicle room" (AN)
garden = opybeso = "noun owned plant group" (an)
garlic = ybysaby = "noun smelly bottom food" (AN)
garment, clothing = hyfi
gas = ygo
gasoline, petrol = yfykugu = "noun lightweight burning liquid" (an)
gasoline engine = yfykujy = "noun lightweight burning engine" (an)
gasoline station, petrol station, (sells fuel for automobiles) = ofyguto = "noun burning liquid business" (an)
gate = okiweka = "noun massive sheet valve" (an)
to gather = isoli = "verb group" (an)
gatherer = obebypy == obeypy = "noun wild food person" (AN)
gavial = yzinibo = "noun narrow secret animal" (AN)
gear, gearwheel, cogwheel = owosewo = "noun rotating protrusion disk" (AN)
gel = ykake = "noun weak soft solid" (an)
gelatin = okakepa == okaepa = "noun weak soft solid anatomical..." (an)
gender, sex = yjefimy = "noun masculine feminine separation" (an)
gene = ywile = "noun genetic unit" (an)
general (military) = osotatu == osotau = "noun big war manager" (AN)
genetic = awi
genetics = ywine = "noun genetic science" (an)
genocide = obutyta == obutya = "noun dead country war" (AN)
genius = ymulipy = "noun fast philosophical person" (an)
(biological) genus = ywiziso = "noun genetic narrow group" (AN)
gentle = amode = "adjective attractive language" (AN)
gentleman = ylijepy = "noun philosophical masculine person" (an)
gentleman or lady = ylipy = "noun philosophical person" (an)
gentry (including aristocrats, singular) = ywitu = "noun genetic manager" (an)
to genuflect = icepyla = "verb religious person angle" (an)
geography = ojidu = "noun place knowledge" (AN)
geological = agi
geology (science) = ygine = "noun geological science" (an)
geology (features and processes ) = ygige = "noun geological environment" (an)
geologist = ygico = "noun geological expert" (an)
geometry = okodu = "noun shape knowledge" (AN)
Georgia = pijity = "longitude=44 latitude=131 country" (an)
germanium = hykekylo = "noun 32 brittle atom" (an)
Germany = bycoty = "longitude=8 latitude=139 country" (an)
German language = bycode = "longitude=8 latitude=139 language" (an)
to gesticulate, to gesture = ipade = "verb anatomical... language" (an)
gesture = opade = "noun anatomical... language" (an)
to get, to obtain, to receive, to acquire = udumo = "verb gained fusion" (an)
geyser or hydrothermal vent= ygigi = "noun geological pump" (AN)
Ghana = bazaty = "longitude=0 latitude=97 country" (an)
ghost = ynijoko = "noun secret mobile shape" (an)
giant = ysosopy = "noun big big person" (an)
Gibraltar = lijyty = "longitude=356 latitude=125 country" (an)
gift, present = ypeduli = "noun happy gained" (an)
gigahertz = ody ytile = "billion hertz" (an)
girl = ycufipy = "noun new feminine person" (AN)
girlfriend = ofipepy == ofipey = "noun feminine relationship person" (an)
giraffe = yzyzobo == yzyobo = "noun warm tall animal" (AN)
GIS (geographical information system) = ogidomi = "noun geological picture software" (AN)
to give, to provide, to deliver = ugamy = "verb lost separation" (AN)
glacial = afegiky = "adjective cold geological rigid solid" (an)
glacier = yfegiky = "noun cold geological rigid solid" (an)
glad = apeduli = "adjective happy gained" (AN)
glade = ybezi = "noun wild hole" (AN)
glamor (charm and good looks) = ydomolu = "noun pretty attractive abstraction" (an)
glamorous = adomolu = "adjective pretty attractive abstraction" (an)
glass = ybiky = "noun optical rigid solid" (AN)
glasses, eyeglasses = ybifi = "noun optical garment" (AN)
corrective glasses, prescription glasses = ybinefi = "noun optical medical garment" (an)
to glide = uzebajo = "verb idle top vehicle" (an)
glider = yzebajo = "noun idle top vehicle" (an)
global = asoge = "adjective big environment" (an)
globe = ogidofa = "noun geological picture ball" (AN)
glory = ymamano = "noun good good work" (an)
glossy, specular = uzi
glove = ynofi = "noun busy garment" (AN)
glue, adhesive = ywagu = "noun sticky liquid" (an)
to glue = uwamo = "verb sticky fusion" (AN)
to go = ujono = "verb mobile work" (AN)
goat = yzypubo = "noun warm hungry animal" (AN)
god = ocecutu = "noun religious technology manager" (MT)
godfather, godmother = ycepo = "noun religious parent" (MT)
godfather = yjecepo = "noun masculine religious parent" (an)
godmother = yficepo = "noun feminine religious parent" (an)
gold = ynatulo = "noun 79 rich atom" (an)
gold or silver coins = ytuga = "noun rich money" (AN)
good = ama
goodbye = hisy
goose = yfocybo = "noun long safe animal" (an)
gorilla = ymisobo = "noun mental big animal" (AN)
gossip, chitchat = yfice = "noun feminine communication" (an)
(school) grade, mark = ysymaly = "noun bad good number" (an)
to govern, to rule = ityte = "verb country organization" (an)
government = otyte = "noun country organization" (an)
governmental = etyte = "adjective country organization" (an)
graceful = adojoko = "adjective pretty mobile shape" (an)
gram = hosi ykile = "1/1000 kilogram" (an)
grammar = odena = "noun language calculation" (AN)
grandchild = owipupu = "noun genetic child child" (an)
granddaughter = ofipupu = "noun feminine child child" (an)
grandfather = ojepopo = "noun masculine parent parent" (AN)
grandmother = ofipopo = "noun feminine parent parent" (AN)
grandparent = owipopo = "noun genetic parent parent" (an)
grandson = ojepupu = "noun masculine child child" (an)
granite = yfygiky = "noun lightweight geological rigid solid" (an)
granola = ogufeby = "noun wet powder food" (AN)
grape = ydymiby = "noun middle mental food" (AN)
grapefruit (fruit) = ygubaby == ygubay = "noun wet top food" (an)
grapefruit (tree) = ygubabe == ygubae = "noun wet top plant" (an)
graphics card = ybimu = "noun optical chip" (AN)
grass = owabe = "noun tape plant" (AN)
grateful = apomiti = "adjective caring mental trade" (an)
gratitude = ypomiti = "noun caring mental trade" (AN)
gratuitous (without apparent reason) = alyti = "adjective random trade" (an)
grave = ybuzo = "noun dead building" (AN)
gravel = ogifaso = "noun geological ball group" (AN)
gravitational = akige = "adjective massive environment" (an)
gravity, gravitational field = ykige = "noun massive environment" (an)
grease = ywyke = "noun slippery soft solid" (an)
great (important, outstanding, famous) = amakilu = "adjective good massive abstraction" (an)
Greece = pajoty = "longitude=24 latitude=127 country" (an)
greed, selfishness = ypuga = "noun hungry money" (AN)
greedy, selfish = apuga = "adjective hungry money" (AN)
green = huse
Greenland = nynyty = "longitude=320 latitude=161 country" (an)
to greet = ipomoce = "verb caring fusion communication" (an)
greeting = opomoce = "noun caring fusion communication" (an)
Grenada = mozyty = "longitude=300 latitude=101 country" (an)
grenade = otonyfa = "noun ephemeral force ball" (AN)
gray, grey = ubu ubo = ubo ubu
dark gray, dark grey = ubu
light gray, light grey = ubo
grill = okubysi = "noun burning food tool" (an)
to grill = ikubysi = "verb burning food tool" (an)
to grind, to whet = izawyci = "verb strong surface manipulation" (AN)
to grind, to crush into small fragments = ikyfemy = "verb brittle powder separation" (AN)
grocery shop = ogytito == ogytio = "noun simple trade business" (AN)
groove = yfozisa = "noun long narrow concavity" (an)
gross (money) = yjuga = "noun rear money" (an)
ground (surface) = ygiwy = "noun geological surface" (an)
group = hyso
Guadeloupe = mozuty = "longitude=300 latitude=105 country" (an)
Guam = wazoty = "longitude=144 latitude=103 country" (an)
guarantee = ocosuce = "noun legal fastener communication" (an)
guard = ycyja = "noun safe craftsman" (an)
to guard = ucypy = "verb safe person" (an)
Guatemala = cezuty = "longitude=268 latitude=105 country" (an)
guerilla (person), insurgent = olotapy = "noun small war person" (AN)
guerilla (organization) = olotate == olotae = "noun small war organization" (AN)
guess, conjecture, surmise = ylyna = "noun random calculation" (an)
to guess = ulyna = "verb random calculation" (an)
guest = ymypy = "noun outer person" (an)
guide (person) = onipy = "noun path person" (an)
guide (book) = onidi = "noun path publication" (an)
to guide, to conduct (to serve as a channel) = inici = "verb path manipulation" (an,ei)
guillotine = osemyje = "noun sharp separation machine" (AN)
guilty = asycopy = "adjective bad legal person" (an)
Guinea = luzety = "longitude=352 latitude=99 country" (an)
Guinea-Bissau = lyzyty = "longitude=344 latitude=101 country" (an)
guitar = ymojyfo = "noun attractive sonic fiber" (an)
gulf, bay, cove = ygigula == ygiula = "noun geological wet angle" (AN)
gullible, credulous, naive = epudu = "adjective child knowledge" (AN)
gum (for chewing) = owakeby = "noun sticky soft solid food" (an)
gum (flesh near teeth) = osekepa = "noun sharp soft solid anatomical..."(an)
gun = ytaku = "noun dangerous tube" (AN)
gunman = otakupy = "noun dangerous tube person" (an)
gunpowder = ytakufe = "noun dangerous burning powder" (AN)
gutter = yfogusa = "noun long liquid concavity" (an)
Guyana = mofuty = "longitude=300 latitude=93 country" (an)
gynecologist = yfineco = "noun feminine medical expert" (an)
gypsum = ykygiky = "noun brittle geological rigid solid" (AN)
gyro, gyroscope = owonima = "noun rotating path detector" (an)
gyrocar = ocyzijo = "noun safe narrow vehicle" (an)
hacksaw = ymaky u osesesi == ymaky u osesei = "metal hand saw" (AN)
hafnium = hycipilo = "noun 72 similar atom" (an)
hair = ybopa = "noun hairy anatomical..." (AN)
hairbrush = ybopasi = "noun hairy anatomical... tool" (an)
haircut = ybomy = "noun hairy separation" (an)
curly hair = obowipa = "noun hairy helix anatomical..." (AN)
straight hair = ygybopa = "noun simple hairy anatomical..." (AN)
wavy hair = obolapa = "noun hairy angle anatomical..." (AN)
hair pulled off face = yjuboko = "noun rear hairy shape" (AN)
hair parted in the middle = ydybomy = "noun middle hairy separation" (AN)
hair parted on a side = ydebomy = "noun different hairy separation" (AN)
hairstyle = yboko = "noun hairy shape" (AN)
to dress hair = uboko = "verb hairy shape" (AN)
hairstylist, barber = obokoja = "noun hairy shape craftsman" (AN)
hairstylist shop, barber shop = obokoto = "noun hairy shape business" (an)
bangs hairstyle = ydaboko = "noun front hairy shape" (AN)
braided hairstyle = yfobomo = "noun long hairy fusion" (AN)
bun hairstyle = obofamo = "noun hairy ball fusion" (AN)
chignon hairstyle = ynabomo = "noun complex hairy fusion" (AN)
curled under hairstyle, page boy = yzuboko = "noun inner hairy shape" (AN)
French braid hairstyle = ydybomo = "noun middle hairy fusion" (AN)
tucked French braid hairstyle = yzubomo = "noun inner hairy fusion" (AN)
French twist hairstyle = ywobomo = "noun rotating hairy fusion" (AN)
locks hairstyle = obowiko = "noun hairy helix shape" (AN)
Mohawk hairstyle = ybaboko = "noun top hairy shape" (AN)
pigtail hairstyle = obopimo = "noun hairy sibling fusion" (AN)
rolled hairstyle = ywoboko = "noun rotating hairy shape" (AN)
shaggy hairstyle = ybeboko = "noun wild hairy shape" (AN)
straight sleek hairstyle = ygyboko = "noun simple hairy shape" (AN)
upsweep hairstyle = ybabomo = "noun top hairy fusion" (AN)
hair curling iron = obowisi = "noun hairy helix tool" (AN)
hairpin = ylobosu = "noun small hairy fastener" (AN)
hairy = abo
Haiti = ube mazity = "west longitude=288 latitude=107 country" (an)
hail = ysofefe = "noun big cold powder" (AN)
hailstorm = ysogofe = "noun big atmospheric powder" (AN)
half, 1/2 = oza, ogi
hall (corridor) = yzizy = "noun narrow room" (an)
hall (large room) = ysozy = "noun big room" (an)
hamlet = olozoso = "noun small building group" (an)
hammer = ykisi = "noun massive tool" (AN)
ham = ojupaby = "noun rear anatomical... food" (-an)
hand = ynopa = "noun busy anatomical..." (AN)
handcuffs = opysu = "noun person fastener" (AN)
handgun, pistol = ylotaku = "noun small dangerous tube" (AN)
handkerchief = ylofu = "noun small textile" (an)
handle = ocise = "noun manipulation protrusion" (an)
handlebar = oniku = "noun path tube" (an)
to hang, to suspend = ubaci = "verb top manipulation" (an)
to hang up (end a telephone call) = izecesi = "verb idle communication tool"" (an)
hangar = obajozo = "noun top vehicle building" (ei)
to hang = ubasu = "verb top fastener" (AN)
happy, merry = hape
to make happy = upeci = "verb happy manipulation" (-AN)
harassment = osygeci = "noun bad environment manipulation" (an)
harbinger (inventor and scientist who cannot memorize his phone number; opposite mandarin) = ydeco = "noun different expert" (an)
hard, firm = azaky = "adjective strong rigid solid" (AN)
hard disk drive (HDD) = ozuwome = "noun inner disk recorder" (-PHZ)
hard disk drive (HDD) = opawome = "noun magnetic disk recorder" (-an)
external hard disk drive = ymypame = "noun outer magnetic recorder" (an)
solid state drive (SSD) = ozumume == ozumue = "noun inner chip recorder" (an)
harem = ofiposo = "noun feminine parent group" (AN)
harp = ojyzefo = "noun sonic furniture fiber" (an)
harvest = ycuby = "noun new food" (an)
to harvest = ucuby = "verb new food" (an)
hat = ybafi = "noun top garment" (AN)
to hate = uzanype = "verb strong repulsive relationship" (an)
hatred, outrage = yzanype = "noun strong repulsive relationship" (an)
to have, to own, to possess, to keep = upylu = "verb owned abstraction" (PHZ)
hawk = ymubabo == ymubao = "noun fast top animal" (AN)
hazelnut, cobnut, filbert nut = ynupuby = "noun short child food" (an)
he, him = ije
head = ybapa = "noun top anatomical..." (AN)
headband = ybabosu = "noun top hairy fastener" (AN)
headache = obapabu = "noun top anatomical... sickness" (AN)
to heal = ulabu = "verb opposite sickness" (an)
health = ylabu = "noun opposite sickness" (an)
healthy = alabu = "adjective opposite sickness" (AN)
healthful = elabuge = "adjective opposite sickness environment" (an)
to hear = ujyma = "verb sonic detector" (an)
Heard Island and McDonald Islands = tataty = "longitude=72 latitude=37 country" (an)
hearing = ojypama = "noun sonic anatomical... detector" (an)
heart = ogipa = "noun pump anatomical..." (AN)
heart attack = okagibu = "noun weak pump sickness" (AN)
hearth = ykusawy = "noun burning bottom surface" (an)
heat = yzyli = "noun warm" (an)
to heat = uzyli = "verb warm" (AN)
heat flow = yjofeli = "noun mobile cold" (an)
heater (furniture) = yzyze = "noun warm furniture" (an)
heater (tool) = yzysi = "noun warm tool" (an)
heat pipe = ogugoku = "noun wet gas tube" (an)
heaven = ymaceji = "noun good religious place" (an)
hectare = hoti owyko honule = "10^4 square meter" (-an)
hectare = osowyle = "noun big surface unit" (-an)
hectopascal = oge ybele = "100 pascal" (AN)
heel = ygijupa = "noun geological rear anatomical..." (AN)
height = ybanu = "noun top distance" (an)
helicopter = owowajo == owoajo = "noun rotating tape vehicle" (AN)
helium = ybezelo = "noun 2 idle atom" (an)
helix = ywi
hell = ycesyji = "noun religious bad place" (AN)
hello, hi = ima
helmet = yzabafi = "noun strong top garment" (an)
help, assistance, aid = ypono = "noun caring work" (an)
to help, to assist, to aid, to support, to serve = upono = "verb caring work" (an)
to hem = imyfumo = "verb outer textile fusion" (an)
hemisphere = oze u hyfa = "1/2 sphere" (an)
hemline = osafini = "noun bottom garment path" (an)
hemp = ymikube = "noun mental burning plant" (an)
hen = ypybabo == ypybao = "noun owned top animal" (AN)
her = a ifi = "adjective she"
(medieval) herald = otyceja = "noun old communication craftsman" (an)
herb = ynebe = "noun medical plant" (AN)
herbal tea, herbal medicine = onebegu = "noun medical plant liquid" (PHZ)
here = enunuji = "adjective short distance place" (an)
heretic = ycaceco == ycaceo = "noun false religious expert" (AN)
hermit = obejipy "noun wild place person" (an)
hero, heroine = ymamapy = "noun good good person" (an)
heroin (drug) = yzumife = "noun inner mental powder" (an)
herpes = owewybu == oweybu = "noun cellular surface sickness" (AN)
hers = a hifi = "adjective she"
herself = hifi hipa = "she reflexive"
hertz = ytile = "noun repeating unit" (AN)
heterogeneous = adeso = "adjective different group" (AN)
to hesitate = ukamini = "verb weak mental path" (an)
hesitation = ykamini = "noun weak mental path" (an)
heterosexual = adejali = "adjective different sexual" (AN)
hexadecimal = anuly = "adjective short number" (an)
to hibernate = ufezebo = "verb cold idle animal" (an)
hidden, concealed, covert = aniji = "adjective secret place" (an)
to hide, to conceal = uniji = "verb secret place" (AN)
high (placed high) = abalu = "adjective top abstraction" (an)
high fidelity = ajido = "adjective clean picture" (an)
highlighter = ogudyki = "noun wet text rod" (AN)
highway, freeway = ysoju = "noun big road" (AN)
hill = ygise = "noun geological protrusion" (AN)
himself = ije hipa = "he reflexive"
Hindu = ocemopy = "noun religious fusion person" (an)
Hinduism = ycemo = "noun religious fusion" (an)
hinge = okasu = "noun valve fastener" (an)
hip = osasepa = "noun bottom protrusion anatomical..." (an)
hippopotamus = ysazybo = "noun bottom warm animal" (AN)
to hire, to employ = icupyno = "verb new person work" (an)
his = a ije = "adjective he"
Hispanic, Latino = omopy = "noun fusion person" (an)
hiss = yjyzili = "noun sonic narrow" (an)
history = ytydu = "noun old knowledge" (AN)
historian = otyduco = "noun old knowledge expert" (an)
hobby = ytono = "noun ephemeral work" (an)
hockey = ywywo = "noun slippery disk" (AN)
to hold = usumo = "verb prolonged fusion" (PHZ)
hole, opening, orifice = yzi
to make a hole = izino = "verb hole work" (an)
holiday = ema
hollow = eziko = "adjective hole shape" (an)
holmium = hycadylo = "noun 67 middle atom" (an)
holy = amaceli = "adjective good religious" (an)
home = opyzo = "noun person building" (an)
homeless person = ygopy = "noun atmospheric person" (AN)
homeless shelter = ogopyzo = "noun atmospheric person building" (an)
hominid (bipedal primate) = opybo = "noun person animal" (AN)
homogeneous, uniform = apiso = "adjective similar group" (AN)
homosexual, gay = apijali = "adjective similar sexual" (AN)
Honduras = cyzoty = "longitude=272 latitude=103 country" (an)
honest, sincere = amepy = "adjective true person" (an)
honesty, integrity, probity, rectitude, candor, veracity = ymepy = "noun true person" (an)
honey = opeguby = "noun happy liquid food" (an)
honeycomb = omacyza = "noun good net container" (an)
honeymoon = ypecupe = "noun happy new relationship" (an)
Hong Kong = gisety = "longitude=116 latitude=111 country" (an)
hood (cover of an engine) = obajywe = "noun top engine sheet" (an)
hood (for head) = obafisy = "noun top garment part" (an)
hook = olasu = "noun angle fastener" (AN)
hooligan = ysypy = "noun bad person" (AN)
hope = ymadu = "noun good knowledge" (an)
hopelessness = ysydu = "noun bad knowledge" (AN)
horizon = obamy = "noun astronomical object separation" (an)
horizontal, level = izo
hormone = ywupa = "noun chemical anatomical..." (AN)
horn (musical) = yjykoku == yjykou = "noun sonic artistic tube" (an)
horn (vehicle's) = ojyjosi == ojyosi = "noun sonic vehicle tool" (an)
horn (animal's) = obakupa = "noun top tube anatomical..." (an)
horoscope = ocabadu = "noun false astronomical object knowledge" (AN)
horror = ysysyli == ysysli = "noun bad bad" (an)
hors-d'oeuvr = yloby = "noun small food" (an)
horse = yzazybo == yzaybo = "noun strong warm animal" (AN)
hospital = ynezo = "noun medical building" (an)
host (person) = yzupy = "noun inner person" (an)
hostel (for youth) = ylatuzo = "noun opposite expensive building" (an)
hot = akuzyli = "adjective burning warm" (AN)
hotel, inn = olypyzo = "noun random person building" (AN)
hour = emi
hourly = a emi = "adjective hour"
how? = iwe oculi = "what method, means, technique, mode, way" (AN)
how many? = iwe olely "what quantity?" (AN)
hug = opamo = "noun anatomical... fusion" (an)
to hug = ipamo = "verb anatomical... fusion" (an)
huge = asosoli = "adjective big big" (an)
humanoid = ecapyko = "adjective false person shape" (ei)
humility = ymada = "noun weak name" (an)
humiliation = omadaci = "noun weak name manipulation" (an)
hummingbird = yfybo = "noun lightweight animal" (an)
humorous = apedepe = "adjective happy different relationship" (an)
hundred = oge
hundredth = ozu
Hungary = bicety = "longitude=20 latitude=135 country" (an)
hunger = ypuli = "noun hungry" (an)
hungry = hapu
to hunt = ububo = "verb dead animal" (AN)
hunter = obubopy == obuopy = "noun dead animal person" (AN)
hurricane (wind speed over 30m/s) = ymugogo = "noun fast atmospheric gas" (an)
hurriedly = amuno = "adjective fast work" (an)
hurry = ymuno = "noun fast work" (an)
to hurry = umuno = "verb fast work" (an)
husband = yjecopo = "noun masculine legal parent" (an)
hydrogen = ybafylo = "noun 1 lightweight atom" (an)
hydrodynamic = ajogu = "adjective mobile liquid"
hydrostatic = agegu = "adjective stationary liquid" (an)
hyena = ybosybo = "noun hairy bad animal" (an)
hypothermia = yfebu = "noun cold sickness" (AN)
hypothesis = olynesy = "noun random science part" (AN)
hypothesis (I guess..., suppose...) = ili
I, me = imu
ice = yfeky = "noun cold rigid solid" (an)
ice-cream = yfeby = "noun cold food" (AN)
Iceland = lymuty = "longitude=344 latitude=153 country" (an)
(computer) icon, button = olodoka = "noun small picture valve" (an)
(religious) icon = ycedo = "noun religious picture" (AN)
idea, thought, plan = ymini = "noun mental path" (PHZ)
to have an idea, to plan = umini = "verb mental path" (PHZ)
identical, the same = apipili == apipli = "adjective similar similar" (an)
identical twin = ypipi = "noun similar sibling" (AN)
identification, I.D. = ywima = "noun genetic detector" (an)
to identify = uwima = "verb genetic detector" (an)
identification card = ycowiwe == ycowie = "noun legal genetic sheet" (an)
ideology = ydedidu == ydediu == ydeidu = "noun different political knowledge" (an)
indoctrination = ydimo = "noun political fusion" (an)
idle = aze
idiom = olydesy = "noun random language part" (an)
idiot = yzemipy = "noun idle mental person" (an)
idiotic = azemipy = "adjective idle mental person" (an)
if = ilu
igneous rock = ykugiky = "noun burning geological rigid solid" (an)
ignorance = yladu = "noun opposite knowledge" (AN)
ignorant = oladupy = "noun opposite knowledge person" (an)
to ignore = uzepe = "verb idle relationship" (AN)
illiteracy = ylady = "noun opposite text" (an)
illiterate = alady = "adjective opposite text" (an)
illiterate person = oladypy = "noun opposite text person" (an)
imaginary = acamili = "adjective false mental" (an)
to imagine = unomino = "verb busy mental work" (an)
imam = ytacetu = "noun dangerous religious manager" (an)
imbecile = omipupy == omipuy = "noun mental child person" (an)
to imitate = upino = "verb similar work" (an)
imitation = ypino = "noun similar work" (an)
immigrant = ymyzupy = "noun outer inner person" (an)
to immigrate = umyzupy = "verb outer inner person" (an)
immigration = ymyzuty = "noun outer inner country" (an)
to immobilize = ugeci = "verb stationary manipulation" (an)
immune system = ynypa = "noun repulsive anatomical..." (AN)
imperfect = alamali = "adjective opposite good" (an)
imperial = asoty = "adjective big country" (an)
impervious, impenetrable = ylazumo = "noun opposite inner fusion" (an)
implication = okapope == okapoe = "noun weak parent relationship" (AN)
to implode = uzumy = "verb inner separation" (an)
import = ymyzuti = "noun outer inner trade" (an)
important, significant = akilu = "adjective massive abstraction" (AN)
impossible = hica
to improve = umali = "verb good" (an)
in, inside, into, within = izu
inappropriate, unsuitable, inapt = asysi = "adjective bad tool" (an)
incest = ojapimo = "noun sexual sibling fusion" (AN)
inch = uzu inc = "foreign word inc" (an)
to incline to = ulini = "verb philosophical path" (an)
inclined = alini = "adjective philosophical path" (an)
to include, to comprise = isyli = "verb part" (an)
income, earnings = yduga = "noun gained money" (an)
incompatible, incongruent, incongruous, discordant, discrepant, dissonant = asylyli = "adjective bad random" (an)
incredible, amazing = alidu = "adjective absurd knowledge" (an)
incubator = yzyza = "noun warm container" (an)
incumbent = ytydipy = "noun old political person" (an)
increase, expansion, swelling, enlargement = ylosoli = "noun small big" (an)
indeed = amece = "adjective true communication" (an)
index finger = odakipa = "noun front rod anatomical..." (an)
India = tesaty = "longitude=76 latitude=109 country" (an)
to indicate = upima = "verb similar detector" (an)
indicative = apima = "adjective similar detector" (an)
indifference, reluctance = yzepe = "noun idle relationship" (an)
indirect = anani = "adjective complex path" (an)
indium = yzagulo = "noun 49 wet atom" (an)
individual = elapyso = "adjective opposite person group" (an)
indulge = udupuno = "verb gained hungry work" (an)
industrial = ecuge = "adjective technology environment" (an)
industry (branch of business) = otoso = "noun business group" (AN)
industry (all manufacturing businesses) = ocuge = "noun technology environment" (AN)
Indonesia = kafaty = "longitude=120 latitude=85 country" (an)
ineffable = eladedu == eladeu = "adjective opposite language knowledge" (an)
inept, unskilled = asyja = "adjective bad craftsman" (an)
inertia = yzeny = "noun idle force" (AN)
infanticide = obupuci = "noun dead child manipulation" (AN)
infantry = otetate == otetae == oteate = slow war organization (an)
infantry soldier = otetapy == oteapy = slow war person (an)
to infect = uwebu = "verb cellular sickness" (an)
infection = ywebu = "noun cellular sickness" (an)
inferior = asylu = "adjective bad abstraction" (AN)
inferiority complex = osydabu = "noun bad name sickness" (an)
to infest = isyboge = "verb bad animal environment" (an)
infibulation = ojasuci = "noun sexual fastener manipulation" (AN)
to infiltrate (to attempt to secretly subvert or control an organization) = unidino = "verb secret political work" (ei)
infinity = oba
to inflate = uzugo = "verb inner gas" (an)
(financial) inflation = ykaga = "noun weak money" (AN)
influence = ogeny = "noun environment force" (an)
influenza = ygobu = "noun atmospheric sickness" (AN)
to inhale = izugopa = "verb inner gas anatomical..." (an)
inheritance, heritage = yduwiga = "noun gained genetic money" (an)
initial, preliminary, introductory, prefatory = acuno = "adjective new work" (an)
to inject = uzugu = "verb inner liquid" (an)
injection = yzugu = "noun inner liquid" (an)
to injure, to hurt, harm = ugapa = "verb lost anatomical..." (an)
injured = agapa = "adjective lost anatomical..." (ei)
injury = ysygapa = "noun bad lost anatomical..." (AN)
injustice = ysycoli = "noun bad legal" (an)
ink = odygu = "noun text liquid" (an)
in-law (relative by marriage) = ymywipy = "noun outer genetic person" (an)
inner, internal = azu
innocent = amacopy = "adjective good legal person" (an)
innovation = ycudeli = "noun new different" (an)
innovative = acudeli = "adjective new different" (an)
inorganic chemistry = ybuwune = "noun dead chemical science" (AN)
insanity = ytamibu = "noun dangerous mental sickness" (an)
insect, bug = ylobo = "noun small animal" (AN)
inside out = azumype = "adjective inner outer relationship" (an)
insincere = ecacepy == ecaepy = "adjective false communication person" (an)
insomnia = ynomibu = "noun busy mental sickness" (AN)
inspection, examination = ymasyno = "noun good bad work" (an)
to inspire = imaniny = "verb good path force" (an)
to install = ijemo = "verb machine fusion" (an)
installation = ojemo = "noun machine fusion" (an)
instead of = hici
instinct = ywiny = "noun genetic force" (AN)
written instructions = ocudy = "noun technology text" (an)
insulin = opugupa = "noun hungry liquid anatomical..." (an)
insurance = ycyto = "noun safe business" (AN)
insurance salesman = ocytoja = "noun safe business craftsman" (an)
to insure = ucyto = "verb safe business" (an)
intelligence = ymilu = "noun mental abstraction" (an)
intelligence quotient = ymily = "noun mental number" (AN)
intolerant, ornery = akypy = "adjective brittle person" (AN)
intuition = olanadu = "noun opposite calculation knowledge" (an)
intuitive = elanadu = "adjective opposite calculation knowledge" (an)
intuitive person = olanapy = "noun opposite calculation person" (an)
intend = imipope == imipoe = "verb mental parent relationship" (an)
intention, intent = omipope == omipoe = "noun mental parent relationship" (AN)
interest (charged for the use of money) = opygasy = "noun owned money part" (an)
interest (concern) = ymodu = "noun attractive knowledge" (an)
interesting = amodu = "adjective attractive knowledge" (AN)
to interfere, to hamper, to obstruct = usylyci = "verb bad random manipulation" (an)
(unfair) interference = ysylyci = "noun bad random manipulation" (an)
interference (of waves) = ojokomo = "noun mobile shape fusion" (an)
intermittent = atilu = "adjective repeating abstraction" (an)
international = emytype = "adjective outer country relationship" (an)
Internet = ocecy = "noun communication net" (AN)
Internet web site = ocydi = "noun net publication" (AN)
internist = yzuneco = "noun inner medical expert" (an)
to interrupt = utozeci = "verb ephemeral idle manipulation" (an)
interruption = ytozeci = "noun ephemeral idle manipulation" (an)
intersection, crossroad, crossroads = onimo = "noun path fusion" (AN)
interval = ypinu = "noun similar distance" (an)
to intervene, to arbitrate = udepice = "verb different similar communication" (an)
intervention = ydepice = "noun different similar communication" (an)
interview = ojyceno = "noun sonic communication work" (an)
intestine = ywapa = "noun sticky anatomical..." (AN)
intimate = aladi = "adjective opposite publication" (an)
to introduce (people) = icupymo = "verb new person fusion" (an)
to introduce (product, method) = icucudi = "verb new technology publication" (an)
introvert = ozupepy = "noun inner relationship person" (an)
introverted = ezupepy = "adjective inner relationship person" (an)
to invade = imytyta == imytya = "verb outer country war" (an)
invasion = omytyta == omytya = "noun outer country war" (an)
to invent = ucucu = "verb new technology" (AN)
invention = ycucu = "noun new technology" (AN)
inventory = otody = "noun business text" (an)
to investigate = imano = "verb detector work" (an)
investigation = omano = "noun detector work" (an)
investment = ogaji = "noun money place" (AN)
to invest = igaji = "verb money place" (an)
invincible = atiduta = "adjective repeating gained war" (AN)
invisible = alabili = "adjective opposite optical" (an)
invitation = omoce = "noun fusion communication" (an)
to invite = imoce = "verb fusion communication" (an)
invoice = ogady = "noun money text" (AN)
iodine = yzucylo = "noun 53 safe atom" (an)
ion = ysilo = "noun electric atom" (an)
ionized = asilo = "adjective electric atom" (an)
iridescent = huku
irreconcilable = asunype = "adjective prolonged repulsive relationship" (AN)
irresponsible = alytu = "adjective random manager" (an)
Iran = dejaty = "longitude=52 latitude=121 country" (an)
Iraq = pijaty = "longitude=44 latitude=121 country" (an)
Ireland = lucuty = "longitude=352 latitude=141 country" (an)
iridium = ymusulo = "noun 77 prolonged atom" (an)
iris (of eye) = obipaka = "noun optical anatomical... valve" (an)
iron = ygezalo = "noun 26 strong atom" (an)
ironic = alamece = "adjective opposite true communication" (an)
irony = ylamece = "noun opposite true communication" (an)
irrelevant = acape = "adjective no relationship" (an)
Islam = ytacete = "noun dangerous religious organization" (an)
Islamic = atacete = "adjective dangerous religious organization" (an)
Shia Islam = ydicete = "noun political religious organization" (an)
Sunni Islam = ylycete = "noun random religious organization" (an)
Islamonausea (aversion to Islam) = ytacedu = "noun dangerous religious knowledge" (an)
Islamophilia = ytacemo = "noun dangerous religious fusion" (an)
island = yfugise = "noun dry geological protrusion" (an)
isomer = opiloso = "noun similar atom group" (an)
isotope = ypilo = "noun similar atom" (an)
isotropic = apileni = "adjective similar physical path" (AN)
Israel = pojaty = "longitude=36 latitude=121 country" (an)
issue, edition, printing = ydedi = "noun different publication" (an)
it, this, that = hito
Italy = bojity = "longitude=12 latitude=131 country" (an)
itch = omypabu = "noun outer anatomical... sickness" (an)
its = a ito = "adjective it" (an)
itself = hito hipa = "it reflexive"
ivory = oboky = "noun animal rigid solid" (AN)
Ivory Coast (Cote d'Ivoire) = lizaty = "longitude=356 latitude=97 country" (an)
jack = ybasasi = "noun top bottom tool" (an)
jacket, anorak = ynumyfi = "noun short outer garment" (an)
jaguar = ybodobo = "noun hairy pretty animal" (AN)
jail, prison = osuzo = "noun fastener building" (AN)
to jail, to imprison, to incarcerate = isuzo = "verb fastener building" (an)
jail cell = osuzy = "noun fastener room" (AN)
Jamaica = cizity = "longitude=284 latitude=107 country" (an)
January = hefu
Japan = kijyty = "longitude=140 latitude=125 country" (an)
jar = ozowoza = "noun tall disk container" (an)
jaw = obanypa = "noun top force anatomical..." (AN)
Jehovah's witness religion = ycenete = "noun religious medical organization" (an)
jelly = okabyke = "noun weak food soft solid" (an)
jellyfish = ykabo = "noun weak animal" (AN)
jet = ojoloso = "noun mobile atom group" (an)
airbreathing jet engine = ygokujy = "noun atmospheric burning engine" (an)
Jew = ycecopy = "noun religious legal person" (an)
jewel = ydoky = "noun pretty rigid solid" (AN)
jewelry = ydowu = "noun pretty torus" (AN)
Jewish = acecopy = "adjective religious legal person" (an)
jihad = ytaceta = "noun dangerous religious war" (an)
job, employment, profession = ogano = "noun money work" (AN)
to join (objects) = ulemo = "verb physical fusion" (AN)
to join (organization) = ipymo = "verb person fusion" (an)
joke, jest = ypedepe = "noun happy different relationship" (AN)
Jordan = posity = "longitude=36 latitude=119 country" (an)
joule = onole = "noun work unit" (AN)
journal, periodical, monthly or quarterly publication = ytudi = "noun rich publication" (AN)
journalism = otudino = "noun rich publication work" (an)
journalist, reporter = otudija = "noun rich publication craftsman" (an)
journeyman = ocoja = "noun expert craftsman" (an)
Judaism = ycecote = "noun religious legal organization" (an)
judge = ycotu = "noun legal manager" (AN)
judgment = ocotuce = "noun legal manager communication" (an)
juice = ogubeby == ogubey = "noun wet plant food" (AN)
July = egu
to jump, to leap = utomy = "verb ephemeral separation" (an)
jumpsuit = yfofi = "noun long garment" (an)
protective jumpsuit = ycyfofi = "noun safe long garment" (an)
June = eje
junk, trash, garbage = ykelu = "noun dirty abstraction" (an)
junkyard = olykyto = "noun random rigid solid business" (an)
Jupiter = sogoba = "proper noun big atmospheric astronomical object" (an)
jury = ycoso = "noun legal group" (an)
just right, (not too liitle or too much) = amaly = "adjective good number" (an)
just = amacoli = "adjective good legal" (an)
justice = ymacoli = "noun good legal" (an)
kayak = yguzijo = "noun wet narrow vehicle" (AN)
Kazakhstan = dicyty = "longitude=68 latitude=137 country" (an)
kelvin = yfele = "noun cold unit" (an)
Kenya = pufyty = "longitude=40 latitude=89 country" (an)
kerosene = ykucygu = "noun burning safe liquid" (an)
key (for a lock) = ynisi = "noun secret tool" (an)
key (part of keyboard) = ofadyka = "noun elastic text valve" (an)
keyboard = ofadysi = "noun elastic text tool" (an)
to kick = ifopany = "verb long anatomical... force" (an)
to kidnap = ipypumy = "verb owned child separation" (an)
kidnapper = opypupy == opypuy = "noun owned child person" (an)
kidnapping = opypumy = "noun owned child separation" (an)
kidney = yjipa = "noun clean anatomical..." (AN)
to kill = ubuci = "verb dead manipulation" (AN)
killing = ybuci = "noun dead manipulation" (an)
killer = obucipy = "noun dead manipulation person" (an)
kilogram = ykile = "noun massive unit" (AN)
kilohertz = oga hytile = "1000 hertz" (an)
kilometer = oga onule = "1000 meter" (an)
kilometer = ofonule = "noun long distance unit" (an)
kilowatt = oga ojyle = "1000 watt" (an)
king, queen, ruler, monarch = owitytu == owityu = "noun genetic country manager" (an)
(political) kingdom = owituty == owituy = "noun genetic manager country" (an)
(biological) kingdom = ywisoso = "noun genetic big group" (an)
Kiribati = fefoty = "longitude=172 latitude=91 country" (an)
to kiss = utojace = "verb ephemeral sexual communication" (an)
kitchen = obyzy = "noun food room" (AN)
kite = ybawe = "noun top sheet" (AN)
kleptocracy = ylacoge = "noun opposite legal environment" (an)
knee = yfodypa = "noun long middle anatomical..." (AN)
to kneel = unucepy = "verb short religious person" (an)
knight = ozatapy = "noun strong war person" (AN)
knife = osewasi = "noun sharp tape tool" (AN)
knob = ocise = "noun manipulation protrusion" (an)
to knock = utiny = "verb repeating force" (AN)
knot = ofosu = "noun fiber fastener" (an)
to know = iduli = "verb knowledge" (PHZ)
knowledge, information = ydu
Koran = ytacedi = "noun dangerous religious publication" (an)
krypton = hykizelo = "noun 36 idle atom" (an)
kudzu = yfomube = "noun long fast plant" (an)
Kuwait = dasity = "longitude=48 latitude=119 country" (an)
Kyrgyzstan = tejuty = "longitude=76 latitude=129 country" (an)
laboratory = onezy = "noun science room" (AN)
lack, dearth, scarcity, paucity, deficit, insufficiency = ypuca = "noun hungry address" (an)
lackluster, apathetic, lethargic, torpid, indolent = ateno = "adjective slow work" (an)
ladder = ysabasi = "noun bottom top tool" (an)
lady = ylifipy = "noun philosophical feminine person" (an)
lake = yguge = "noun wet environment" (an)
lamp (light source) = ogymu = "noun photon chip" (an)
light fixture = ogyze = "noun photon furniture" (an)
(ornamental) table lamp = odogyze = "noun pretty photon furniture" (an)
(utilitarian) desk lamp = ogygyze = "noun simple photon furniture" (an)
to land on a surface (like a jumper, rocket, or airplane) = ugogimo == ugoimo = "verb atmospheric geological fusion" (an)
land = ofugiwy = "noun dry geological surface" (an)
landlord = opyzotu = "noun owned building manager" (an)
language = yde
lanthanum = hysynolo = "noun 57 busy atom" (an)
Laos = gyzity = "longitude=104 latitude=107 country" (an)
larynx = yzijypa = "noun narrow sonic anatomical..." (AN)
laser = opigysi = "noun similar photon tool" (an)
laser beam, coherent light = ypigy = "noun similar photon" (an)
laser diode = opigymu = "noun similar photon chip" (an)
last = olo
late = hete
later = iza hete = more late (an)
latest = hiso hete = most late (an)
latitude = yzoca = "noun tall address" (an)
Latvia = uby pamaty = "east longitude=24 latitude=145 country" (an)
to laugh = upece = "verb happy communication" (an)
laughter = ypece = "noun happy communication" (an)
launch = ojoci = "noun vehicle manipulation" (an)
to launch = ijoci = "verb vehicle manipulation" (an)
laundry washer = ojifuje = "noun clean textile machine" (AN)
law (single legal rule) = ycodi = "noun legal publication" (an)
lawn = opywabe = "noun owned tape plant" (an)
lawsuit = ycota = "noun legal war" (AN)
lawyer = ycoco = "noun legal expert" (AN)
layer = yziwe = "noun narrow sheet" (an)
lazy = azepy = "adjective idle person" (AN)
lead (chemical element) = ynokilo = "noun 82 massive atom" (an)
to lead = udajo = "verb front vehicle" (AN)
leader (person) = ydapy = "noun front person" (AN)
leaf = owebi = "noun sheet anatomical..." (AN)
leak = ysyzi = "noun bad hole" (an)
to leak = usyzi = "verb bad hole" (an)
lean (not fat) = alawypa = "adjective opposite slippery anatomical..." (an)
to learn, to memorize = ududu = "verb gained knowledge" (PHZ,AN)
lease = ygaduli = "noun lost gained" (AN)
leash = opybowa = "noun owned animal tape" (an)
least = ilo
leather = omypafi = "noun outer anatomical... garment" (AN)
leave (permission to be absent) = ycomyni = "noun legal outer path" (an)
to leave, to depart, to go away = umyni = "verb outer path" (AN)
Lebanon = pojety = "longitude=36 latitude=123 country" (an)
lecture = ojydude == ojydue = "noun sonic knowledge language" (an)
left = ibe
left-wing, leftist = ajodili = "adjective mobile political" (an)
left-wing person = yjodipy = "noun mobile political person" (an)
leg (of animal) = yfopa = "noun long anatomical..." (AN)
leg (of furniture) = ozozeki = "noun tall furniture rod" (an)
legal = haco
lemon = ybanyby = "noun top repulsive food" (an)
to lend = ugaduli = "verb lost gained" (AN)
length = yfonu = "noun long distance" (an)
to lengthen (something) = ufoci = "verb long manipulation" (an)
lens = ybifa = "noun optical ball" (AN)
leopard = yfuzabo = "noun dry strong animal" (AN)
Lesotho = pegity = "longitude=28 latitude=59 country" (an)
letter (symbol) = olodysy = "noun small text part" (AN)
letter (text) = ocewe = "noun communication sheet" (an)
lettuce = ofyweby = "noun lightweight sheet food" (AN)
lever = yzawoki = "noun strong rotating rod" (an)
to levitate = ubagemy = "verb top stationary separation" (an)
liar = ocacepy == ocaepy = "noun false communication person" (an)
liberal = alapypy = "adjective opposite owned person" (an)
liberal person = ylapypy = "noun opposite owned person" (an)
liberation = ylapyge = "noun opposite owned environment" (an)
Liberia = lufity = "longitude=352 latitude=95 country" (an)
liberty = alapyge = "adjective opposite owned environment" (an)
library = odizo = "noun publication building" (AN)
Libya = busyty = "longitude=16 latitude=113 country" (an)
louse = ylozubo = "noun small inner animal" (an)
lichen = yfebe = "noun cold plant" (AN)
to lick = ibawapa = "verb top tape anatomical..." (an)
lie = ycace = "noun false communication" (AN)
to lie, to cheat, to deceive, to defraud = ucace = "verb false communication" (an)
to lie (recumbent) = uzesako = "verb idle bottom shape" (an)
Liechtenstein = uby bycety = "east longitude=8 latitude=135 country" (an)
lieutenant = osotaja = "noun big war craftsman" (AN)
life, existence = ylabuli = "noun opposite dead" (an)
ligament = osupa = "noun fastener anatomical..." (AN)
photon (light, radio waves, etc.) = ygy
infrared light = ykugy = "noun burning photon" (AN)
monochromatic light = ygygy = "noun simple photon" (an)
ultraviolet light = ynugy = "noun short photon" (AN)
visible light = ybigy = "noun optical photon" (AN)
light (color) = udi
lightbulb = ogyfa = "noun photon ball" (AN)
mercury lightbulb = ofegyfa = "noun cold photon ball" (AN)
sodium lightbulb = ogygyfa = "noun simple photon ball" (an)
light emitting diode = olygymu = "noun random photon chip" (AN)
light year = obe
lighter = ykusi = "noun burning tool" (an)
lightning = ytogogy == ytogoy = "noun ephemeral atmospheric photon" (AN)
lightening rod = ygosiki = "noun atmospheric electric rod" (an)
lightweight = hafy
to like, to prefer, to favor, to admire = umominy = "verb attractive mental force" (an)
likely, probably = hiku
lilac = ybyjabe = "noun smelly sexual plant" (AN)
tree limb = ysofobi = "noun big long anatomical..." (AN)
limestone = ogipaky = "noun geological anatomical... rigid solid" (an)
line (curved or straight) = yzini = "noun narrow path" (AN)
linen = ytyfu = "noun old textile" (an)
straight line = ygyni = "noun simple path" (AN)
linguist = odeco = "noun language expert" (AN)
link = omoni = "noun fusion path" (an)
to link = imoni = "verb fusion path" (an)
lion = ybofubo = "noun hairy dry animal" (AN)
lip = obazipa = "noun top hole anatomical..." (an)
lipstick = odoziwy = "noun pretty hole surface" (AN)
to wear lipstick = idoziwy = "verb pretty hole surface" (AN)
to apply lipstick = imoli oweziwy = "to fuse lipstick" (AN)
to remove lipstick = imyli oweziwy = "to separate lipstick" (AN)
liquid = ygu
liquid crystal = yzagu = "noun strong liquid" (AN)
liquid crystal display = ozagudo = "noun strong liquid picture" (AN)
liquor, vodka = yzamigu = "noun strong mental liquid" (AN)
list = ofosody = "noun long group text" (an)
to make a list = ifosody = "verb long group text" (an)
to listen = ujyno = "verb sonic work" (ei)
liter = ogule = "noun liquid unit" (an)
literature = ykody = "noun artistic text" (an)
lithium = ybysilo = "noun 3 electric atom" (an)
Lithuania = pamaty = "longitude=24 latitude=145 country" (an)
little finger = olokipa = "noun small rod anatomical..." (an)
to live, to reside = ipyzo = "verb person building" (an)
liver = ytupa = "noun rich anatomical..." (AN)
living thing (plant or animal) = ylabuli = "noun opposite dead" (an)
living room = ynozy = "noun busy room" (AN)
lizard = yzebo = "noun idle animal" (AN)
load = yzuza = "noun inner container" (an)
to load, to fill = uzuza = "verb inner container" (AN)
loan = ycuga = "noun new money" (an)
lobster = ysokybo = "noun big brittle animal" (AN)
location (within building, machine, animal, plant) = onunuca = "noun short distance address" (an)
location (within city, country, world) = ofonuca = "noun long distance address" (an)
lock = ynisu = "noun secret fastener" (an)
locomotive = ozakijo = "noun strong rod vehicle" (an)
to lodge = izoli = "verb building" (an)
lodging (place) = ozoli = "noun building" (an)
(tree) log = ybusobe = "noun dead big plant" (AN)
logic = ylina = "noun philosophical calculation" (AN)
logical = alina = "adjective philosophical calculation" (an)
alone, lone, single, solitary = alaso = "adjective opposite group" (an)
lonely, lonesome = asumimy = "adjective prolonged mental separation" (AN)
long = hafo
a long time = hefo
longer = iza u afo = more long (-an)
longer = ika u anu = less short (-an)
longer = afopi = "adjective long sibling" (-an)
longitude = yfoca = "noun long address" (an)
to look (appearance) = idoli = "verb picture" (an)
look (appearance) = odoli = "noun picture" (an)
to look = ubino = "verb optical work" (ei)
loon = ybabebo == ybaebo = "noun top wild animal" (AN)
loop = owufo = "noun torus fiber" (AN)
loose = akasu = "adjective weak fastener" (an)
to loosen = ukasu = "verb weak fastener" (an)
lord (feudal superior, proprietor of manor) = opyjitu = "noun owned place manager" (an)
to get lost = ugani = "verb lost path" (PHZ)
loser = ygapy = "noun lost person" (AN)
to lose = ugali = "verb lost" (PHZ)
loss = ygali = "noun lost" (an)
lost = aga
lot (choice by chance) = ylyci = "noun random manipulation" (an)
lotion = ynegu = "noun medical liquid" (an)
lottery = olygato = "noun random money business" (AN)
loud = azajyli = "adjective strong sonic" (an)
love = yjape = "noun sexual relationship" (an)
platonic love = ylijape = "noun philosophical sexual relationship" (an)
to love = ujape = "verb sexual relationship" (AN)
lover, sweetheart = yjapy = "noun sexual person" (an)
low (placed low) = asalu = "adjective bottom abstraction" (an)
low, short (not tall), shallow = alazoli = "adjective opposite tall" (an)
to lower = ubasaci = "verb top bottom manipulation" (an)
lower = asaji = "adjective bottom place" (an)
lubricant = owyloso = "noun slippery atom group" (an)
to lubricate = iwywyci = "verb slippery surface manipulation" (an)
lubrication = owywyci = "noun slippery surface manipulation" (an)
luck = ydulyli == ydulyi = "noun gained random" (an)
lucky = adulyli == adulyi = "adjective gained random" (an)
lukewarm = akazyli = "adjective weak warm" (AN)
lump (protuberance) = osepa = "noun protrusion anatomical..." (an)
lump (piece) = yladoko = "noun opposite pretty shape" (an)
Luna (Earth's moon) = somyba = "proper noun big outer astronomical object" (an)
lunatic asylum (psychiatric hospital) = omibuzo = "noun mental sickness building" (an)
lunch = eba u yby = "noon food" (an)
lung = yfypa = "noun lightweight anatomical..." (AN)
lure = ycamosi = "noun false attractive tool" (an)
lust, lecherousness = ypujali = "noun hungry sexual" (an)
luminous, lustrous = hutu
lutetium = hycutylo = "noun 71 old atom" (an)
Lutheran religion = ypocepe = "noun caring religious relationship" (an)
Lutheran = apocepe = "adjective caring religious relationship" (an)
Lutheran (person) = ypocepy = "noun caring religious person" (an)
Luxembourg = ube bycoty = "west longitude=8 latitude=139 country" (an)
luxury = ytuge = "noun rich environment" (an)
lymph = olygupa = "noun random liquid anatomical..." (AN)
Macao = gusety = "longitude=112 latitude=111 country" (an)
Macedonia = ube pajity = "west longitude=24 latitude=131 country" (an)
machine (has two or three actuators) = yje
Madagascar = dakuty = "longitude=48 latitude=69 country" (an)
mafia = ytate = "noun dangerous organization" (AN)
magazine (for weapons) otakuza = "noun dangerous tube container" (an)
magenta = huci
magic = ycenine == ycenie = "noun religious secret science" (MT)
magician, illusional artist = obicija = "noun optical manipulation craftsman" (PHZ,AN)
magnesium = hypimalo = "noun 12 good atom" (an)
magnet = ypasi = "noun magnetic tool" (an)
magnetic = hapa
magnetic field = ypage = "noun magnetic environment" (an)
magnetic induction, electromagnetic induction = opawici = "noun magnetic helix manipulation" (an)
magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scanner = opaloma = "noun magnetic atom detector" (an)
magnetic tape recorder = opawame = "noun magnetic tape recorder" (an)
magnetoreceptor = ypapa = "noun magnetic anatomical..." (an)
magnifying = asoci = "adjective big manipulation" (AN)
magnifying glass = ybisi = "noun optical tool" (AN)
mail = oceso = "noun communication group" (AN)
mailbox = oceza = "noun communication container" (an)
main = asosy = "adjective big part" (an)
mains electricity, utility power, power grid, domestic power, wall power = ysosicy == ysoicy = "noun big electric net" (an)
major = osotaco = "noun big war expert" (AN)
majority = osopyso = "noun big person group" (an)
to make, to produce, to manufacture, to fabricate, to create, to bring forth = icuno = "verb technology work" (AN)
unfinished product of any manufacturing process = ycusy = "noun new part" (an)
makeup = ydowy = "noun pretty surface" (AN)
makeup foundation = ydosowy = "noun pretty big surface" (AN)
Mali = lizuty = "longitude=356 latitude=105 country" (an)
mall = otizo = "noun trade building" (AN)
malleability = ociweky = "noun changing sheet rigid solid" (an)
Malta = bujyty = "longitude=16 latitude=125 country" (an)
mammal = ybobo = "noun hairy animal" (AN)
aquatic mammal = owybo = "noun surface animal" (AN)
herbivorous mammal = yzybo = "noun warm animal" (AN)
malaria = ozytybu = "noun warm country sickness" (an)
Malawi = powety = "longitude=36 latitude=75 country" (an)
Malaysia = gufoty = "longitude=112 latitude=91 country" (an)
Maldives = tafuty = "longitude=72 latitude=93 country" (an)
male = yjeli = "noun masculine" (an)
male animal = yjebo = "noun masculine animal" (an)
male plant = yjebe = "noun masculine plant" (an)
man, male, Mr. = yjepy = "noun masculine person" (AN)
manager, supervisor, boss = hytu
to manage, to supervise, to conduct, to command = ituli = "verb manager" (an,ei)
Mandaean religion = yguceso = "noun wet religious group" (an)
mandarin (expert devoid of creativity, intuition, and deep understanding; opposite harbinger) = ypico = "noun similar expert" (an)
manganese = ygakylo = "noun 25 brittle atom" (an)
manatee = ozywybo = "noun warm surface animal" (an)
manicure = odowapa = "noun pretty tape anatomical..." (an)
manipulation, processing, treatment = hyci
manufacturing, development, production, fabrication = ocuno = "noun technology work" (an)
many, much, very, especially, particularly, exceptionally = hiki
Maori = ykipy = "noun massive person" (an)
map = ygido = "noun geological picture" (AN)
marble = ykogiky = "noun artistic geological rigid solid" (AN)
March = heke
marijuana (narcotic) = ymikufe = "noun mental burning powder" (an)
marionette = ocafopy = "noun false fiber person" (an)
mark (sign) = owydy = "noun surface text" (an)
marker = osodyki = "noun big text rod" (AN)
market, bazaar = otiji = "noun trade place" (AN)
economic market = otige = "noun trade environment" (AN)
marriage = ocoposu = "noun legal parent fastener" (AN)
to marry = ipomo = "verb parent fusion" (AN)
Mars = wofuba = "proper noun rotating dry astronomical object" (an)
marsh, swamp = ogufege = "noun wet powder environment" (an)
Marshall Islands = fazaty = "longitude=168 latitude=97 country" (an)
Martinique = mozoty = "longitude=300 latitude=103 country" (an)
marvel = ymadeli = "noun good different" (an)
mascara = ybidowy = "noun optical pretty surface" (AN)
masculine = aje
mass = ykili = "noun massive" (AN)
massage = otipaci = "noun repeating anatomical... manipulation" (an)
massive, heavy = haki
master (owner, employer) = otuli = "noun manager" (an)
master (expert) = ymaco = "noun good expert" (an)
to masturbate = upyjaci = "verb owned sexual manipulation" (ei)
masturbation = ypyjaci = noun owned sexual manipulation" (ei)
mat = ykifu = "noun massive textile" (an)
match (for making fire) = ylokuki == ylokui = "noun small burning rod" (an)
match (equal) = ymapili = "noun good similar" (an)
match (game), round, turn = opetasy = "noun happy war part" (an,ei)
material, substance, matter = oloso = "noun atom group" (an)
materialism = olilodu == oliodu = "noun philosophical atom knowledge"
mathematical = alu
mathematical induction = ytiluna = "noun repeating mathematical calculation" (an)
mathematics = yludu = "noun mathematical knowledge" (an)
matte = huto
mature = atypy = "adjective old person" (an)
matzo = okiweby = "noun massive sheet food" (an)
Mauritania = losaty = "longitude=348 latitude=109 country" (an)
Mauritius = dykuty = "longitude=56 latitude=69 country" (an)
maximum = ysoly = "noun big number" (an)
may = hife, izy, hiku
May (month) = eby
maybe, with medium probability, 50% certain = izy
Mayotte = uby piwyty = "east longitude=44 latitude=77 country" (an)
meadow, grassland = onubeso = "noun short plant group" (AN)
meal = yzuby = "noun inner food" (an)
mean, contemptible, despicable, reprehensible = asypy = "adjective bad person" (an)
meandering = elani = "adjective angle path" (an)
to mean = ulali = "verb opposite no meaning" (an)
means (tool or method) = oculu = "noun technology abstraction" (an)
measure (tool) = olesi = "noun unit tool" (an)
to measure = ilesi = "verb unit tool" (an)
meat = opaby = "noun anatomical... food" (AN)
mechanic = ojeja = "noun machine craftsman" (an)
media = odito = "noun publication business" (an)
medical = hane
medical examination = onemano = "noun medical detector work" (AN)
medicine, drug (medical substance) = yneby = "noun medical food" (AN)
medicine (knowledge) = ynedu = "noun medical knowledge" (an)
to meet = itopymo = "verb ephemeral person fusion" (an)
meeting, conference, council, convention, congress = otopymo = "noun ephemeral person fusion" (an)
megahertz = odo hytile = "million hertz" (an)
megawatt = odo ojyle = "million watt" (AN)
melodic = apekode = "adjective happy artistic language" (PHZ)
melon = ydysoby = "noun middle big food" (an)
to melt = ikygu = "verb rigid solid liquid" (an)
member = ynosy = "noun busy part" (an)
meme = owiludu = "noun genetic abstraction knowledge" (an)
to memorize = umidu = "verb mental knowledge" (an)
memory = ymidu = "noun mental knowledge" (an)
memory card = ozusame = "noun inner concavity recorder" (an)
mendacity = ocacebu == ocaebu = "noun false communication sickness" (an)
menopause = ebu
to menstruate = ufibu = "verb feminine sickness" (an)
menstruation = yfibu = "noun feminine sickness" (an)
menstruation period = hefi
mental = ami
to mention = utoce = "verb ephemeral communication" (an)
menu = odaso = "noun name group" (an)
merchandise, commodity, goods = oletisy = "noun physical trade part" (AN)
merchant = otipy = "noun trade person" (an)
mercury (chemical element) = ynegulo = "noun 80 wet atom" (an)
Mercury (planet) = lokuba = "proper noun small burning astronomical object" (an)
meridian (geography) = owobani = "noun rotating astronomical object path" (an)
message = ofonuce = "noun long distance communication" (an)
metal = ysiky = "noun electric rigid solid" (an)
metallic color = huko
metaphysics = ylaledu == ylaedu = "noun opposite physical knowledge" (AN)
meteor = yjoba = "noun mobile astronomical object" (AN)
meteorite = ygiba = "noun geological astronomical object" (AN)
meteoroid = yloba = "noun small astronomical object" (AN)
meter (unit of measurement) = onule = "noun distance unit" (AN)
meter, gauge (instrument for measuring) = olema = "noun unit detector" (an)
methane = ogyjygo = "noun simple engine gas" (AN)
method, means, technique, mode, way = oculi = "noun technology" (an)
Mexico = jisety = "longitude=260 latitude=111 country" (an)
Micronesia = wufity = "longitude=160 latitude=95 country" (an)
microphone = yjyma = "noun sonic detector" (AN)
microscope = ywebisi = "noun cellular optical tool" (AN)
microscopic (very small) = aweloli == aweloi = "adjective cellular small" (an)
microwaves = yzygy = "noun warm photon" (AN)
middle, central, medium = ady
middle finger = odykipa = "noun middle rod anatomical..." (an)
midnight = hesa
migrant = yjopy = "noun mobile person" (an)
to migrate = ujopy = "verb mobile person" (an)
mile = uzu mail = "foreign word mail" (an)
military = etate = "adjective war organization" (an)
milk = yfigu = "noun feminine liquid" (AN)
(flour) mill = okyfeje = "noun brittle powder machine" (AN)
to mill = owosamy = "noun rotating concavity separation" (AN)
millet = ygyfuby = "noun simple dry food" (an)
milliampere = hosi ylyle = "10^-3 ampere" (AN)
milling machine, miller = owosaje = "noun rotating concavity machine" (AN)
milling cutter = owosaki = "noun rotating concavity rod" (AN)
million = odo
millennium = oga heki = "1000 year" (an)
millimeter = hosi onule = "10^-3 meter" (an)
millimeter = onunule = "noun short distance unit" (an)
millipede = ykezibo = "noun dirty narrow animal" (an)
millisecond = hosi heto = "10^-3 second" (AN)
milk glands, breast = ofigupa = "noun feminine liquid anatomical..." (AN)
Milky Way Galaxy = dysoba = "noun middle big astronomical object" (AN)
mind, intellect, soul, consciousness = ymimi = "noun mental software" (an,ei)
(land) mine (explosive military device) = ogitasi = "noun geological war tool" (an)
mine (digging minerals) = ogimyto = "noun geological separation business" (an)
to mine, to extract minerals = igimyno = "verb geological separation work" (an)
miner (of minerals) = ogimyja = "noun geological separation craftsman" (an)
mineral = ygiky = "noun geological rigid solid" (an)
miniature (smaller than normal) = aloko = "adjective small shape" (an)
minimum = yloly == yloy = "noun small number" (an)
mining = ogimyno = "noun geological separation work" (an)
minister (politician) = ozitytu == ozityu = "noun narrow country manager" (an)
minister, priest, clergyman = yceja = "noun religious craftsman" (AN)
mink = ybymobo = "noun smelly attractive animal" (PHZ)
mint (money factory) = otygacu = "noun old money technology" (an)
minority = olosopy = "noun small group person" (an)
mint (aromatic herb) = ybynebe = "noun smelly medical plant" (an)
minus, without, excluding = ide
minute = elo
miracle = ymaceci = "noun good religious manipulation" (-mt)
miracle, magic = ycecu = "noun religious technology" (-AN)
mirror = yfibiwe = "noun feminine optical sheet" (an)
miscarriage = ogapumy = "noun lost child separation" (AN)
to miscarry = igapumy = "verb lost child separation" (an)
miscellaneous = alydeli = "adjective random different" (an)
mischievous = asypeci = "adjective bad happy manipulation" (an)
to misplace = usyji = "verb bad place" (an)
to miss (failure to hit or to see) = usyni = "verb bad path" (an)
to miss (emotion) = upugali = "verb hungry lost" (an)
missile = omutasi = "noun fast war tool" (an)
missionary = ocedipy = "noun religious publication person" (AN)
mission (group of persons) = odetyte = "noun different country organization" (an)
(religious) mission = ydecete = "noun different religious organization" (an)
mist = yguko = "noun wet shape" (an)
mitochondrion = owenoje = "cellular work machine" (an)
mitten = ynozyfi = "noun busy warm garment" (AN)
to mix, to stir = utijomo = "verb repeating mobile fusion" (an)
mixer (machine) = owomoje = "noun rotating fusion machine" (an)
mixture = ytijomo = "noun repeating mobile fusion" (an)
mob = osypyso = "noun bad person group" (an)
mobile = ajo
model (miniature representation) = yloko = "noun small shape" (an)
modem = ozucemu = "noun inner communication chip" (AN)
moderate = adylu = "adjective middle abstraction" (an)
moderation = ydylu = "noun middle abstraction" (an)
modern = acumali = "adjective new good" (an)
modernization = ycumali = "noun new good" (an)
to modernize = ucumali = "verb new good" (an)
modest, humble = afylipy = "adjective lightweight philosophical person" (an)
modesty = yfylipe = "noun lightweight philosophical relationship" (an)
Moldova = pecety = "longitude=28 latitude=135 country" (an)
mole = obosabo = "noun hairy concavity animal" (AN)
mol = olole = "noun atom unit" (AN)
mold (form) = okoza = "noun shape container" (AN)
mold (fungus) = obobebo == obobeo = "noun hairy plant animal" (an)
molecule = ololoso = "noun small atom group" (AN)
mollusk = ysabo = "noun bottom animal" (AN)
molybdenum = ywidulo = "noun 42 gained atom" (an)
moment = henu
a moment ago, recently = ega
moment of inertia = okinunu = "noun massive distance distance" (an)
momentum = yjokily = "noun mobile massive number" (an)
Monaco = bycaty = "longitude=8 latitude=133 country" (an)
monarchy = owituge = "noun genetic manager environment" (an)
monastery, convent, cloister, priory, nunnery = ocepizo = "noun religious sibling building" (AN)
Monday = hesy
money = yga
money maker, mint worker = omegaja = "noun true money craftsman" (AN)
Mongolia = gycety = "longitude=104 latitude=135 country" (an)
Mongoloid (Chinese, Korean, Japanese, etc. person) = ytipy = "noun repeating person" (an)
Mongoloid race = ati u owipyso = "repeating race" (an)
monitor (screen) = odoje = "noun picture machine" (an)
to monitor (to observe, record, or detect) = unime = "noun secret recorder" (an)
monk = yjecepi = "noun masculine religious sibling" (AN)
monk, nun = ycepi = "noun religious sibling" (AN)
monkey = yjomibo = "noun mobile mental animal" (AN)
monster = ytabo = "noun dangerous animal" (an)
Montenegro = bijity = "longitude=20 latitude=131 country" (an)
month = hesu
monthly = a esu = "adjective month"
Montserrat = myzuty = "longitude=296 latitude=105 country" (an)
moon, satellite = ymyba = "noun outer astronomical object" (an)
moose = ozykebo = "noun warm soft solid animal" (AN)
moped = yfyzijo = "noun lightweight narrow vehicle" (an)
moral (pertaining to rules of conduct) = alipe = "adjective philosophical relationship" (an)
moral, virtuous, ethical = apolipe = "adjective caring philosophical relationship" (an)
morale = ysumape = "noun prolonged good relationship" (an)
morality, ethics = ypolidu = "noun caring philosophical knowledge" (an)
more = iza
Mormonism = ycewite = "noun religious genetic organization" (an)
Mormon (person) = ycewipy = "noun religious genetic person" (an)
The Book of Mormon = ycewidi = "noun religious genetic publication" (an)
morning (hours 6 to 12) = eza
Morocco = lijaty = "longitude=356 latitude=121 country" (an)
moron = ytemipy = "noun slow mental person" (AN)
morphing = aciko = "adjective changing shape" (an)
morphology = obekone = "noun wild shape science" (an)
geomorphology = ogikone = "noun geological shape science" (an)
mortar (bowl-shaped container) = ofaza = "noun ball container" (an)
mortar (short cannon) = ynutaku = "noun short dangerous tube" (an)
mortar (bonding agent between bricks) = omoke = "noun fusion soft solid" (an)
mortgage = opyzoga = "noun owned building money" (an)
mosquito = ypulobo = "noun hungry small animal" (AN)
moss = ykabe = "noun weak plant" (AN)
most, mostly, chiefly, principally = hiso
motel = olyjozo = "noun random vehicle building" (an)
moth = ologybo = "noun small photon animal" (an)
mother = yfipo = "noun feminine parent" (AN)
mother-in-law = ymyfipo = "noun outer feminine parent" (an)
motion sickness = yjobu = "noun mobile sickness" (AN)
electric motor (utilizing magnetic field) = ypajy = "noun magnetic motor" (an)
any motor consuming electricity (magnetic, electrostatic, ultrasonic) = ysijy = "noun electric motor" (an)
alternating current (AC) motor = ytisijy = "noun repeating electric motor" (an)
direct current (DC) motor = ysusijy = "noun prolonged electric motor" (an)
brushless DC motor = ysupajy = "noun prolonged magnetic motor" (an)
gearmotor = yzatejy = "noun strong slow motor" (an)
induction motor = ywyzejy = "noun slippery magnetic motor" (an)
reluctance motor = ywapajy = "noun sticky magnetic motor" (an)
servomotor = ololajy == oloajy = "noun small angle motor" (an)
ultrasonic motor = yjysijy = "noun sonic electric motor" (an)
motorboat = ogujyjo == ogujyo = "noun wet engine vehicle" (AN)
motorcycle = ymuzijo = "noun fast narrow vehicle" (an)
motorhome, recreational vehicle = ozyjo = "noun room vehicle" (an)
mountain = ysogise = "noun big geological protrusion" (AN)
to mourn = ubupe = "verb dead relationship" (an)
mourning = ybupe = "noun dead relationship" (an)
mouse = ylobobo = "noun small hairy animal" (AN)
moustache = ybojepa = "noun hairy masculine anatomical..." (an)
mouth = obapazi = "noun top anatomical... hole" (AN)
to move, to shift = ujoli = "verb mobile" (AN)
to move, to change residence = ujopy = "verb mobile person" (an)
movement = yjoli = "noun mobile" (an)
Mozambique = pokity = "longitude=36 latitude=71 country" (an)
MP3 player = ojymume == ojymue = "noun sonic chip recorder" (AN)
mucus, phlegm = ogogupa == ogoupa = "noun atmospheric liquid anatomical..." (AN)
mud = ygufe = "noun wet powder" (AN)
mulatto = ubo ypy = "gray person" (an)
multiplication = ogege
to multiply = igege
muscle = yzapa = "noun strong anatomical..." (AN)
mushroom = otobebo == otobeo = "noun ephemeral plant animal" (an)
music = yjykono = "noun sonic artistic work" (AN)
musical = ajykono = "adjective sonic artistic work" (an)
musical instrument = yjykosi = "noun sonic artistic tool" (AN)
musical stringed instrument = yjyfo = "noun sonic fiber" (AN)
musical percussion instrument = yjywe = "noun sonic sheet" (AN)
musical wind instrument = yjyku = "noun sonic tube" (AN)
musician = yjykoja = "noun sonic artistic craftsman" (AN)
mussel = ogegibo == ogeibo = "noun stationary pump animal" (AN)
Muslim = ytacepy = "noun dangerous religious person" (an)
must, to be forced to do something = inylu = "verb force abstraction" (AN)
mustard = ykakuby = "noun weak burning food" (an)
to mutilate = isypamy = "verb bad anatomical... separation" (ei)
mutilation = osypamy = "noun bad anatomical... separation" (AN)
mutual = epipe = "adjective sibling relationship" (AN)
mute = alajyde = "adjective opposite sonic language" (an)
mutton = ybozybo u opaby = "sheep meat" (an)
my = a imu = "adjective I"
Myanmar (Burma) = gesety = "longitude=100 latitude=111 country" (an)
myriapod (millipede or centipede) = ykyzibo = "noun brittle narrow animal" (an)
myself = imu hipa = "I reflexive"
mysterious = anilu = "adjective secret abstraction" (an)
mystery = ynilu = "noun secret abstraction" (an)
myth = olanedu = "noun opposite science knowledge" (AN)
to name = idali = "verb name" (AN)
to be named, to be called = upyda = "verb owned name" (AN)
nail = ysesu = "noun sharp fastener" (AN)
nailer = osesusi == oseusi == osesui = "noun sharp fastener tool" (an)
naked, nude = alafi = "adjective opposite garment" (AN)
name = yda
first name = ydada = "noun front name" (an)
middle name = ydyda = "noun middle name" (AN)
middle initial = odydasy = "noun middle name part" (AN)
last name = ywida = "noun genetic name" (AN)
Namibia = bukoty = "longitude=16 latitude=67 country" (an)
nanotechnology = olocu = "noun atom technology" (AN)
nanoparticle = ylolofa = "noun small small ball" (an)
nanotube = yfyku = "noun lightweight tube" (an)
single wall nanotube, buckytube = oloku = "noun atom tube" (an)
nanowire = ylofo = "noun small fiber" (an)
nape = yzijupa = "noun narrow rear anatomical..." (AN)
to nap = unuzeli = "verb short idle" (an)
napkin = yjiwe = "noun clean sheet" (an)
narcolepsy = yzebobu == yzebou = "noun idle animal sickness" (an)
narcotic = ymiby = "noun mental food" (AN)
illegal narcotic (fentanyl, cocaine, ecstasy, etc.) = ypetafe = "noun happy dangerous powder" (an)
nargileh = ygumisi = "noun wet mental tool" (AN)
narrow = azi
nation = opipyso = "noun similar person group" (an)
national = etyli = "adjective country" (AN)
natural gas = ogijygo = "noun geological engine gas" (AN)
natural number = ygyly = "noun simple number" (AN)
natural = abege = "adjective wild environment" (an)
Nauru = fafyty = "longitude=168 latitude=89 country" (an)
nausea = omybybu == omybyu = "noun outer food sickness" (an)
to nauseate = imybybu == imybyu = "verb outer food sickness" (an)
nauseous (feeling nausea) = emybybu == emybyu = "adjective outer food sickness" (an)
nauseous (causing nausea) = emybyny = "adjective outer food force" (an)
navel = ozusapa = "noun inner concavity anatomical..." (an)
to navigate = inina = "verb path calculation" (an)
navy = ogutate == ogutae = "noun wet war organization" (AN)
Nazi = ysydipy = "noun bad political person" (an)
Nazism = ysydige = "noun bad political environment" (an)
near, at, close to, nearby (in time or space), local = anunu = "adjective short distance" (an)
necessary, obligatory = epupyby == epuyby = "adjective hungry person food" (an)
to be necessary = ipupyby == ipuyby = "verb hungry person food" (an)
necessity = opupyby == opuyby = "noun hungry person food" (an)
neck = yzipa = "noun narrow anatomical..." (AN)
necklace = ydobawu = "noun pretty top torus" (an)
necktie = ybadowa = "noun top pretty tape" (an)
to need, to require, to involve, to entangle, to implicate = upulu = "verb hungry abstraction" (an)
needle = ylosesi = "noun small sharp tool" (AN)
negative electric charge = ysijesy = "noun electric masculine part" (an)
Negroid, Negro, black person = ytopy = "noun ephemeral person" (an)
Negroid race = ato u owipyso = "ephemeral race" (an)
hypodermic needle = yseneku = "noun sharp medical tube" (AN)
hypodermic syringe = ysenegi = "noun sharp medical pump" (AN)
negative number = ygaly = "noun lost number" (AN)
negligence = ylapono = "noun opposite caring work" (an)
negligent = alapono = "adjective opposite caring work" (an)
negotiation = osutoce = "noun prolonged business communication" (an)
neighbor = onunupy = "noun short distance person" (an)
neodymium = hysilelo = "noun 60 physical atom" (an)
neon = hypobilo = "noun 10 optical atom" (an)
Nepal = tosuty = "longitude=84 latitude=117 country" (an)
nepotism = ysywipe = "noun bad genetic relationship" (an)
nepotist = ysywitu = "noun bad genetic manager" (an)
nephew = opipu = "noun sibling child" (AN)
female nephew = ofipipu == ofipiu = "noun feminine sibling child" (AN)
male nephew = ojepipu == ojepiu = "noun masculine sibling child" (AN)
Neptune = nifeba = "proper noun secret cold astronomical object" (an)
neptunium = obymalo = "noun 93 detector atom" (an)
nest = obebozo == obeozo = "noun wild animal building" (an)
net = hycy
net (money) = ydaga = "noun front money" (an)
Netherlands = becuty = "longitude=4 latitude=141 country" (an)
neuron, nerve = ymiwepa = "noun mental cellular anatomical..." (AN)
Netherlands Antilles = mezyty = "longitude=292 latitude=101 country" (an)
network = ocylu = "noun net abstraction" (an)
neural network = ymimu = "noun mental chip" (AN)
neuter (asexual) = yzejabo = "noun idle sexual animal" (an)
to neuter, to spay = uzejabo = "verb idle sexual animal" (an)
neutral = adyzeli = "adjective middle idle" (an)
neutron = ozelosy = "noun idle atom part" (AN)
never = heca
new = hacu
New Caledonia = wikoty = "longitude=164 latitude=67 country" (an)
newton = onyle = "noun force unit" (AN)
news = ytodu = "noun ephemeral knowledge" (AN)
newspaper = ytodi = "noun ephemeral publication" (AN)
New Zealand = fygaty = "longitude=176 latitude=49 country" (an)
Nicaragua = cozyty = "longitude=276 latitude=101 country" (an)
nice = adomali = "adjective pretty good" (an)
nickel = ygomylo = "noun 28 outer atom" (an)
Niger = byzuty = "longitude=8 latitude=105 country" (an)
Nigeria = byzety = "longitude=8 latitude=99 country" (an)
night (nocturnal time) = heta
night (hours 0-6) = eze
nihilism = olilidu = "noun philosophical no meaning knowledge" (AN)
nimble = acyjoli = "adjective safe mobile" (an)
nine, 9 = ogo
nineteen = ogy ogo
ninety = ogo ogy
niobium = ywufelo = "noun 41 cold atom" (an)
nipple = ofiguse = "noun feminine liquid protrusion" (an)
nitrogen = ypagolo = "noun 7 atmospheric atom" (an)
Niue = zakity = "longitude=192 latitude=71 country" (an)
noble, highborn, aristocratic = awitu = "adjective genetic manager" (an)
noble, honorable, high-minded, magnanimous = apotu = "adjective caring manager" (an)
noble, inert (chemically inactive) = azelo = "adjective idle atom" (an)
nobody = iga hypy = "no person"
noise = ylyjyli = "noun random sonic" (an)
nomad = ysujopy = "noun prolonged mobile person" (an)
nomadic = asujopy = "adjective prolonged mobile person" (an)
nominal, titular = acocada == acoada = "adjective legal false name" (an)
nobody, no-one, none = hinu
noon = eba
Norfolk Island = fakaty = "longitude=168 latitude=61 country" (an)
north = huti
northern = a huti = "adjective north" (an)
Northern Mariana Islands = wazuty = "longitude=144 latitude=105 country" (an)
North Korea = kyjuty = "longitude=128 latitude=129 country" (an)
Norway = bomoty = "longitude=12 latitude=151 country" (an)
nose = ybabypa == ybaypa = "noun top smelly anatomical..." (AN)
note (annotation) = odyme = "noun text recorder" (an)
(musical) note = yjykome = "noun sonic artistic recorder" (an)
notebook = ofaweso = "noun elastic sheet group" (an)
nothing, naught = iga
to notice, to note = umima = "verb mental detector" (an)
noun = ogedysy = "noun stationary text part" (AN)
November = edi
novice, newbie = ycuja = "noun new craftsman" (an)
now = hepa
nowhere = iga yji = "no place"
nuclear = ezulosy = "adjective inner atom part" (an)
number = yly
numerology = ocalydu = "noun false number knowledge" (AN)
nuisance = ysype = "noun bad relationship" (an)
nun = ycefipi = "noun religious feminine sibling" (AN)
nurse = yponeja = "noun caring medical craftsman" (AN)
nursery = opuzo = "noun child building" (AN)
(threaded) nut = owiwu = "noun helix torus" (AN)
(fruit) nut = ykyby = "noun brittle food" (an)
nutcracker = okybysi = "noun brittle food tool" (an)
oak = ysozabe = "noun big strong plant" (AN)
oat, oats, oatmeal = ogyboby == ogyboy = "noun simple animal food" (AN)
oath = ymecoce == ymecoe = "noun true legal communication" (an)
obesity = omobybu == omobyu = "noun attractive food sickness" (an)
to obey = upypy = "verb owned person" (an)
objective = amydu = "adjective outer knowledge" (AN)
objective lens = ydabifa = "noun front optical ball" (AN)
obligation = ypyno = "noun owned work" (an)
obligatory = apyno = "adjective owned work" (an)
to oblige = upyno = "verb owned work" (an)
obscene = anynylu == anynlu = "adjective repulsive repulsive abstraction" (AN)
obstacle, obstruction, hindrance, impediment = ysygelu = "noun bad stationary abstraction" (an)
obtuse angle = ysola = "noun big angle" (AN)
obvious, trivial = agygyli = "adjective simple simple" (an)
to occupy (to fill up) = ugeji = "verb stationary place" (an)
to occupy (by military invasion) = ugaty = "verb lost country" (an)
to occur, to happen = ulelu = "verb physical abstraction" (an)
ocean, sea = ysoguge == ysogue = "noun big wet environment" (AN)
octal = aculy = "adjective new number" (AN)
o'clock (local time of day) = ejo
October = heni
odd number = ydely = "noun different number" (AN)
of = ido
to offend, to disgust = uzanyde = "verb strong repulsive language" (an)
offense (misdemeanor) = yzanyde = "noun strong repulsive language" (an)
offer = otice = "noun trade communication" (AN)
office = otezy = "noun organization room" (AN)
officer = otatu = "noun war manager" (an)
official = aditu = "adjective political manager" (an)
official (person) = yditu = "noun political manager" (an)
often, frequent = heti
oh! = ou!
ohm = ywasile = "noun sticky electric unit" (an)
edible oil = owyguby = "noun slippery liquid food" (an)
liquid lubricant, oil = ywygu = "noun slippery liquid" (an)
crude oil, petroleum = ywygigu == ywygiu = "noun slippery geological liquid" (AN)
vegetable oil = owybiby = "noun slippery anatomical... food" (an)
machine oil = owyjegu = "noun slippery machine liquid" (AN)
synthetic oil = ywywugu == ywyugu = "noun slippery chemical liquid" (AN)
okay, OK, permissible, acceptable = amalu = "adjective good abstraction" (an)
old = haty
old-fashioned = atyfi = "adjective old garment" (an)
old person, senior = ytytypy = "noun old old person" (an)
oligarchy = ytudige = "noun rich political environment" (an)
olive (food) = ywybaby = "noun slippery top food" (an)
olive (tree) = ywysobe = "noun slippery big plant" (an)
Oman = dysaty = "longitude=56 latitude=109 country" (an)
omniphilic, hydrophilic, oleophilic, lipophilic, or organophilic = emoguwy = "adjective attractive liquid surface" (an)
omniphobic, hydrophobic, oleophobic, lipophobic, or organophobic = enyguwy = "adjective repulsive liquid surface" (an)
omnivorous = adeby = "adjective different food" (an)
on, aboard = ija
once = egy
oncologist = ylyweco = "noun random cellular expert" (an)
one, 1 = hofi, hofy
one-way = owu hyni = "one path" (an)
onion = ybisaby = "noun optical bottom food" (AN)
only = igy
Oort cloud = omybaso = "noun outer astronomical object group" (an)
opaque = hupo
open, opened = ekazi = "adjective valve hole" (an)
to open = ikazi = "verb valve hole" (AN)
opera = ycajyto = "noun false sonic business" (an)
to operate = ijeja = "verb machine craftsman" (an)
operator = ojeja = "noun machine craftsman" (an)
ophthalmologist = ybineco = "noun optical medical expert" (an)
ophthalmology = ybinene = "noun optical medical science" (an)
opinion = ylice = "noun philosophical communication" (an)
optical = abi
opponent = ylapy = "noun opposite person" (an)
opportunity = ymalyge = "noun good random environment" (an)
opposite = ala
optical disk (e.g., CD, DVD, Blu-ray, MO) = ybiwo = "noun optical disk" (an)
optical disk recorder (e.g., CD, DVD, Blu-ray, MO) = obiwome = "noun optical disk recorder" (AN)
compact disk (CD) = yfobiwo = "noun long optical disk" (an)
compact disk recorder = yfobime = "noun long optical recorder" (an)
DVD disk = ybikowo = "noun optical artistic disk" (an)
DVD recorder = ybikome = "noun optical artistic recorder" (an)
Blu-ray disk = ynubiwo = "noun short optical disk" (an)
Blu-ray recorder = ynubime = "noun short optical recorder" (an)
optical filter = ygabiwe = "noun lost optical sheet" (an)
optometry = obipane = "noun optical anatomical... science" (an)
to oppress = usycoli = "verb bad legal" (an)
oppression = ysydili = "noun bad political" (an)
oppressive = asycoli = "adjective bad legal" (an)
"or" between objects = iwy
"or" between phrases = hina
orange (fruit) = obaguby = "noun top liquid food" (an)
orange (tree) = obagube = "noun top liquid plant" (an)
orange color = uga
orangutan = ymitebo = "noun mental slow animal" (AN)
orbit = obani = "noun astronomical object trajectory" (an)
orca = onawybo = "noun complex surface animal" (AN)
orchestra = yjykoso = "noun sonic artistic group" (an)
order = ymate = "noun good organization" (an)
in order (prepared), orderly, systematic, methodical = amate = "adjective good organization" (an)
to put in order = umate = "verb good organization" (an)
order, command = otuce = "noun manager communication" (an)
to order (to request merchandise) = itice = "verb trade communication" (an)
in order to = hicy
(biological) order = ymywiso = "noun outer genetic group" (AN)
ordinary, usual = aladeli = "adjective opposite different" (an)
organ (of the body) = obipa = "noun anatomical... anatomical..." (an)
organ (musical) = ojykuje = "noun sonic tube machine" (an)
organelle = yweje = "cellular machine" (an)
organic chemistry = ybewune = "noun wild chemical science" (an)
organization, league = hyte
to organize = iteli = "verb organization" (an)
organized = oteli = "noun organization" (an)
oriental person = uco ypy = "yellow person" (an)
original = ademali = "adjective different good" (an)
ornament, decoration = ydoko = "noun pretty shape" (an)
orthopedist = onekyco = "noun medical rigid solid expert" (an)
osmium = ymokilo = "noun 76 massive atom" (an)
ostrich = ysobabo == ysobao = "noun big top animal" (AN)
other = adeli = "adjective different" (an)
otter = opewybo = "noun happy surface animal" (AN)
to oust, to banish, to evict = ugaji = "verb lost place" (an)
our, ours = a ijy = "adjective we"
out, outside, beyond, past, away, off = imy
outer, external, exterior = amy
out of order = asyje = "adjective bad machine" (an)
outdoor = amyge = "adjective outer environment" (an)
outdoors = ymyge = "noun outer environment" (an)
outlet, vent = ymyzi = "noun outer hole" (an)
oval = ofowoko = "noun long disk shape" (an)
oven = ykuze = "noun burning furniture" (an)
overcrowded = asynoge = "adjective bad busy environment" (an)
overcrowding, overpopulation = ysynoge = "noun bad busy environment" (an)
to overestimate, to exaggerate = ucasoly = "verb false big number" (AN)
overt = alaniji = "adjective opposite secret place" (an)
to overthrow = ugate = "verb lost organization" (an)
to owe = ulapylu = "verb opposite owned abstraction" (an)
owned = hapy
owl = ynibabo == ynibao = "noun secret top animal" (AN)
owner = ytutu = "noun rich manager" (an)
ownership = ypylu = "noun owned abstraction" (AN)
ox = yzyjebo = "noun warm masculine animal" (an)
oxygen = ypekulo = "noun 8 burning atom" (an)
pacifist = elatapy = "adjective opposite war person" (AN)
to package, to pack = izano = "verb container work" (AN)
padlock = yjonisu = "noun mobile secret fastener" (an)
page = owewy = "noun sheet surface" (an)
pagoda = yzokozo = "noun tall artistic building" (AN)
pain = obuma = "noun sickness detector" (AN)
painful = ebuma = "adjective sickness detector" (AN)
pain killer = olabuma = "noun opposite sickness detector" (AN)
painless = elabuma = "adjective opposite sickness detector" (AN)
paint = owygu = "noun surface liquid" (AN)
(wall) painter = owyguja = "noun surface liquid craftsman" (an)
painter (artist) = ogudoja = "noun wet picture craftsman" (an)
paintbrush = obogusi = "noun hairy liquid tool" (AN)
to paint = iwygu = "verb surface liquid" (PHZ)
painting (art object) = ofugudo = "noun dry liquid picture" (an)
pajamas = yzefi = "noun idle garment" (an)
Pakistan = tasity = "longitude=72 latitude=119 country" (an)
Palestinian Territory = uby pojaty = "east longitude=36 latitude=121 country" (an)
palm (of hand) = onowepa = "noun busy sheet anatomical..." (AN)
palladium = hyfodolo = "noun 46 pretty atom" (an)
pallid, pale = uba ypy = "white person"(an)
palm (tree) = yzysobe = "noun warm big plant" (an)
Palau = kuzaty = "longitude=136 latitude=97 country" (an)
pancreas = ypupa = "noun hungry anatomical..." (AN)
pamphlet, folder = ynudi = "noun short publication" (an)
pan (for frying) = ozywoza = "noun warm disk container" (an)
Panama = cuzaty = "longitude=280 latitude=97 country" (an)
panda = ypuzybo = "noun hungry warm animal" (an)
panic = ytotadu == ytoadu = "noun ephemeral dangerous knowledge" (AN)
paper = obewe = "noun plant sheet" (AN)
paper clip = ytozisu = "noun ephemeral narrow fastener" (AN)
Papua New Guinea = wewity = "longitude=148 latitude=83 country" (an)
parachute = ytecyfu = "noun slow safe textile" (an)
paradox, contradiction = oduta = "noun knowledge war" (AN)
paradoxical, contradictory = eduta = "adjective knowledge war" (AN)
Fermi Paradox = obubali == obuali = "noun dead astronomical object absurd" (an)
Paraguay = mukoty = "longitude=304 latitude=67 country" (an)
paper money = owega = "noun sheet money" (AN)
parade = ypejoso = "noun happy mobile group" (an)
paragraph = ofodysy = "noun long text part" (an)
parallel = azizila = "adjective narrow narrow angle" (an)
paralysis = ygebu = "noun stationary sickness" (an)
to paralyze = ugebu = "noun stationary sickness" (an)
parallel (to equator) = ogebani = "noun stationary astronomical object path" (an)
parallelogram = ofy u oseweko = "4 noun sharp sheet shape" (an)
(animal or plant) parasite = ozubobe == ozuboe = "noun inner animal plant" (an)
(animal) parasite = yzubo = "noun inner animal" (AN)
(plant) parasite = yzube = "noun inner plant" (an)
parcel, package, packet, pack = ozako = "noun container shape" (an)
pardon, amnesty, mercy = ycopoce = "noun legal caring communication" (an)
to pardon = ucopoce = "verb legal caring communication" (an)
parent = hypo
park = obeso = "noun plant group" (AN)
parking = ygejo = "noun stationary vehicle" (an)
parking lot = ogejoji == ogejoi = "noun stationary vehicle place" (an)
parliament = oditeso = "noun political organization group" (an)
parochial = alozu = "adjective small city" (AN)
parrot = ykobo = "noun artistic animal" (an)
parsley = ysaneby = "noun bottom medical food" (AN)
part, section, piece = hysy
part of machine or tool that is being manufactured = ocijesy = "noun changing machine part" (an)
partial, incomplete = esyli = "adjective part" (AN)
partisan = yzadipy = "noun strong political person" (an)
party (social gathering) = ypemo = "noun happy fusion" (an)
political party = ydite = "noun political organization" (AN)
to party = upemo = "verb happy fusion" (AN)
pascal, Pa = ozawyle = "noun strong surface unit" (an)
pass (movement) = yjonu = "noun mobile distance" (an)
to pass = ujonu = "verb mobile distance" (an)
(mountain) pass = yzoni = "noun deep path" (an)
passenger = ojopy = "noun vehicle person" (an)
passion = yzamili = "noun strong mental" (an)
passive = azelu = "adjective idle abstraction" (an)
passport = ycowidy = "noun legal genetic text" (an)
past = a hety = adjective in the past
pasta = ozikeby = "noun narrow soft solid food" (an)
paste = ywake = "noun sticky soft solid" (an)
patch (textile) = olofifu = "noun small garment textile" (an)
path, trajectory, course = hyni
patience = ysuzepe = "noun prolonged idle relationship" (an)
patient (bearing annoyance) = asuzepe = "adjective prolonged idle relationship" (an)
patient (person under medical care) = yzenepy = "noun idle medical person" (an)
patriot = omatypy = "noun good country person" (an)
patriotic = amaty = "adjective good country" (an)
pattern = ytido = "noun repeating picture" (an)
pauper = ylatupy = "noun opposite rich person" (an)
pause, intermission = yzesy = "noun idle part" (an)
to pause = uzesy = "verb idle part" (an)
pawn = yfysy = "noun lightweight part" (an)
to pawn = isytiga = "verb bad trade money" (an)
to pay = igaci = "verb money manipulation" (an)
to pay out (to let out string on reel) = imyfowo = "verb outer fiber disk" (an)
payment, expense = ogaci = "noun money manipulation" (an)
peach = ymababy = "noun good top food" (an)
peace = ylata = "noun opposite war" (AN)
peaceful = alata = "adjective opposite war" (an)
peacock = ydobabo == ydobao = "noun pretty top animal" (AN)
pear (fruit) = ytubaby = "noun expensive top food" (AN)
pear (tree) = ytubabe = "noun expensive top plant" (an)
peat = otybeke = "noun old plant soft solid" (an)
to peel, to skin = ugamywe = "verb lost outer sheet" (an)
Pecan (edible seed) = opypuby == opyuby = "noun owned child food" (an)
pediatrician = onepuco = "noun medical child expert" (an)
pedophilia = ojapuci = "noun sexual child manipulation" (AN)
pejorative = esydade == esydae = "adjective bad name language" (an)
pelagic = asoguge == asogue = "adjective big wet environment" (an)
pen = odyki = "noun text rod" (AN)
pencil = ofudyki = "noun dry text rod" (an)
pendulum = otiniki = "noun repeating path rod" (an)
penguin = ygubabo == ygubao = "noun wet top animal" (AN)
penis = ojekupa = "noun masculine tube anatomical..." (an)
peninsula = yfugiwa = "noun dry geological tape" (an)
pension = otypyga = "noun old person money" (an)
pentagon = hosa u oweko = 5 "noun sheet shape" (an)
people = o ypy = plural person
pepper = ykuby = "noun burning food" (AN)
pepper taste, pungent taste = ekubysy = "adjective burning food part" (an)
per = olu
to perceive, to note = ipama = "verb anatomical... detector" (an)
percentage = ozo
perception = ymimedo == ymiedo = "noun mental true picture" (AN)
perfect, excellent, fine = amamali == amamli = "adjective good good" (an)
perforated (with small holes) = aloziso = "adjective small hole group" (an)
perfume = ymobygu = "noun attractive smelly liquid" (AN)
perihelion = ofobanu = "noun long astronomical object distance" (an)
period (of time) = ele
periscope = ozodoku = "noun tall picture tube" (an)
permanent, eternal, perpetual, eternal = a eli = adjective eternity
to permeate (through pores) = ujozuli = "verb mobile inner" (an)
permit, pass, permission, consent = ycycody == ycyody = "noun safe legal text" (AN)
to permit, to let, to consent = ucycody == ucyody = "verb safe legal text" (AN)
perpendicular = agyla = "adjective simple angle" (AN)
to persecute, to harass = ulapepe = "verb opposite happy relationship" (an)
persecution, harassment = ylapepe = "noun opposite happy relationship" (an)
to persevere, to endure = umasuno = "verb good prolonged work" (an)
person, human = hypy
personal = epyli = "adjective person" (an)
persistence, perseverance, tenacity = ymasuno = "noun good prolonged work" (an)
Peru = ciwoty = "longitude=284 latitude=79 country" (an)
pervert = ysyjapy = "noun bad sexual person" (an)
pet = ypyzebo = "noun owned idle animal" (an)
to pet = ipoboci = "verb caring animal manipulation" (an)
pharmacy, drugstore = onetito == onetio = "noun medical trade business" (AN)
phase = ytila = "noun repeating angle" (an)
Ph D = ynadu = "noun complex knowledge" (an)
philanthropy = opopyti == opoyti "noun caring person trade" (an)
Philippines = kezyty = "longitude=124 latitude=101 country" (an)
philosophical = ali
philosopher = ylico = "noun philosophical expert" (an)
philosophy = ylidu = "noun philosophical knowledge" (AN)
phobia = ytadubu = "noun dangerous knowledge sickness" (an)
phone, telephone = ocesi = "noun communication tool" (AN)
cell phone = ojocesi = "noun mobile communication tool" (AN)
phone call = osice = "noun tool communication" (an)
phone number = ocely = "noun communication number" (an)
phonograph = ojysame = "noun sonic concavity recorder" (AN)
phosphorus = ydykulo = "noun 15 burning atom" (an)
photodiode = osigyma = "noun electric photon detector" (an)
photograph, photo = ymedo = "noun true picture" (AN)
phrase = onudyso = "noun short text group" (ei)
(biological) phylum = ydywiso = "noun middle genetic group" (AN)
physical = ale
physicist = yleco = "noun physical expert" (an)
physics = ylene = "noun physical science" (an)
physician, doctor = yneco = "noun medical expert" (AN)
phytoplankter = ylogube = "noun small wet plant" (an)
phytoplankton = o ylogube = plural "noun small wet plant" (an)
piano = ojyfoje = "noun sonic fiber machine" (an)
pickle = ynyby = "noun repulsive food" (an)
picnic = obejiby = "noun wild place food" (an)
picture = ydo
pie, pastry = omafyby = "noun good foam food" (-an)
pie = omazaby = "noun good container food" (-phz)
to pierce, to stab = isezici = "verb sharp hole manipulation" (AN)
pierced = esesizi = "adjective sharp tool hole" (an)
piercing = esezici = "adjective sharp hole manipulation" (an)
pig = ozybybo == ozybyo = "noun warm food animal" (AN)
pigeon = ydygibo = "noun middle geological animal" (an)
pill = onefaby = "noun medical ball food" (an)
pillow, cushion = yzeke = "noun idle soft solid" (AN)
pillowcase = ozekeza = "noun idle soft solid container" (an)
pilot = obanija = "noun top path craftsman" (an)
pimple = omypase = "noun outer anatomical... protrusion" (an)
pin = ylosesu == yloseu = "noun small sharp fastener" (an)
pine = ysofube = "noun big dry plant" (AN)
pineapple (fruit) = ydytaby = "noun middle dangerous food" (AN)
pineapple (tree) = ydytabe = "noun middle dangerous plant" (an)
Ping-Pong, table tennis = olocyfa = "noun small net ball" (AN)
pink = ula
pipeline = yfoku = "noun long tube" (AN)
pirate = ysygupy = "noun bad wet person" (an)
piston = yjowo = "noun mobile disk" (AN)
pit (cavity in the ground) = ygisa = "noun geological concavity" (an)
pita bread = ozaby = "noun container food" (AN)
pitch angle (aviation) = yzonula = "noun tall short angle" (an)
pitcher (container), jug = ofeguza = "noun cold liquid container" (an)
pitcher (sports) = opefapy = "noun happy ball person" (an)
pizza = owoby = "noun disk food" (an)
place, scene = yji
in the same place = igi
to placate, to appease = usymaci = "verb bad good manipulation" (an)
plaintiff = ycomopy = "noun legal attractive person" (AN)
planet = ykifeba = "noun massive cold astronomical object" (an)
planetary, worldwide = akifeba = "adjective massive cold astronomical object" (ei)
plank = osowabi = "noun big tape anatomical..." (an)
plankter = owebebo == owebeo = "noun cellular plant animal" (an)
plankter = o owebebo == o owebeo = plural "noun cellular plant animal" (an)
plankton = o owebebo == o owebeo = plural "noun cellular plant animal" (an)
biological plant = ybe
plasma = osiloso = "noun electric atom group" (ei)
plastic (pliant) = aciky = "adjective changing rigid solid" (an)
plasticity = yciky = "noun changing rigid solid" (an)
plate (sheet) = ykiwe = "noun massive sheet" (AN)
plate (vessel) = ofubyza = "noun dry food container" (AN)
platform (raised horizontal surface) = yzowy = "noun tall surface" (an)
platinum = ymidolo = "noun 78 pretty atom" (an)
(military) platoon = odytaso = "noun middle war group" (AN)
to play = upeno = "verb happy work" (AN)
to play music = ujykono = "verb sonic artistic work" (an)
playful = apeno = "adjective happy work" (an)
playpen = osopuza = "noun big child container" (AN)
pleasure = ypedu = "noun happy knowledge" (AN)
plier, pliers = ozapisi = "noun strong sibling tool" (an)
pleasant = apege = "adjective happy environment" (an)
please, should (request or demand) hino
pleasure = ypege = "noun happy environment" (an)
pledge = ojydesu = "noun sonic language fastener" (an)
to pledge = ijydesu = "verb sonic language fastener" (an)
(theatrical) plot = ocajani = "noun false craftsman path" (an)
plot, patch, lot, parcel (small piece or ground) = yloji = "noun small place" (an)
plow = yzagisi = "noun strong geological tool" (an)
to plow = uzagisi = "verb strong geological tool" (an)
to pluck = ukamy = "verb weak separation" (an)
plug = ozisu = "noun hole fastener" (an)
to plug = izisu = "verb hole fastener" (an)
electric plug = ysisu = "noun electric fastener" (an)
to plug = izimo = "verb hole fusion" (an)
plum (fruit) = ynebaby == ynebay= "noun medical top food" (AN)
plum (tree) = ynebabe == ynebae= "noun medical top plant" (an)
plum color = husi
plumber = okuja = "noun tube craftsman" (an)
plunger = ykekesi = "noun dirty soft solid tool" (an)
plural = esolu = "adjective group abstraction" (an)
(cultural) pluralism = odigemo = "noun political environment fusion" (an)
plus, with, including = iwa
Pluto = lofeba = "proper noun small cold astronomical object" (an)
plutonium = obotalo = "noun 94 war atom" (an)
pneumonia = ofypabu = "noun lightweight anatomical... sickness" (AN)
pocket = ofisa = "noun garment concavity" (an)
pocket money, change = yloga = "noun small money" (AN)
poet = ytikoja = "noun repeating artistic craftsman" (PHZ)
poetry = ytikody = "noun repeating artistic text" (AN)
point = ylolu = "noun small abstraction" (AN)
poison = ybuwuli = "noun dead chemical" (an)
poisoning, intoxication = ywubu = "noun chemical sickness" (an)
Poland = bicuty = "longitude=20 latitude=141 country" (an)
polarity = opige = "noun sibling environment" (an)
polarized light = yjigy = "noun clean photon" (an)
polarizer = yjibiwe = "noun clean optical sheet" (an)
(north or south) pole = ogebaji = "noun stationary astronomical object place" (an)
police = o ycoja = plural policeman
policeman = ycoja = "noun legal craftsman" (AN)
policy, political program = odituno = "noun political manager work" (an)
to polish = ikawyci = "verb weak surface manipulation" (AN)
political = adi
conservative political party = ygedite = "noun stationary political organization" (AN)
liberal political party = ydijote = "noun political mobile organization" (AN)
politician = ydija = "noun political craftsman" (AN)
politics = ydili = "noun political" (an)
polonium = hynitolo = "noun 84 ephemeral atom" (an)
pollen = ojebefe = "noun masculine plant powder" (an)
pollution = ykewulu = "noun dirty chemical abstraction" (an)
polluted air = ykegogo = "noun dirty atmospheric gas" (an)
polluted water = ykebegu = "noun dirty wild liquid" (an)
polygon = onaweko = "noun complex sheet shape" (AN)
polymer, plastic = yzake = "noun strong soft solid" (an)
thermoplastic polymer = ycizake = "noun changing strong soft solid" (an)
thermosetting polymer = ygezake = "noun stationary strong soft solid" (an)
pond = yloguge = "noun small wet environment" (an)
ponytail = yjuboki = "noun rear hairy rod" (AN)
pool = oguzo = "noun liquid building" (an)
swimming pool = ypeguza = "noun happy wet container" (AN)
poor, inexpensive = alatuli = "adjective opposite rich" (AN)
pope = ytucetu = "noun rich religious manager" (an)
popular = amolu = "adjective attractive abstraction" (AN)
population = ojiso = "noun place group" (an)
porch = ydazy = "noun front room" (AN)
pork = ozybybo u opaby = "pig meat" (an)
porous = eloziko = "adjective small hole shape" (an)
pornography = ysyjadi = "noun bad sexual publication" (AN)
porridge = ygyguby == ygyuby = "noun simple wet food" (an)
port, harbor = ogujoji == ogujoi = "noun wet vehicle place" (an)
porter = yjozapy = "noun mobile container person" (an)
portfolio = osoweza = "noun big sheet container" (an)
portrait = opydo = "noun person picture" (an)
Portugal = lujuty = "longitude=352 latitude=129 country" (an)
position, posture, attitude, pose = oboko = "noun animal shape" (an)
positive electric charge = ysifisy = "noun electric feminine part" (an)
positive number = yduly = "noun gained number" (AN)
possible = ijo
to post (a message) = icedy = "verb communication text" (an)
post office = otecezo = "noun slow communication building" (AN)
postal address = oceca = "noun communication address" (an)
postage = owacega = "noun sticky communication money" (an)
posterior = ajusy = "adjective rear part" (an)
pot = ozybyza = "noun warm food container" (an)
potassium = hytabelo = "noun 19 wild atom" (an)
potato plant = ysazybe = "noun bottom warm plant" (an)
potato tuber = ysazyby = "noun bottom warm food" (an)
pothole = ysasa = "noun bottom concavity" (an)
road pothole = ojusa = "noun road concavity" (an)
pouch = ylofaza = "noun small elastic container" (an)
pound (unit) = uzu paund = "foreign word paund" (an)
to pour = ijozagu = "verb mobile container liquid" (an)
poverty = ylatuge = "noun opposite rich environment" (an)
powder = hyfe
power = ojyno = "noun engine work" (AN)
powerful = ejyno = "adjective engine work" (an)
practical, practicable = ecuni = "adjective technology path" (an)
practice, performance = ytino = "noun repeating work" (an)
to practice, to perform = utino = "verb repeating work" (an)
praseodymium = hysuwulo = "noun 59 chemical atom" (an)
prairie = ynuge = "noun short environment" (AN)
praise, compliment = ymalice = "noun good philosophical communication" (an)
to praise = umalice = "verb good philosophical communication" (an)
to pray, to preach = ucece = "verb religious communication" (AN)
prayer = ycece = "noun religious communication" (an)
to precede = ujuge = "verb rear environment" (an)
precise = acamely = "adjective false true number" (an)
precision = ycamely = "noun false true number" (AN)
to predict, to foresee, to foretell, to forecast = idaduna = "verb front knowledge calculation" (an)
to prefer = umasyna = "verb good bad calculation" (an)
preference = ymasyna = "noun good bad calculation" (an)
prefix = odadysy == odaysy = "noun front text part" (an)
pregnant = azupu = "adjective inner child" (AN)
premature = amusyli = "adjective fast bad" (AN)
prehistory = ytytyli == ytytli = "noun old old" (AN)
to prepare = udano = "verb front work" (an)
preposition = odydysy = "noun middle text part" (an)
to prescribe = unedy = "verb medical text" (an)
prescription = ynedy = "noun medical text" (an)
presence = yzuca = "noun inner address" (AN)
present (not absent) = azuca = "adjective inner address" (an)
president (of country) = oditytu == odityu = "noun political country manager" (an)
president (of business) = oditotu == oditou = "noun political business manager" (an)
press (news media) = olodito = "noun small publication business" (an)
printing press = osoweme = "noun big sheet recorder" (an)
press (machine for squeezing) = owynyje = "noun surface force machine" (an)
to press = iwyny = "verb surface force" (an)
pressure = owyny = "noun surface force" (an)
to exert pressure = iwyny = "verb surface force" (an)
pressure gage = owyny u yma = "pressure detector" (an)
pressurized = ewyny = "adjective surface force" (an)
to presume = umege = "verb true environment" (an)
presumption = ymege = "noun true environment" (an)
to pretend = ucano = "verb false work" (an)
pretty, handsome = ado
to prevent = ugeno = "verb stationary work" (AN)
prevention = ynyno = "noun repulsive work" (an)
previous, earlier, former, preceding = iju
price, cost = otiga = "noun trade money" (an)
prick = yseci = "noun sharp manipulation" (an)
to prick = useci = "verb sharp manipulation" (an)
primate = ymibo = "noun mental animal" (AN)
primitive, archaic = atycu = "adjective old technology" (AN)
prince, princess = ycuwitu = "noun new genetic manager" (an)
prime minister = otytu == otyu = "noun country manager" (an)
principal, main = asolu = "adjective big abstraction" (an)
principal (head of school) = odutu = "noun knowledge manager" (an)
principle = ykimini = "noun massive mental path" (an)
to print = imufuje = "verb fast text machine" (an)
printer = omufuje = "noun fast text machine" (an)
prisoner = ozezopy == ozeopy = "noun idle building person" (AN)
prisoner of war = ogatapy = "noun lost war person" (AN)
privacy = ycyge = "noun safe environment" (AN)
private = apyge = "adjective owned environment" (an)
private (soldier) = osotapy = "noun big war person" (AN)
prize = ytuce = "noun rich communication" (an)
probability, chance, luck = ylyduli = "noun random gained" (AN)
probe (device) = ylosi = "noun small tool" (an)
problem = ynamino = "noun complex mental work" (an)
processing, manipulation = hyci
product = ocupu = "noun technology child" (an)
profession = ocono = "noun expert work" (an)
professional = econo = "adjective expert work" (an)
professor = oduco = "noun knowledge expert" (AN)
profit = odutoga = "noun gained business money" (an)
to program = imili = "verb software" (an)
programmer = omija = "noun software craftsman" (AN)
to prohibit, to ban, to forbid = ucozece = "verb legal idle communication" (an)
prohibition, ban = ycozece = "noun legal idle communication" (an)
project (major undertaking), plan = ysuno = "noun prolonged work" (an)
to project (an image) = igydo = "verb photon picture" (an)
to project, to protrude = iseli = "verb protrusion" (an)
projectile = ymujoky = "noun fast mobile rigid solid" (an)
proletarian = alatuja = "adjective opposite rich craftsman" (AN)
prolonged = hasu
promethium = yjatolo = "noun 61 ephemeral atom" (an)
promise = osuce = "noun fastener communication" (an)
to promise = isuce = "verb fastener communication" (an)
to keep a promise = imesuce = "verb true fastener communication" (an)
promotion (raised rank) = oduteny = "noun gained organization force" (AN)
to pronounce = ijydesy = "verb sonic language part" (an)
pronunciation = ojydesy = "noun sonic language part" (an)
proof = ymena = "noun true calculation" (AN)
propaganda = ydidi = "noun political publication" (an)
propane = owujygo = "noun chemical engine gas" (AN)
propensity, disposition, penchant, proclivity = ysumoni = "noun prolonged attractive path" (an)
to prophesy, to prophesize = ucukice = "verb new massive communication" (an)
prophecy = ycukice = "noun new massive communication" (an)
(religious) prophet = ycuceco == ycuceo = "noun new religious expert" (an)
prophet (foretells important events) = ycumaco = "noun new good expert" (an)
property (possession) = ypyso = "noun owned group" (an)
physical or chemical property = ylewulu = "noun physical chemical abstraction" (an)
to propose = ucuce = "verb new communication" (an)
proposition, proposal = ycuce = "noun new communication" (an)
prostitute = yjaja = "noun sexual craftsman" (AN)
to prostrate = uzesapy = "verb idle bottom person" (an)
protactinium = obabulo = "noun 91 sickness atom" (an)
protagonist = ynodapy = "noun busy front person" (an)
to protect = ucyno = "verb safe work" (an)
to protect from = unyno = "verb repulsive work" (an)
protection = ycyno = "noun safe work" (an)
protein = ybefo = "noun wild fiber" (an)
protest = ynydino = "noun repulsive political work" (AN)
Protestant religions = ycucege = "noun new religious environment" (an)
protester = ynydipy = "noun repulsive political person" (an)
proton = okilosy = "noun massive atom part" (AN)
protrusion = hyse
proud = amada = "adjective good name" (an)
to prove = umena = "verb true calculation" (an)
province, state, region = osotysy = "noun big country part" (an)
proximity = ynunu = "noun short distance" (AN)
to prune = ibimy = "verb anatomical... separation" (an)
to pry (to inquire) = usynice = "verb bad secret communication" (an)
to pry (move with a lever) = izakici = "verb strong rod manipulation" (an)
pseudo = acasyli = "adjective false bad" (an)
psychiatrist = omibuco = "noun mental sickness expert" (an)
psychiatry = omibune = "noun mental sickness science" (an)
psychic powers, psionics, extrasensory perception = ynimine = "noun secret mental science" (ei)
psychic, extrasensory or magical communication, mind reading = ynimice = "noun secret mental communication" (ei)
to use psychic powers, psionics, extrasensory perception = unimica = "verb secret mental manipulation" (ei)
to use psychic, extrasensory or magical communication, to read minds = unimice = "verb secret mental communication" (ei)
psychological = amine = "adjective mental science" (an)
psychologist = ymico = "noun mental expert" (an)
psychology = ymine = "noun mental science" (an)
psychopath, sociopath = ulapopy == ulapoy = "verb opposite caring person" (an)
puberty = eja
public = edige = "adjective publication environment" (an)
publication = ydi
to publish = idili = "verb publication" (an)
pudding = omakeby = "noun good soft solid food" (an)
puddle = ylogigu == ylogiu = "noun small geological liquid" (an)
Puerto Rico = mezity = "longitude=292 latitude=107 country" (an)
to pull = umony = "verb attractive force" (an)
pulley = ozafowo = "noun strong fiber disk" (an)
pulp = yguke = "noun wet soft solid" (an)
pulse = otigupa = "noun repeating liquid anatomical..." (an)
pumice = ygify = "noun geological foam" (an)
pump = ygi
punctual = amamupy == amaupy = "adjective good fast person" (an)
punish = usycoci == usycoi = "verb bad legal manipulation" (an)
punishment = ysycoci == ysycoi = "noun bad legal manipulation" (an)
pup, kitten, baby of hairy mammal = obobopu = "noun hairy animal child" (PHZ)
pupil (of eye) = obizipa = "noun optical hole anatomical..." (an)
puppet = ycapy = "noun false person" (an)
pure = ajilo = "adjective clean atom" (an)
to purify = ujilo = "verb clean atom" (an)
purple = huni
purpose = opope "noun parent relationship" (an)
to push = unyny = "verb repulsive force" (an)
to put, to lay = ijili = "verb place" (an)
to put on (a garment) = ifimo = "verb garment fusion" (AN)
puzzle, riddle = ynana = "noun complex calculation" (an)
Pygmy = ylopy = "noun small person" (an)
Pygmy race = alo u owipyso = "small race" (an)
pyramid = obupyzo = "noun dead person building" (an)
Qatar = desoty = "longitude=52 latitude=115 country" (an)
quadrilateral = ofy u oweko = "4 noun sheet shape" (an)
quality = ysymacu = "noun bad good technology" (an)
of high quality = amacu = "adjective good technology" (an)
quantity, amount = olely = "noun unit number" (AN)
quark = ogysy = "noun photon part" (an)
quarrel = ykata = "noun weak war" (an)
quarter, 1/4 = oze, hoku
quarter, season (annual period) = oze eka, oky eka = 1/4 year
question = ydace = "noun front communication" (an)
queue (people waiting their turn) = ysuso = "noun prolonged group" (an)
quilt = ynazefu == ynazeu = "noun complex idle textile" (-ei)
quilt = yzyzefu == yzyefu = "noun warm idle textile" (-an)
quota, allotment, apportionment, allocation = ososy = "noun group part" (an)
quotation = ytide = "noun repeating language" (an)
to quote = utide = "verb repeating language" (an)
rabbit = ynuzybo = "noun short warm animal" (AN)
raccoon = ybojibo = "noun hairy clean animal" (AN)
race (contest of speed) = omunota = "noun fast work war" (an)
race (people) = owipyso = "noun genetic person group" (an)
racist = ywitapy = "noun genetic war person" (an)
racket (dishonest scheme) = ylacoci = "noun opposite legal manipulation" (an)
radian = olale = "noun angle unit" (AN)
radiation = ojolosy = "noun mobile atom part" (an)
radiator (heater) = ozykuso = "noun warm tube group" (an)
radio = ojyceje = "noun sonic communication machine" (AN)
radio repairman = ojyceja = "noun sonic communication craftsman" (AN)
radio waves = yfogy = "noun long photon" (AN)
radioactive = ejolosy = "adjective mobile atom part" (an)
radium = ylosylo = "noun 88 bad atom" (an)
radius = ozufanu = "noun inner ball distance" (an)
radon = yletalo = "noun 86 dangerous atom" (an)
raid = ytodata = "noun ephemeral front war" (an)
rail = ojoki = "noun vehicle rod" (AN)
railroad, railway = okiju = "noun rod road" (AN)
railway wagon (railroad truck, railroad car) = ojukijo = "noun rear rod vehicle" (an)
rain = ygogu = "noun atmospheric liquid" (an)
light rain (below 1 cm/hour) = yfygogu = "noun lightweight atmospheric liquid" (an)
heavy rain (over 1 cm/hour) = ykigogu = "noun massive atmospheric liquid" (an)
rainbow = ydogoko = "noun pretty atmospheric shape" (AN)
rainfall = ogoguly == ogouly = "noun atmospheric liquid number" (an)
rainy = agogu = "adjective atmospheric liquid" (an)
to raise, to lift, to hoist, to elevate = usabaci = "verb bottom top manipulation" (an)
to raise (to grow or breed) = ulosono = "verb small big work" (an)
raisin = hafu ydymiby = "dry grape" (an)
ramp = ybasaju = "noun top bottom road" (AN)
random = aly
random access memory = otomume == otomue = "noun ephemeral chip recorder" (an)
rake = ogiwysi = "noun geological surface tool" (an)
range = onuly = "noun distance number" (an)
rank = otumy = "noun manager separation" (an)
ransom = opypyga = "noun owned person money" (AN)
rapacious = apupuga = "adjective hungry hungry money" (an)
rape = yjata = "noun sexual war" (AN)
rare-earth element = ypiwulo = "noun similar chemical atom" (an)
raspberry (fruit) = ydykaby = "noun middle weak food" (AN)
raspberry (plant) = ydykabe = "noun middle weak plant" (an)
rat = ykebobo = "noun dirty hairy animal" (AN)
rate = olesy = "noun unit part" (an)
ratio = olysy = "noun number part" (AN)
raven = ybanabo = "noun top complex animal" (AN)
raw (food) = alaciby = "adjective opposite processing food" (an)
ray = yzigy = "noun narrow photon" (an)
razor = obomysi = "noun hairy separation tool" (AN)
electric razor = obomyje = "noun hairy separation machine" (an)
to reach (to arrive at) = ijolu = "verb vehicle abstraction" (an)
to reach (to contact) = icelu = "verb communication abstraction" (an)
to reach, to extend = inulu = "verb distance abstraction" (an)
reaction, response = ylany = "noun opposite force" (AN)
to read = idyma = "verb text detector" (AN)
read only memory (ROM) = otydumu = "noun old knowledge chip" (AN)
ready = azenolu = "adjective idle busy abstraction" (AN)
real, actual = ameleko = "adjective true physical shape" (AN)
real number = oculy = "noun technology number" (AN)
real estate = ypyji = "noun owned place" (AN)
realist = ymemipy = "noun true mental person" (an)
reality = ymelu = "noun true abstraction" (an)
really, actually, truly = ameli = "adjective true" (an)
to reap = isebemy = "verb sharp plant separation" (an)
rear = aju
reason (sound judgment) = ymamili = "noun good mental" (an)
rebel = oditapy = "noun political war person" (an)
to rebel = udita = "verb political war" (an)
rebellious, defiant, disobedient = adita = "adjective political war" (an)
receipt = ocogawe = "noun legal money sheet" (an)
recent = a ega = adjective recently
recipe = ogycudu = "noun simple technology knowledge" (an)
to recognize (to be familiar with) = upidu = "verb similar knowledge" (an)
to recommend = ulimace = "verb philosophical good communication" (an)
record (data) = ofodusy = "noun long knowledge part" (an)
record (surpassing all others) = ysodelu = "noun big different abstraction" (an)
to record = imeli = "verb recorder" (an)
recorder = yme
high fidelity recorder = ymeme = "noun true recorder" (an)
rectangle = ofoweko = "noun long sheet shape" (AN)
to recycle = ulypici = "verb random similar processing" (an)
recycled = alypici = "adjective random similar processing" (an)
recycling = ylypici = "noun random similar processing" (an)
red = husa
reef = ytaguse = "noun dangerous wet protrusion" (an)
reel, spool = ofowo = "noun fiber disk" (an)
to reel in, to wind up (string on reel) = izufowo = "verb inner fiber disk" (an)
to refer = idica = "verb publication address" (an)
referee, arbiter = opetatu == opetau = "noun happy war manager" (an)
reference, citation = odica = "noun publication address" (an)
to reflect = ujudagy = "verb rear front photon" (an)
reflection = ymybila = "noun outer optical angle" (an)
reform, reformation = ysymaci = "noun bad good manipulation" (an)
to reform = usymalu = "verb bad good abstraction" (an)
refraction = yzubila = "noun inner optical angle" (an)
to refresh = ukazaci = "verb weak strong manipulation" (an)
to refrigerate = ufeje = "verb cold machine" (an)
refrigerator = yfeje = "noun cold machine" (AN)
refugee = ocyjipy = "noun safe place person" (an)
refusal = ynyce = "noun repulsive communication" (an)
to refuse = unyce = "verb repulsive communication" (an)
regress = ysyjuni = "noun bad rear path" (an)
regular, predictable = alalyli = "adjective opposite random" (PHZ,an)
regulation = ylocodi = "noun small legal publication" (an)
reincarnation = ycecupy == yceupy = "noun religious new person" (an)
to reject = unyci = "verb repulsive manipulation" (an)
rejection = ynyci = "noun repulsive manipulation" (an)
to rejoice, to be happy = upeli = "verb happy" (an)
relationship, relation = hype
to relax = upezepy = "verb happy idle person" (an)
relevant, related to = epeli = "adjective relationship" (an)
reliable = alalyno == alayno = "adjective opposite random work" (AN)
relief (removal of pain or distress) = omageno = "noun good environment work" (an)
relief (thin sculpture) = oseko = "noun protrusion shape" (an)
religion = ycete = "noun religious organization" (AN)
religious = hace
religious fundamentalist = ygecepy = "noun stationary religious person" (AN)
reluctant, indifferent = azepe = "adjective idle relationship" (an)
to remain, to stay = ugeli = "verb stationary" (AN)
to remember = usudu = "verb prolonged knowledge" (an)
to remind = ugadudu = "verb lost gained knowledge" (an)
remnant = ylotysy = "noun small old part" (an)
remorse, regret, compunction = osynobu = "noun bad work sickness" (an)
to remove = ugalu = "verb lost abstraction" (an)
to rent = usuti = "verb prolonged trade" (AN)
renter, tenant = isutipy = "verb prolonged trade person" (an)
to repair, to mend, to fix = upocu = "verb caring technology" (an)
repaired, fixed = apocu = "adjective caring technology" (an)
repairman = opocuja = "noun caring technology craftsman" (AN)
to repeat = utili = "verb repeating" (an)
repeating = hati
to repel = unyli = "verb repulsive" (an)
to repent, to regret = isynobu = "verb bad work sickness" (an)
repetition = ytili = "noun repeating" (an)
to replace = ugaduci = "verb lost gained manipulation" (AN)
reply, answer = yjuce = "noun rear communication" (an)
to reply, to answer = ujuce = "verb rear communication" (an)
report = ocodi = "noun expert publication" (an)
to report = icodi = "verb expert publication" (an)
reprehensible = esynoce = "adjective bad work communication" (an)
to represent = iteja = "verb organization craftsman" (an)
representative (noun) = oteja = "noun organization craftsman" (an)
to repress = ilaceci == ilacei = "verb opposite communication manipulation" (an)
reptile = ynibo = "noun secret animal" (AN)
republic = oditege = "noun political organization environment" (an)
repulsive = hany
reputation, honor, esteem, respect, pride, self-esteem = ymada = "noun good name" (an)
requirement, requisite, involvement = ypulu = "noun hungry abstraction" (an)
rescue = ytacyno = "noun dangerous safe work" (an)
to rescue = utacyno = "verb dangerous safe work" (an)
research = oneno = "noun science work" (AN)
reservation (at a hotel, etc.) = yzeji = "noun idle place" (an)
reservation, refuge (public land) = ybeji = "noun wild place" (an)
reserve = yzeso = "noun idle group" (AN)
to reserve = uzeso = "verb idle group" (AN)
to reside = ijipy = "verb place person" (an)
residence = ytuzo = "noun expensive building" (an)
resident = ojipy = "noun place person" (an)
to resign, to quit = ugatu = "verb lost manager" (an)
resignation (quitting) = ygatu = "noun lost manager" (an)
to resist = ugeno = "verb stationary work" (an)
resistance, friction = ygeno = "noun stationary work" (an)
electrical resistance = ygesino = "stationary electric work" (an)
electrical resistivity = ygesige = "stationary electric environment" (an)
thermal resistivity = ygezyge = "stationary warm environment" (an)
resistor = yzysiki = "noun warm electric rod" (an)
resolution = ynubinu = "noun short optical distance" (an)
resonance = yfatini = "noun elastic repeating path" (an)
to respect, to esteem = umada = "verb good name" (an)
responsibility = ymatu = "noun good manager" (an)
responsible = amatu = "adjective good manager" (an)
rest, remainder, other, else = hity
to rest = umazeli = "verb good idle" (an)
restaurant = onabyzy = "noun complex food room" (an)
to restore = utyci = "verb old manipulation" (an)
to restrict = ucoka = "verb legal valve" (an)
restriction = ycoka = "noun legal valve" (an)
restroom = ynoguzy = "noun busy wet room" (an)
result = opupe = "noun child relationship" (AN)
retail = yloti = "noun small trade" (an)
to retain, to conserve = usupylu = "verb prolonged owned abstraction" (an,ei)
reticent, taciturn = atojyde = "adjective ephemeral sonic language" (an)
to retire = itynomy = "verb old work separation" (an)
retirement = otynomy = "noun old work separation" (an)
to return = udajuni = "verb front rear path" (an)
Reunion = hupu dykuty = "south longitude=56 latitude=69 country" (an)
to reveal = ucudu = "verb new knowledge" (an)
revelation = ycudu = "noun new knowledge" (an)
revenge = ysyti = "noun bad trade" (AN)
review = ofocodi = "noun long expert publication" (an)
to review = ilocodi = "verb small expert publication" (an)
(political) revolution, rebellion = ydita = "noun political war" (AN)
reward = ypoti = "noun caring trade" (AN)
rhenium = ymydulo = "noun 75 gained atom" (an)
rhodium = hyfytulo = "noun 45 rich atom" (an)
rhyme = otidesy = "noun repeating language part" (an)
rhythm = ytijyni = "noun repeating sonic path" (an)
rib = odykypa = "noun middle rigid solid anatomical..." (an)
ribbon = ydofawa = "noun pretty elastic tape" (an)
rice = ygugyby == yguyby = "noun wet simple food" (AN)
rich, expensive, luxurious = hatu
rich person = ytupy = "noun rich person" (AN)
to ride (animal) = iboni = "verb animal path" (an)
to ridicule = usypeli = "verb bad happy" (an)
ridiculous = asypeli = "adjective bad happy" (an)
rifle = otawiku = "noun dangerous helix tube" (AN)
right (not left) = iby
legal or moral right = ycolu = "noun legal abstraction" (an)
to rig (manipulate fraudulently) = ulacoci = "verb opposite legal manipulation" (an)
right angle = ygyla = "noun simple angle" (an)
rigid, stiff = ekyli = "adjective rigid solid" (an)
ring (circle) = ygywu = "noun simple torus" (an)
to ring (sound) = utijyli = "verb repeating sonic" (an)
(finger) ring = ylodowu = "noun small pretty torus" (an)
ring finger = ojukipa = "noun rear rod anatomical..." (an)
ripe = acimaby = "adjective changing good food" (an)
to ripen = ucimaby = "verb changing good food" (an)
risk = utani = "verb dangerous path" (an)
risky = atani = "adjective dangerous path" (an)
ritual, ceremony, worship = yceno = "noun religious work" (AN)
river, stream = ygujoni = "noun wet mobile path" (an)
river delta = ygugila == yguila = "noun wet geological angle" (an)
river rapids = ygimugu = "noun geological fast liquid" (an)
rivet = ysusu = "noun prolonged fastener" (AN)
RNA = ybewi = "noun wild helix" (an)
road, route = yju
to rob = utalati = "verb dangerous opposite trade" (an)
robot (has more than three actuators) = omucije = "noun fast manipulation machine" (an)
rocket = yjyjo = "noun sonic vehicle" (an)
guided rocket = ojycijo = "noun sonic manipulation vehicle" (an)
unguided rocket = ojylyjo = "noun sonic random vehicle" (an)
space rocket, rocket launcher, launch vehicle = ybajyjo = "noun astronomical sonic vehicle" (an)
(military) rocket launcher = ojyjoku = "noun sonic vehicle tube" (an)
rocket engine = yjyjy = "noun sonic engine" (an)
rod = hyki
role (theater) = ocajafi = "noun false craftsman garment" (an)
roll angle (aviation) = ydajula = "noun front rear angle" (an)
to court or woo romantically = ujace = "verb sexual communication" (an)
Roman Catholic religion = ytycete = "noun old religious organization" (AN)
Romania = pacety = "longitude=24 latitude=135 country" (an)
roof = obazowe = "noun top building sheet" (an)
room = yzy
rooster, cock = yjebabo = "noun masculine top animal" (an)
root = ysabi = "noun bottom anatomical..." (AN)
rope = okifoso = "noun massive fiber group" (AN)
rotating = awo
rose = ysejabe = "noun sharp sexual plant" (AN)
to rot = ububyke == ubuyke = "verb dead smelly soft solid" (an)
rotten = abubyke == abuyke = "adjective dead smelly soft solid" (AN)
rough = alywy = "adjective random surface" (AN)
round = ewoko = "adjective disk shape" (an)
row (horizontal group) = ydajuso = "noun front rear group" (an)
paddle = ogujosi = "noun wet vehicle tool" (an)
to paddle, to row (a boat) = igujosi = "verb wet vehicle tool" (an)
royal = ewitytu == ewityu = "adjective genetic country manager" (an)
to rub = iwyci = "verb surface manipulation" (an)
rubber = yfake = "noun elastic soft solid" (AN)
rubidium = ywakalo = "noun 37 weak atom" (an)
rude, insolent, impertinent = anyde = "adjective repulsive language" (an)
rug = ylobofu = "noun small hairy textile" (an)
rugby, american football = yzafa = "noun strong ball" (AN)
to ruin = ulyzo = "verb random building" (an)
ruin, ruins = ylyzo = "noun random building" (an)
ruler, rule (for drawing lines) = odowa = "noun picture tape" (an)
rumor = ylyce = "noun random communication" (an)
to run = umupy = "verb fast person" (AN)
runway = obajoju == obajou = "noun top vehicle road" (an)
Russia = gemyty = "longitude=100 latitude=149 country" (an)
rust = ytywy = "noun old surface" (AN)
ruthenium = hyfedulo = "noun 44 gained atom" (an)
Rwanda = pyfety = "longitude=32 latitude=87 country" (an)
sabotage = ynisyno = "noun secret bad work" (an)
sack = ofuza = "noun textile container" (an)
sad, sorry, unhappy, upset = alapeli = "adjective opposite happy" (AN)
safe, secure = hacy
safe (container) = okigaza = "noun massive money container" (AN)
safety belt = ycywa = "noun safe tape" (AN)
safety net = ycycy = "noun safe net" (an)
safety valve = ykaka = "noun weak valve" (an)
saint = ymacepy = "noun good religious person" (an)
Saint Helena = liwaty = "longitude=356 latitude=73 country" (an)
Saint Kitts and Nevis = hupu myzity = myzity = "south longitude=296 latitude=107 country" (an)
Saint Lucia = ube mozoty = "west longitude=300 latitude=103 country" (an)
Saint Pierre and Miquelon = mucety = "longitude=304 latitude=135 country" (an)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines = hupu mozoty = "south longitude=300 latitude=103 country" (an)
sail = ogujofu = "noun wet vehicle textile" (an)
sailboat = ygogujo == ygoujo = "noun atmospheric wet vehicle" (AN)
sailor, mariner, seaman = ogujoja == ogujoa = "noun wet vehicle craftsman" (an)
salary = otuga = "noun manager money" (AN)
for sale = agati = "adjective lost trade" (an)
on sale = alatuti == alatui = "adjective opposite rich trade" (an)
salesperson = otija = "noun trade craftsman" (AN)
saliva = obagupa = "noun top liquid anatomical..." (AN)
salt = ywufe = "noun chemical powder" (an)
salty taste = ewufema = "adjective chemical powder detector" (an)
salutation (prefatory greeting) = ypodada = "noun caring front name" (an)
to salute = ipotace = "verb caring war communication" (an)
(religious) salvation = ymaceti = "noun good religious trade" (an)
samarium = yjelelo = "noun 62 physical atom" (an)
Samoa = fiwety = "longitude=188 latitude=75 country" (an)
sample, specimen = ylysy = "noun random part" (AN)
sanctimonious = acacepy == acaepy = "adjective false religious person" (an)
sand = ysogife = "noun big geological powder" (AN)
sandpaper = osefewe = "noun sharp powder sheet" (AN)
sandwich = omufyby = "noun fast foam food" (AN)
San Marino = bocaty = "longitude=12 latitude=133 country" (an)
Sao Tome and Principe = byfyty = "longitude=8 latitude=89 country" (an)
sarcastic = anyce = "adjective repulsive communication" (AN)
satisfied = emanope = "adjective good work relationship" (an)
to satisfy = imanope = "verb good work relationship" (an)
Saturday = eji
Saturn = sowoba = "proper noun big rotating astronomical object" (an)
sauce = ozakeby = "noun strong soft solid food" (an)
Saudi Arabia = pisyty = "longitude=44 latitude=113 country" (an)
sausage = ofopaby = "noun long anatomical... food" (AN)
to saute = ufuzyci = "verb dry warm manipulation" (AN)
savage, barbaric = abetali = "adjective wild dangerous" (an)
savings = ytyga = "noun old money" (an)
hand saw = osesesi == osesei = "noun sharp protrusion tool" (AN)
hand saw blade = osesewa = "noun sharp protrusion tape" (AN)
motorized saw = oseseje = "noun sharp protrusion machine" (AN)
circular saw = ysewoje = "noun sharp rotating machine" (AN)
circular saw blade = osesewo = "noun sharp protrusion disk" (AN)
saxophone = yjejyku == yjeyku = "noun masculine sonic tube" (AN)
scale (device measuring weight) = yfykima = "noun lightweight massive detector" (an)
scale (series of marks) = onuniso = "noun short path group" (an)
scale (horny plate) = ylomywe = "noun small outer sheet" (an)
scandal = ykedici = "noun dirty political manipulation" (AN)
scandium = hytybilo = "noun 21 optical atom" (an)
scanner = ytizima = "noun repeating narrow detector" (an)
scarf = obawafi = "noun top tape garment" (AN)
scarcity, shortage = yloso = "noun small group" (AN)
scary = atalu = "adjective dangerous abstraction" (AN)
scatology = okekene = "noun dirty soft solid science" (AN)
schedule = osunona = "noun prolonged work calculation" (an)
schism = ycemy = "noun religious separation" (AN)
school = oduzo = "noun knowledge building" (AN)
science = hyne
scientist, scholar = oneco = "noun science expert" (AN)
scissors = ocymysi = "noun safe separation tool" (an)
to scoff, to jeer, to sneer = usylice = "verb bad philosophical communication" (an)
scooter (toy) = opezijo = "noun happy narrow vehicle" (an)
scooter (small motorcycle) = ylozijo = "noun small narrow vehicle" (an)
scoundrel = okekepy = "noun dirty soft solid person" (AN)
score = opetaly = "noun happy war number" (an)
to score = ipetaly = "verb happy war number" (an)
to scorn = usace = "verb bottom communication" (an)
to scrape = iwymy = "verb surface separation" (an)
to scratch = isewyci = "verb sharp surface manipulation" (an)
screen (for pictures) = ozedowe = "noun idle picture sheet" (an)
screw = osewisu = "noun sharp helix fastener" (AN)
screwdriver = osewisi = "noun sharp helix tool" (an)
scroll document = yfodi = "noun long publication" (an)
scuba buoyancy compensation device = ofynyza = "noun lightweight force container" (an)
scuba computer = ypesamu = "noun happy bottom chip" (AN)
scuba diver = ypesapy = "noun happy bottom person" (AN)
scuba diving = ypesani = "noun happy bottom path" (AN)
scuba mask = ybigufi = "noun optical wet garment" (AN)
scuba regulator = ypesaka = "noun happy bottom valve" (AN)
scuba tank = ypesaza = "noun happy bottom container" (AN)
scuba weight = ykiguky = "noun massive wet rigid solid" (AN)
scuba wet suit, diving suit = ygusafi = "noun wet bottom garment" (AN)
sculptor = okokyja == okoyja = "noun artistic rigid solid craftsman" (an)
sculpture, statue = ykoky = "noun artistic rigid solid" (an)
scythe = yfosesi == yfosei = "noun long sharp tool" (an)
sea anemone = ydobo = "noun pretty animal" (an)
sea urchin = ysebo = "noun sharp animal" (AN)
sea star = osebo = "noun protrusion animal" (AN)
seam = ofimo = "noun garment fusion" (an)
seamstress = ofifija = "noun feminine garment craftsman" (an)
to search, to seek = igacano = "verb lost address work" (AN)
seal (animal) = obowybo "noun hairy surface animal" (AN)
seal (emblem) = ycodo "noun legal picture" (an)
seasoning = ozabeby == ozabey = "noun strong plant food" (an)
seaweed = ogubybe = "noun wet food plant" (an)
second (unit of time) = heto
secret = hani
sect, cult, small religion = yceso = "noun religious group" (AN,ei)
sectarian, cultist = ocesopy = "noun religious group person" (ei)
sectility = osemyky = "noun sharp separation rigid solid" (an)
secular = acedimy = "adjective religious political separation" (an)
security (protection) = ycyli = "noun safe" (an)
to seduce = umomili = "verb attractive mental" (an)
seduction = ymomili = "noun attractive mental" (an)
seductive = amomili = "adjective attractive mental" (an)
to see = ubima = "verb optical detector" (an,ei)
seed, pit = ozebepu = "noun idle plant child" (an)
seedling = ycube = "noun new plant" (an)
to seem = ukameli = "verb weak true" (an)
seldom, rarely = ede
to select = umamy = "verb good separation" (an)
selenium = hykosilo = "noun 34 electric atom" (an)
selfish, egoistic = awipe = "adjective genetic relationship" (AN)
to sell = ugati = "verb lost trade" (AN)
semen = yjegu = "noun masculine liquid" (an)
to send = ujomy = "verb mobile separation" (an)
Senegal = lozoty = "longitude=348 latitude=103 country" (an)
sense, meaning = ylali = "noun opposite no meaning" (AN)
sensor = ygyma = "noun simple detector" (an)
sensible = acymili = "adjective safe mental" (an)
sensitive = akalu = "adjective weak abstraction" (an)
sentence (words) = odyso = "noun text group" (AN)
sentence (decision) = ycoce = "noun legal communication" (an)
separate, apart = emyli = "adjective separation" (an)
to separate = imyli = "verb separation" (an)
separation = ymy
separatist = odimypy = "noun political separation person" (an)
September = heky
Serbia = bicaty = "longitude=20 latitude=133 country" (an)
sergeant = otaja = "noun war craftsman" (AN)
sequence = yluso = "noun mathematical group" (an)
series = ylalyso == ylayso = "noun opposite random group" (an)
serious = amezali = "adjective true strong" (AN)
servant = oponopy = "noun caring work person" (an)
server (computer) = otumu = "noun manager chip" (an)
service (useful labor) = ymano = "noun good work" (an)
to set = ijilu = "verb place abstraction" (an)
to settle, to compromise = ugepe = "verb stationary relationship" (an)
to settle = ugepy = "verb stationary person" (an)
to settle (a liquid) = ugegu = "verb stationary liquid" (an)
seven, 7 = hoki, hosy
seventeen = ogy hoki
seventy = hoki ogy
several, a few = ola
to sew = isefumo = "verb sharp textile fusion" (an)
sewer = okeguku = "noun dirty liquid tube" (an)
Seychelles = dyfaty = "longitude=56 latitude=85 country" (an)
sexual = aja
sexual activity, sexual stimulation = yjamo = "noun sexual fusion" (ei)
to engage in sexual activity, sexual stimulation (between living things to which it applies) = ujamo = "verb sexual fusion" (ei)
shack = ysyzo = "noun bad building" (AN)
shade, shadow = ylagy = "noun opposite photon" (AN)
lampshade, window shade = okagywe = "noun weak photon sheet" (an)
schadenfreude = ysypepe = "noun bad happy relationship" (an)
shaft = ywoki = "noun rotating rod" (AN)
shame = osydage = "noun bad name environment" (an)
shampoo = yjibogu = "noun clean hairy liquid" (AN)
shantytown = osyzozu == osyzou = "noun bad building city" (AN)
shape, form = hyko
share (of stock) = ynoga = "noun busy money" (AN)
to share = upymo = "verb owned fusion" (AN)
sharp = hase
to shave = ubomy = "verb hairy separation" (an)
shaving cream = obomyke = "noun hairy separation soft solid" (an)
she, her = hifi
shear (force) = ywyny = "noun slippery force" (an)
sheep = ybozybo = "noun hairy warm animal" (an)
sheet = ywe
shelf = ofozesy = "noun long furniture part" (an)
shell = ykymypa = "noun brittle outer anatomical..." (AN)
shelter = ycyzo = "noun safe building" (an)
to shelter = ucyzo = "verb safe building" (an)
sherbet = ofekeby = "noun cold soft solid food" (an)
shelving = oweze = "noun sheet furniture" (AN)
shield = ycywe = "noun safe sheet" (AN)
to shift (gear) = uciwoje = "verb changing rotating machine" (an)
to shine = igyli = "verb photon" (an)
ship (longer than 20m) = ysogujo = "noun big wet vehicle" (an)
shirt = ydyfi = "noun middle garment" (AN)
shoddy, cheap, of poor quality = asyno = "adjective bad work" (an)
industrial product designed by incompetent engineers = ysycu = "noun bad technology" (an)
shoe = ygifi = "noun geological garment" (AN)
shoehorn = ogifisi = "noun geological garment tool" (AN)
shoelace, shoestring = ogifisu = "noun geological garment fastener" (AN)
shoe last = ogifiko = "noun geological garment shape" (an)
platform shoe = ygidyfi = "noun geological middle garment" (AN)
pump shoe = yfigifi = "noun feminine geological garment" (AN)
shortcut = ynuni = "noun short path" (AN)
sneaker shoe = ygifyfi = "noun geological lightweight garment" (AN)
spade = oziwesi = "noun narrow sheet tool" (an)
spike heel shoe = yzogifi = "noun tall geological garment" (AN)
sport shoe = yfagifi = "noun elastic geological garment" (AN)
shop = otito = "noun trade business" (AN)
short = hanu
to shorten (itself) = unuli = "verb short" (an)
to shorten (something) = unuci = "verb short manipulation" (an)
shorter = iza u anu = more short (-an)
shorter = ika u afo = less long (-an)
shorter = anupi = "adjective short sibling" (-an)
shorts (short trousers) = ynudyfi = "noun short middle garment" (an)
shot = otafamy = "noun dangerous ball separation" (an)
shotgun = otapiku = "noun dangerous sibling tube" (AN)
shoulder = ynuwopa = "noun short rotating anatomical..." (an)
to shout = uzajyde = "verb strong sonic language" (an)
shovel = osowesi = "noun big sheet tool" (an)
to show = idoci = "verb picture manipulation" (an)
show (spectacle)= ydono = "noun pretty work" (an)
show business, entertainment business (theater, movies, television or similar internet business) = ypeto = "noun happy business" (an,ei)
shower = yguzoze == yguzoe = "noun wet tall furniture" (AN)
shrimp = yzykybo = "noun warm brittle animal" (an)
to shrink, to reduce (its own size) = uloli = "verb small" (an)
to shrink, to reduce (size of something) = uloci = "verb small manipulation" (an)
shrub = ydybe = "noun middle plant" (AN)
shy, bashful, timid, diffident = alajypy = "adjective opposite sonic person" (an)
sibling = hypi
sick, ill = ebuli = "adjective sickness" (an)
sickle = oselasi = "noun sharp angle tool" (an)
sickness, disease, illness = ybu
side, sideways (with reference to a central line) = ibo
Sierra Leone = lozaty = "longitude=348 latitude=97 country" (an)
sidewalk = opyju = "noun person road" (AN)
sight, vision = obipama = "noun optical anatomical... detector" (an)
signal, sign = olocesy = "noun small communication part" (an)
signature = ycoda = "noun legal name" (AN)
silent = alajyli = "adjective opposite sonic" (an)
quiet = akajyli = "adjective weak sonic" (an)
noisy = azajyli = "adjective strong sonic" (an)
silicon = ydekylo = "noun 14 brittle atom" (an)
silk, cobweb thread = obofo = "noun animal fiber" (AN)
silver = yfusilo = "noun 47 electric atom" (an)
similar, such = hapi
to simmer = utezyci = "verb slow warm manipulation" (AN)
symmetrical = apilako = "adjective similar opposite shape" (an)
simple = agy
simplification = ygydu = "noun simple knowledge" (an)
(computer) simulation = ypimi = "noun similar software" (an)
sin = ysyceci == ysycei = "noun bad religious manipulation" (an)
sinecure = yzeno = "noun idle work" (an)
to sing = upekode = "verb happy artistic language" (PHZ)
Singapore = gyfoty = "longitude=104 latitude=91 country" (an)
singer = opedeja = "noun happy language craftsman" (PHZ)
to sink = isaguni = "verb bottom liquid path" (an)
(kitchen) sink = ojibyze = "noun clean food furniture" (an)
sinner = ysycepy = "noun bad religious person" (an)
sister = yfipi = "noun feminine sibling" (AN)
half sister = ofisypi = "noun feminine part sibling" (an)
to sit down = unupy = "verb short person" (AN)
situation = ogelu = "noun environment abstraction" (an)
six, 6 = owa, hose
sixteen = ogy owa
sixty = owa ogy
size = ylosolu = "noun small big abstraction" (AN)
to skate = uwyky = "verb slippery rigid solid" (AN)
skeleton = onakypa = "noun complex rigid solid anatomical..." (an)
ski = ywywa = "noun slippery tape" (AN)
to ski = uwywa = "verb slippery tape" (AN)
skill = ojadu = "noun craftsman knowledge" (an)
skillful = ejadu = "adjective craftsman knowledge" (an)
ski mask = ybazyfi = "noun top warm garment" (AN)
skin = ymypa = "noun outer anatomical..." (AN)
skipper (of a ship) = ogunija = "noun wet path craftsman" (an)
skirt = ysafifi = "noun bottom feminine garment" (AN)
skull = obakypa = "noun top rigid solid anatomical..." (an)
skunk = ybobybo == yboybo = "noun hairy smelly animal" (AN)
sky = ybaba = "noun top astronomical object" (AN)
slander = ykecace == ykecae = "noun dirty false communication" (an)
to slander = ukecace == ukecae = "verb dirty false communication" (an)
slat = okywa = "noun rigid solid tape" (an)
slave = ypypy = "noun owned person" (AN)
slavery, bondage, servitude = ypypyge = "noun owned person environment" (an)
sled, sleigh = ywyjo = "noun slippery vehicle" (AN)
to sleep = uzebo = "verb idle animal" (an)
sleeping bag = ozefuza = "noun idle textile container" (AN)
sleeping room = yzezy = "noun idle room" (AN)
sleepy, drowsy = anozeli = "adjective busy idle" (an)
slice = owesy = "noun sheet part" (AN)
to slide, to slip = uwyjoli = "verb slippery mobile" (an)
slide rule = ytylusi = "noun old mathematical tool" (AN)
sling = otyfosi = "noun old fiber tool" (an)
slippery = awy
slogan = ynulidy = "noun short philosophical text" (an)
slope, incline = ysabawy = "noun bottom top surface" (an)
sloped, inclined = asabawy = "adjective bottom top surface" (an)
slot, chink, crevice = yzizi = "noun narrow hole" (AN)
sloth = ytebobo = "noun slow hairy animal" (AN)
Slovakia = bicyty = "longitude=20 latitude=137 country" (an)
Slovenia = bucety = "longitude=16 latitude=135 country" (an)
slow, gradual = hate
slug = ywasabo = "noun sticky bottom animal" (AN)
small, little = alo
smaller = iza u alo = more small (-an)
smaller = ika u aso = less big (-an)
smaller = alopi = "adjective small sibling" (-an)
smart, intelligent, clever = amumili == amuili = "adjective fast mental" (AN)
smart person = ymumipy == ymuipy = "noun fast mental person" (AN)
to smash = ukyny = "verb brittle force" (an)
to smear = ukewy = "verb dirty surface" (AN)
smell, odor = ybylo = "noun smelly atom" (an)
to smell (to perceive odor) = ubyma = "verb smelly detector" (ei)
to smell (to ooze odor) = ubylo = "verb smelly atom" (an)
smelly = aby
smock = ynefi = "noun medical garment" (AN)
to smile = upepa = "verb happy anatomical..." (an)
smoke = ogofe = "noun gas powder" (AN)
to smoke tobacco = izugofe = "verb inner gas powder" (AN)
to smolder = ikugofe = "verb burning gas powder" (an)
smoldering = ekugofe = "adjective burning gas powder" (an)
smooth, even = alalyko == alayko = "adjective opposite random shape" (an)
smooth surface = ywywy = "noun slippery surface" (an)
to smuggle = ulaconi = "verb opposite legal path" (an)
snail = ytesabo = "noun slow bottom animal" (AN)
snake = yfonibo = "noun long secret animal" (AN)
to sneeze = ujymygo = "verb sonic outer gas" (an)
to sniff = ubyno = "verb smelly work" (an,ei)
snorkel = ygoguku == ygouku = "noun atmospheric wet tube" (AN)
snow = yfefe = "noun cold powder" (AN)
to snow = ufefe = "verb cold powder" (AN)
snowboard = ynuwywa == ynuwya = "noun short slippery tape" (AN)
snowstorm = ymufefe = "noun fast cold powder" (an)
to soak = uzuguci = "verb inner wet manipulation" (an)
soap = yjike = "noun clean soft solid" (AN)
soccer, football = ysafa = "noun bottom ball" (AN)
so-called = acuda = "adjective new name" (an)
social = esopy = "adjective group person" (AN)
socialism = odipige = "noun political sibling environment" (an)
socialist = odipipy = "noun political sibling person" (an)
society = opopyso == opoyso = "noun caring person group" (an)
sock = yzugifi = "noun inner geological garment" (AN)
(electric) socket = ysisa = "noun electric concavity" (an)
mains electricity socket, wall socket, electric outlet = osicysa = "noun electric net concavity" (an)
soda pop = ofeguby = "noun cold liquid food" (an)
sodium = ypuwelo = "noun 11 cellular atom" (an)
soft = ekeli = "adjective soft solid" (AN)
software, program = ymi
soil = ygife = "noun geological powder" (AN)
to solder = uzymo = "verb warm fusion" (AN)
soldier = osotapy = "noun big war person" (AN)
solemn = afepe = "adjective cold relationship" (an)
rigid solid = hyky
soft solid = hyke
solipsism = ylicage = "noun philosophical false environment" (an)
Solomon Islands = wuwuty = "longitude=160 latitude=81 country" (an)
solution = yduna = "noun gained calculation" (an)
to solve = uduna = "verb gained calculation" (an)
Somalia = dazety = "longitude=48 latitude=99 country" (an)
some = ige
someone, somebody = ige ypy = "some person"
sometimes = ely
somewhat = hify
somewhere = ige yji = "some place"
son = yjepu = "noun masculine child" (AN)
song = yjypede = "noun sonic happy language" (PHZ)
sonic = ajy
soon, immediately, in the very near future = edu
as soon as = heco
to sort (divide into types) = idesyso = "verb different part group" (an)
sound = yjyli = "noun sonic" (AN)
to make sound, to ring = ujyli = "verb sonic" (an)
infrasound = ytejyli = "noun slow sonic" (an)
ultrasound = ymujyli = "noun fast sonic" (an)
medical ultrasound machine = ynejyme = "noun medical sonic recorder" (an)
ultrasonic image, sonogram = ynejydo = "noun medical sonic picture" (an)
soup = yguby = "noun wet food" (AN)
sour taste = enybysy = "adjective repulsive food part" (an)
source, origin, root = opolu = "noun parent abstraction" (an)
south = hupu
South Africa = pakaty = "longitude=24 latitude=61 country" (an)
South Georgia and South Sandwich Islands (country) = nodity = "longitude=324 latitude=35 country" (an)
southern = a hupu = "adjective south" (an)
South Korea = kyjyty = "longitude=128 latitude=125 country" (an)
soybean = omapuby = "noun good child food" (AN)
space (three-dimensional entity that extends without bounds) = yluge = "noun mathematical environment" (AN)
space (empty area) = yduwy = "noun gained surface" (AN)
space (empty volume) = yduge = "noun gained environment" (AN)
abstract, n-dimensional, mathematical space = olugelu = "noun mathematical environment abstraction" (AN)
outer space = obage = "noun astronomical object environment" (AN)
spacecraft, spaceship = obajo = "noun astronomical object vehicle" (AN)
Spain = lijuty = "longitude=356 latitude=129 country" (an)
Spanish language = lijide = "longitude=356 latitude=131 language" (an)
spam = opicyce == opicye = "noun similar net communication" (AN)
spare = amysy = "adjective outer part" (an)
spare part = omyjesy = "outer noun machine part" (an)
spark = ylokugy = "noun small burning photon" (an)
sparrow = odyzubo = "noun middle city animal" (an)
spatula = yby oziwesi = "food spade" (ei)
to speak, say, talk, tell = ujyde = "verb sonic language" (AN)
speaking, talking, able to speak = ajyde = "adjective sonic language" (an)
speculation = ykane = "noun weak science" (AN)
speaker (person) = ojydeja = "noun sonic language craftsman" (PHZ)
speaker (appliance), loudspeaker = ojydesi = "noun sonic language tool" (-an)
speaker (appliance), loudspeaker = ojydeje = "noun sonic language machine" (-PHZ)
spear = ysoseki == ysoeki = "noun big sharp rod" (AN)
special, specific, particular, unconventional = adedeli = "adjective different different" (an)
specialty = ydelu = "noun different abstraction" (an)
species = ypiwiso = "noun similar genetic group" (AN)
precise biological name of monocellular organism = ysowiso = "noun big genetic group" (an)
precise biological name of multicellular organism = ylowiso = "noun small genetic group" (an)
specification = omaduce = "noun good knowledge communication" (an)
to specify = imaduce = "verb good knowledge communication" (an)
speech = yjyde = "noun sonic language" (AN)
political speech = ydijyde = "noun political sonic language" (an)
public speech = ojydide == ojydie = "noun sonic publication language" (an)
speed (number) = ytemuly = "noun slow fast number" (AN)
speed bump = otejuse = "noun slow road protrusion" (an)
to spell = idedy = "verb language text" (an)
spelling = odedy = "noun language text" (an)
to spend money = ipegaci = "verb happy money manipulation" (an)
to spend time = usuge = "verb prolonged environment" (an)
spermatozoon = owiboki = "noun genetic animal rod" (an)
spherical = efali = "adjective ball" (an)
spice = yzaby = "noun strong food" (an)
spicy = azaby = "adjective strong food" (AN)
not spicy = akaby = "adjective weak food" (AN)
spider = ocybo = "noun net animal" (AN)
jumping spider = obicybo = "noun optical net animal" (an)
spike = ysese = "noun sharp protrusion" (an)
to spill (accidentally or wastefully) = ulygu = "verb random liquid" (an)
spinach = omaweby = "noun good sheet food" (an)
spine = yzopa = "noun tall anatomical..." (AN)
spiral = ewywi = "adjective surface helix" (AN)
spiritual = acelu = "adjective religious abstraction" (an)
to spit = ibagupa = "verb top liquid anatomical..." (AN)
spleen = ybupa = "noun dead anatomical..." (AN)
to split = izizimy = "verb narrow hole separation" (an)
to spoil = usyli = "verb bad" (AN)
sponge (animal) = ofybo = "noun foam animal" (AN)
sponge (tool) = yjify = "noun clean foam" (an)
sponsor = ymatupy = "noun good rich person" (an)
spontaneous = atopy = "adjective ephemeral person" (an)
spoon = ogubysi = "noun wet food tool" (AN)
spore = yzewepu = "noun idle cellular child" (an)
spork, sporf, spife, knork, pastry fork, multi-food eating utensil = odebysi = "noun different food tool" (ei)
sport = ypeta = "noun happy war" (AN)
spotlight = ologyso = "noun small photon group" (an)
spotting scope = ybijosi = "noun optical mobile tool" (AN)
spouse = ycopo = "noun legal parent" (an)
spout = ynuguku = "noun short wet tube" (an)
to sprain = usyfopa = "verb bad long anatomical..." (an)
to sprawl = usysoko == usyoko = "verb bad big shape" (an)
to spray = igumy = "verb liquid separation" (an)
to spread = ikemy = "verb soft solid separation" (an)
spreadsheet = ogami = "noun money software" (AN)
(metal) spring = yfawi = "noun elastic helix" (AN)
(water) spring = yjogigu == yjogiu = "noun mobile geological liquid" (an)
spring (season) = edo
to sprinkle, to scatter = ifemy = "verb powder separation" (an)
sprinkler = ogumysi = "noun wet separation tool" (an)
spruce = ybysobe = "noun smelly big plant" (AN)
spy, detective = ynija = "noun secret craftsman" (AN)
to spy = unino = "verb secret work" (PHZ)
Sri Lanka = tyfity = "longitude=80 latitude=95 country" (an)
(military) squad = ofytaso = "noun lightweight war group" (AN)
square (shape) = owyko = "noun surface shape" (an)
square (adjective) = ewyko = "adjective surface shape" (an)
square meter = owyle = "surface unit" (an)
square (place) = ynuji = "noun short place" (an)
squash (fruit) = ydytyby = "noun middle old food" (an)
squash (plant) = ydytybe = "noun middle old plant" (an)
to squash = ubuny = "verb dead force" (an)
to squat = inupyko = "verb short person shape" (an)
squirrel = ybojybo = "noun hairy sonic animal" (AN)
stable (building) = osobozo = "noun big animal building" (an)
stable (steady) = agege = "adjective stationary environment" (an)
stack, pile, heap = yzoso = "noun tall group" (an)
stain = ykewysy = "noun dirty surface part" (an)
stage (part of a process), shift (of work) = onosy = "noun work part" (an)
stage (raised platform) = ocajawy = "noun false craftsman surface" (an)
stagnant gas = ytygo = "noun old gas" (an)
stagnant liquid = ytygu = "noun old liquid" (an)
stagnation in any field = ygedulu = "noun stationary knowledge abstraction" (an)
staircase = olazy = "noun angle room" (an)
stairs = ozolani = "noun tall angle path" (an)
stale = atyby = "adjective old food" (an)
(rubber) stamp = otidysi = "noun repeating text tool" (AN)
(postage) stamp = owacewe = "noun sticky communication sheet" (AN)
to stamp (with foot) = usygici = "verb bad geological manipulation" (an)
to stand = uzopy = "verb tall person" (AN)
standard = ygyle = "noun simple unit" (an)
to standardize = ugyle = "verb simple unit" (an)
staple (fastener) = yzisu = "noun narrow fastener" (AN)
staple (commodity), groceries = osotiso = "noun big trade group" (an)
stapler = ozisusi == ozisui = "noun narrow fastener tool" (AN)
star = ykuba = "noun burning astronomical object" (AN)
star-shaped = aboko = "adjective hairy shape" (AN)
start = yzenoci = "noun idle busy manipulation" (an)
to start = uzenoci = "verb idle busy manipulation" (an)
to starve = usupuli = "verb prolonged hungry" (an)
state, condition = yzuge = "noun inner environment" (an)
to state = icesy = "verb communication part" (an)
statement = ocesy = "noun communication part" (an)
station = ygeji = "noun stationary place" (an)
stationary, still, motionless = age
steak = ozipaby = "noun narrow anatomical... food" (an)
to steal = ulati = "verb opposite trade" (AN)
steel = yzaky = "noun strong rigid solid" (AN)
stainless steel = yzezaky == yzeaky = "noun idle strong rigid solid" (AN)
steep = asabani = "adjective bottom top path" (an)
stem = ybadybi = "noun top middle anatomical..." (an)
step (movement of foot) = ofopaci = "noun long anatomical... manipulation" (an)
step (part of complex act) = onacisy = "noun complex manipulation part" (an)
step (part of stairs) = yzola = "noun tall angle" (an)
stereoscopic = elekodo = "adjective physical shape picture" (an)
stereotype = ygypilu = "noun simple similar abstraction" (an)
sterile, impotent (incapable of producing offspring) = epobu = "adjective parent sickness" (AN)
sterile (free from living germs) = ajinewy = "adjective clean medical surface" (an)
(sexual) sterilization = ylajaci = "noun opposite sexual manipulation" (an)
(wooden) stick = obiki = "noun anatomical... rod" (an)
sticker = ywawe = "noun sticky sheet" (an)
sticky = awa
still, yet, hitherto = ewa
stimulant (for medical purposes) = ynenoby == yneoby = "noun medical busy food" (ei,an)
sting = osekupa = "noun sharp tube anatomical..." (an)
to sting = isekupa = "verb sharp tube anatomical..." (an)
to stink = usybyli = "verb bad smelly" (an)
stinky = asybyli = "adjective bad smelly" (an)
stipulation = yzucosu = "noun inner legal fastener" (an)
stitch = ofomo = "noun fiber fusion" (an)
stock (goods kept on hand) = otiso = "noun trade group" (an)
stock (of a gun) = ojukusy = "noun rear tube part" (an)
stock (material being smelted in a blast furnace) = ycuky = "noun new rigid solid" (an)
stocking = yfofifi == yfoifi = "noun long feminine garment" (AN)
stolid = ageminy = "adjective stationary mental force" (an)
stomach = ozubypa = "noun inner food anatomical..." (AN)
stone = ygifa = "noun geological ball" (an)
stop = yzeci = "noun idle manipulation" (an)
to stop, to cease, to halt = uzeci = "verb idle manipulation" (an)
stop and go traffic = yzejojo = "noun idle mobile vehicle" (an)
full stop = hifu
stopper = ygezuwo = "noun stationary inner disk" (AN)
storage room = ozazy = "noun container room" (ei)
store, department store = osotito == osotio = "noun big trade business" (an)
stork = odazobo = "noun front building animal" (an)
storm = ymugogu == ymugou = "noun fast atmospheric liquid" (an)
story, tale, romance, fable, fairytale = ycamodu = "noun false attractive knowledge" (an)
story (floor) = ozozosy = "noun tall building part" (an)
stove (stovetop) = ykuwy = "noun burning surface" (an)
straight, direct (not indirect)= agyni = "adjective simple path" (AN)
strain (deformation) = yzunu = "noun inner distance" (an)
strait = ygugimy = "noun wet geological separation" (an)
strange, weird = adesyli = "adjective different bad" (an)
stranger = ydepy = "noun different person" (an)
strawberry (fruit) = ytodyby = "noun ephemeral middle food" (AN)
strawberry (plant) = ytodybe = "noun ephemeral middle plant" (an)
strap = yfawa = "noun elastic tape" (an)
strategic = esutuna = "adjective prolonged manager calculation" (an)
strategy = osutuna = "noun prolonged manager calculation" (an)
street = ozuju = "noun city road" (an)
strength = yzali = "noun strong" (an)
(mechanical) stress = yzuny = "noun inner force" (an)
(mental) stress, tension = ominobu = "noun mental work sickness" (an)
to stretch = ufafoko == ufaoko = "verb elastic long shape" (an)
to strike, to hit = utony = "verb ephemeral force" (an)
string, cord = ofoso = "noun fiber group" (AN)
to strip = ugawy = "verb lost surface" (an)
stripe = owywa = "noun surface tape" (an)
stroboscope = ymutigy = "noun fast repeating photon" (an)
strong = aza
strontium = ywekulo = "noun 38 burning atom" (an)
structure, construction = yzuko = "noun inner shape" (an,ei)
to struggle = usuno = "verb prolonged work" (an)
stubborn = asucadu = "adjective prolonged false knowledge" (AN)
student, pupil, disciple = odupy = "noun knowledge person" (AN)
stump = ynutyki = "noun short old rod" (an)
to stun = utobu = "verb ephemeral sickness" (an)
stunned = atobu = "adjective ephemeral sickness" (an)
stupid, foolish, dumb = atemili = "adjective slow mental" (AN)
style = ydetici = "noun different repeating manipulation" (an)
subject, topic, field = odusy = "noun knowledge part" (an)
subjective, personal = azudu = "adjective inner knowledge" (AN)
to sublime = ikygo = "verb rigid solid gas" (AN)
submarine = ysagujo = "noun bottom wet vehicle" (AN)
submission (for approval) = otuci = "noun manager manipulation" (an)
to submit (for approval) = ituci = "verb manager manipulation" (an)
to subscribe = utiga = "verb repeating money" (an)
subscription = ytiga = "noun repeating money" (an)
substitute, alternative, replacement, equivalent = opitisy = "noun similar trade part" (an)
to subtract = ipopo
subtraction, deduction = opopo
suburb = ymyzu = "noun outer city" (AN)
subversive = asydili = "adjective bad political" (an)
subway = osakiju = "noun bottom rod road" (an)
to suck = imowyny = "verb attractive surface force" (an)
Sudan = pyzoty = "longitude=32 latitude=103 country" (an)
sudden, abrupt, unexpected = ela
to suffer = ulapege = "verb opposite happy environment" (an)
suffering = ylapege = "noun opposite happy environment" (an)
suffix = ojudysy = "noun rear text part" (an)
sugar = ypeby = "noun happy food" (an)
to suggest = ukace = "verb weak communication" (an)
suggestion = ykace = "noun weak communication" (AN)
suicidal = ebulici = "adjective dead no meaning manipulation" (an)
suicide = obulici = "noun dead no meaning manipulation" (AN)
suicide bomber = ytabupy = "noun dangerous dead person" (AN)
suitcase = ojofiza = "noun mobile garment container" (an)
sulfur = ydocilo = "noun 16 changing atom" (an)
sum = osoly = "noun group number" (an)
summer = ezy
Sun = kusoba = "proper noun burning big astronomical object" (an)
sunburn = ogybu = "noun photon sickness" (an)
Sunday = hece
sunflower = owopuby = "noun rotating child food" (AN)
sunglasses = ygobifi = "noun atmospheric optical garment" (AN)
sunlight = ygogy = "noun atmospheric photon" (AN)
sunrise, dawn = ebi
sunscreen = ocygygu == ocygyu = "noun safe photon liquid" (an)
sunset = heko
suntan = omygypa = "noun outer photon anatomical..." (an)
superconductive = afesiky = "adjective cold electric rigid solid" (an)
superfluid = afejogu = "adjective cold mobile liquid" (AN)
superior = amali = "adjective good" (an)
superlative = odedesy = "noun different language part" (AN)
superstition = ylane = "noun opposite science" (AN)
supper = eta u yby = "night food" (an)
supply = ytupe = "noun rich relationship" (AN)
to supply = utupe = "verb rich relationship" (an)
to support (physically, from below) = usany = "verb bottom force" (an)
to suppress = usuzeci = "verb prolonged idle manipulation" (an)
suppression = ysuzeci = "noun prolonged idle manipulation" (an)
supremacy, dominance (e.g., air supremacy) = omacope = "noun good expert relationship" (an)
supreme = amaco = "adjective good expert" (an)
supremacist, elitist (has supreme skills and disdains those who are less skillful) = ymanyco = "noun good repulsive expert" (an)
sure = amemili = "adjective true mental" (an)
surface = ywy
surface tension = oguwyny = "noun wet surface force" (AN)
surfboard = ojokowa = "noun mobile shape tape" (AN)
surgeon = onemyco = "noun medical separation expert" (an)
surgery = ynemy = "noun medical separation" (an)
plastic surgery = ydonemy = "noun pretty medical separation" (an)
Suriname = mufuty = "longitude=304 latitude=93 country" (an)
surplus = ymyso = "noun outer group" (an)
surprise, amazement = ydemili = "noun different mental" (an)
to surprise, to amaze = udemili = "verb different mental" (an)
surrender = ogatape = "noun lost war relationship" (AN)
to surrender, to give up, to submit = igatape = "verb lost war relationship" (AN)
survey (inspection) = odume = "noun knowledge recorder" (an)
to survey (to inspect) = idume = "verb knowledge recorder" (an)
survey (measurement of land) = ogilyme = "noun geological number recorder" (an)
to survey (to measure land) = igilyme = "verb geological number recorder" (an)
survival = ytalabu = "noun dangerous opposite dead" (an)
to survive = utalabu = "verb dangerous opposite dead" (an)
suspect = ytanipy = "noun dangerous secret person" (an)
to suspect = utanidu = "verb dangerous secret knowledge" (an)
suspicion = ytanidu = "noun dangerous secret knowledge" (an)
suspicious (suspected) = atanipy = "adjective dangerous secret person" (an)
suspicious (suspecting) = atanidu = "adjective dangerous secret knowledge" (an)
Svalbard and Jan Mayen = binity = "longitude=20 latitude=167 country" (an)
swan = ycysobo = "noun safe big animal" (an)
swastika = ocebako = "noun religious astronomical object shape" (AN)
Swaziland = pykety = "longitude=32 latitude=63 country" (an)
to swear (take oath) = ucesu = "verb religious fastener" (an)
sweat, perspiration = oguwypa = "noun wet surface anatomical..." (AN)
sweat gland = yfepa = "noun cold anatomical..." (an)
to sweat, to perspire = iguwypa = "verb wet surface anatomical..." (an)
sweater = yzydyfi = "noun warm middle garment" (AN)
Sweden = bumoty = "longitude=16 latitude=151 country" (an)
to sweep = ujifo = "verb clean fiber" (an)
sweet taste = epebysy = "adjective happy food part" (an)
to swelter = izygebu = "verb warm environment sickness" (an)
to swim (of animal, boat, submarine) = ugujo = "verb wet vehicle" (AN)
swim glasses = ygubifi = "noun wet optical garment" (AN)
swimsuit = ygufi = "noun wet garment" (AN)
swing (in a playground) = ypetini = "noun happy repeating path" (an)
to swell, to enlarge, to expand, to increase, to grow (its own size) = usoli = "verb big" (an)
to increase, to enlarge, to expand, to inflate (size of something) = usoci = "verb big manipulation" (an)
(electric) switch = ysika = "noun electric valve" (an)
railroad switch (or similar mechanical device) = ocinisi = "noun changing path tool" (AN)
Switzerland = bycety = "longitude=8 latitude=135 country" (an)
sword = ysosewa == ysoewa = "noun big sharp tape" (AN)
sycophant = ycapopy == ycapoy = "noun false caring person" (an)
sycophantic, obsequious = acapopy == acapoy = "adjective false caring person" (an)
morpheme = ozudysy = "noun inner text part" (an)
(animal) symbiont = omobo = "noun fusion animal" (an)
(plant) symbiont = omobe = "noun fusion plant" (an)
symbiosis, mutualism, cooperation = onomo = "noun work fusion" (an)
symbol = agyda = "noun simple name" (an)
symptom = opidu = "noun sibling knowledge" (an)
to synchronize = utemumo == utemuo = "verb slow fast fusion" (an)
synchronous = atemumo == atemuo = "adjective slow fast fusion" (an)
syndic = obutotu = "noun dead business manager" (AN)
synonym = ypida = "noun similar name" (an)
synthesis = omodu = "noun fusion knowledge" (AN)
to synthesize = imodu = "verb fusion knowledge" (AN)
(musical) synthesizer = yjykomu = "noun sonic artistic chip" (AN)
syphilis = ysujabu = "noun prolonged sexual sickness" (AN)
Syria = pujety = "longitude=40 latitude=123 country" (an)
syringe = ynegi = "noun medical pump" (an)
rubber syringe = yfanegi = "noun elastic medical pump" (AN)
system = ynalu = "noun complex abstraction" (an)
table (furniture) = owyze = "noun surface furniture" (AN)
(computer) table = ogymudu = "noun simple chip knowledge" (an)
tack = ynusesu == ynuseu = "noun short sharp fastener" (AN)
tactics = ojotana = "noun mobile war calculation" (an)
tail = yjupa = "noun rear anatomical..." (AN)
Taiwan = kasyty = "longitude=120 latitude=113 country" (an)
Tajikistan = tajoty = "longitude=72 latitude=127 country" (an)
to take, to acquire, to collect = udulu = "verb gained abstraction" (an)
to take away = imylu = "verb separation abstraction" (an)
to take off a garment = ifimy = "verb garment separation" (AN)
to take off a surface (like a jumper, rocket, or airplane) = ubajomy = "verb top mobile separation" (an)
talent = ymapa = "noun good anatomical..." (an)
tall or deep = azo
tall, high = azobali = "adjective tall top" (an)
talkative, loquacious, garrulous = anojyde = "adjective busy sonic language" (an)
Talmud = ysocedi = "noun big religious publication" (an)
to tamper = unici = "verb secret manipulation" (an)
tampon = olofofa == olofoa = "noun small fiber ball" (an)
tangerine, mandarin (fruit) = ybaguby = "noun top wet food (an)
tangerine, mandarin (tree) = ybagube = "noun top wet plant (an)
to tangle = ilyfosu = "verb random fiber fastener" (an)
tank (for liquid) = osoguza = "noun big liquid container" (an)
tank (for gas) = osogoza = "noun big gas container" (an)
(military) tank = otakujo = "noun dangerous tube vehicle" (AN)
tantalum = ymacylo = "noun 73 safe atom" (an)
Tanzania = powity = "longitude=36 latitude=83 country" (an)
tape = ywa
adhesive tape = ywawa = "noun sticky tape" (AN)
tape measure = onuwa = "noun distance tape" (AN)
tardy = atesyli = "adjective slow bad" (AN)
target = onica = "noun path address" (AN)
tariff = ocityga = "noun changing country money" (an)
taste, flavor = obysy = "noun food part" (an)
precise description of food taste follows this word: edebysy = "adjective different food part" (an)
tasty = amaby = "adjective good food" (an)
taut = emyny = "adjective separation force" (an)
tax = opytyga = "noun owned country money" (AN)
taylor = ofija = "noun garment craftsman" (an)
taxicab, taxi, cab = olypyjo = "noun random person vehicle" (an)
tea = oneguby = "noun medical liquid food" (AN)
to teach, to inform = iduja = "verb knowledge craftsman" (an)
teacher = oduja = "noun knowledge craftsman" (AN)
team = onopyso = "noun busy person group" (an)
to tear = inymy = "verb force separation" (an)
tears = ylapegu = "noun opposite happy liquid" (AN)
technetium = hyfatolo = "noun 43 ephemeral atom" (an)
technique = ymicu = "noun mental technology" (an)
technician = ocuja = "noun technology craftsman" (AN)
technological, technical, artificial, manmade, man-made = eculi = "adjective technology" (an,ei)
technology, process = hycu
tectonic = agiwe = "adjective geological sheet" (an)
tectonic plate = ygiwe = "noun geological sheet" (an)
tectonics = ycigiwe = "noun changing geological sheet" (an)
telerobot (remotely controlled robot) = onacije = "noun complex manipulation machine" (an)
telerobotic operator, teleoperator (human) = ocija = "noun manipulation craftsman" (an)
telescope = obibasi = "noun optical astronomical object tool" (AN)
reflecting telescope = ybinusi = "noun optical short tool" (AN)
refracting telescope = yfobisi = "noun long optical tool" (AN)
television = ojydoje = "noun sonic picture machine" (an)
tellurium = yzokylo = "noun 52 brittle atom" (an)
temperament = ominymi = "noun mental force software" (an)
temperature = yfezyly == yfezly = "noun cold warm number" (AN)
temporary = alasuli = "adjective opposite prolonged" (an)
ten, 10 = ogy
tendency = ytipilu = "noun repeating similar abstraction" (an)
tendon = ofopa = "noun fiber anatomical..." (AN)
tennis = ocyfa = "noun net ball" (an)
tense (of verb) = ocidesy = "noun changing language part" (an)
tension = omyny = "noun separation force" (an)
tensile = emyny = "adjective separation force" (an)
tensile stress = omymony == omyony = "noun inner separation force" (an)
tent (shelter) = ofuzo = "noun textile building" (an)
tenth (ordinal) = hope oge
tenth (fraction) = olu oge
terbium = yjutilo = "noun 65 repeating atom" (an)
term (word or group of words) = onadysy = "noun complex text part" (an)
terminal illness, fatal disease = ybubu = "noun dead sickness" (an)
termite = olozobo = "noun small building animal" (AN)
territory = otywy = "noun country surface" (an)
terror = ytata = "noun dangerous war" (an)
terrorist = otatapy = "noun dangerous war person" (an)
organization of political terrorists = ytadite = "noun dangerous political organization" (AN)
tesla = ypale = "noun magnetic unit" (an)
testicle = ojefapa = "noun masculine ball anatomical..." (an)
to testify = ucomece = "verb legal true communication" (an)
testimony = ycomece = "noun legal true communication" (an)
tetrahedron = ogykyko == ogykyo = "noun simple rigid solid shape" (an)
text = ydy
textile, cloth, fabric = hyfu
Thailand = gezoty = "longitude=100 latitude=103 country" (an)
thallium = hynybulo = "noun 81 dead atom" (an)
than = hine
to thank = upeti = "verb happy trade" (an)
thanks, thank you = ypeti = "noun happy trade" (an)
the = hipy
theater = ocajato = "noun false craftsman business" (an)
motion-picture theater, movie theater = ocidoto = "noun changing picture business" (an)
theft = ylati = "noun opposite trade" (AN)
their = a hisu = "adjective they" (AN)
theist, faithful = ycepy = "noun religious person" (AN)
themselves = hisu hipa = "they reflexive"
then, at that time = hese
then, as a consequence = iwi
theologian = yceco = "noun religious expert" (AN)
theology = ycedu = "noun religious knowledge" (AN)
theoretical = enena = "adjective science calculation" (an)
theory = onena = "noun science calculation" (an)
there = efonuji = "adjective long distance place" (an)
therefore = hisi
thermal insulation = yfezyfy = "noun cold warm foam" (AN)
thermos, dewar = yfeza = "noun cold container" (AN)
thesaurus = opidedi == opidei = "noun similar language publication" (an)
they, these, them = hisu
thick = alawe = "adjective opposite sheet" (AN)
thickness = owenu = "noun sheet distance" (AN)
thief = olatipy = "noun opposite trade person" (AN)
thigh = yfobapa = "noun long top anatomical..." (AN)
thin = eweli = "adjective sheet" (AN)
thing, object, body = yleko = "noun physical shape" (AN)
to think, to consider = umino = "verb mental work" (PHZ,ei)
third (ordinal) = hope owy
third (fraction) = olu owy
thirst = yfupuli = "noun dry hungry" (an)
thirsty = afupuli = "adjective dry hungry" (an)
thirteen = ogy owo
thirty = owo ogy
this, that, it = hito
thorium = ylizulo = "noun 90 inner atom" (an)
thorn = ysebi = "noun sharp anatomical..." (an)
thought, consideration, reasoning = ymino = "noun mental work" (PHZ,ei,an)
trashbag = ykefaza = "noun dirty elastic container" (an)
threat = otace = "noun war communication" (AN)
to threaten = itace = "verb war communication" (AN)
three, 3 = owo, hofu
three dimensional = aleko = "adjective physical shape" (an)
thousand = oga
thread = ofyfoso = "noun lightweight fiber group" (AN)
inner (nut) thread = owisa = "noun helix concavity" (AN)
outer (bolt) thread = owise = "noun helix protrusion" (AN)
threat = ytace = "noun dangerous communication" (an)
to threaten, to intimidate = utace = "verb dangerous communication" (an)
throat = ozikupa = "noun narrow tube anatomical..." (AN)
to throw = umumy = "verb fast separation" (an)
to thrust = uzany = "verb strong force" (an)
thulium = hycylolo = "noun 69 small atom" (an)
thumb = ozakipa = "noun strong rod anatomical..." (an)
thunder = yjygogy == yjygoy = "noun sonic atmospheric photon" (AN)
Thursday = hefy
thus, this way = inu oculi = "this way" (an)
ticket = ylocowe = "noun small legal sheet" (AN)
tide = ojobagu = "noun mobile astronomical object liquid" (an)
to tie = ifomo = "verb fiber fusion" (AN)
tiger = yfutabo = "noun dry dangerous animal" (AN)
tight = azasu = "adjective strong fastener" (an)
to tighten = uzasu = "verb strong fastener" (an)
tilt, slant = ysyla = "noun bad angle" (an)
to tilt, to lean = usyla = "verb bad angle" (an)
period of time = ele
local time of day = ejo
times (e.g., 5 times) = hiti
tin = yzemylo = "noun 50 outer atom" (an)
tip (end) = ylomysy = "noun small outer part" (AN)
tip (money) = olonoga = "noun small work money" (an)
to tip = ilonoga = "verb small work money" (AN)
tire = ofajowu = "noun elastic vehicle torus" (an)
tired = enobu = "adjective work sickness" (AN)
titanium = hytozalo = "noun 22 strong atom" (an)
title (of a book, etc.) = odida = "noun publication name" (an)
title (rank) = otuda = "noun manager name" (an)
to, towards in time and space, until = hiky
toast (salutation) = omiguce = "noun mental liquid communication" (an)
toast (sliced bread) = okufyby = "noun burning foam food" (an)
to toast (to cook) = ukuby = "verb burning food" (an)
toaster = okubysi = "noun burning food tool" (an)
tobacco = ykumife = "noun burning mental powder" (AN)
tobacco pipe = ykumiku = "noun burning mental tube" (AN)
today = edy
toe = ogikipa = "noun geological rod anatomical..." (AN)
together = emolu = "adjective fusion abstraction" (an)
Togo = uby bazaty = "east longitude=0 latitude=97 country" (an)
toenail = ogiwapa = "noun geological tape anatomical..." (AN)
toilet = ybyze = "noun smelly furniture" (AN)
toilet brush = ybokesi = "noun hairy soft solid tool" (an)
toilet paper = ykekewe = "noun dirty soft solid sheet" (an)
Tokelau = fiwuty = "longitude=188 latitude=81 country" (an)
tolerant = afapy = "adjective elastic person" (AN)
tomato = ygudyby = "noun wet middle food" (AN)
tomb = obupysa = "noun dead person concavity" (an)
tomorrow = eda
tone, pitch = yjytily = "noun sonic repeating number" (an)
Tonga = fukuty = "longitude=184 latitude=69 country" (an)
tongs = okapisi = "noun weak sibling tool" (an)
tongue = obawapa = "noun top tape anatomical..." (AN)
tonight = edy heka = "today evening" (an)
too few, too little = isa ily = "below any (-PHZ)
too few, too little = aloly = "adjective small number" (-an)
too many, too much = iba iki = "above many" (-PHZ)
too many, too much = asoly = "adjective big number" (-an)
tool = hysi
simple tool (e.g., knife, hammer; has fewer than 8 parts; no actuators) = ygysi = "noun simple tool" (an)
complex tool (e.g., electric drill, rifle; has at least 8 parts and fewer than 2 actuators) = ynasi = "noun complex tool" (an)
tooth = yzusepa = "noun inner sharp anatomical..." (AN)
toothbrush = ysebosi = "noun sharp hairy tool" (an)
toothpaste = osepake = "noun sharp anatomical... soft solid" (AN)
top = aba
top (toy) = ypewosi = "noun happy rotating tool" (AN)
topology = olukone = "noun mathematical shape science" (an)
to topple = ulagege = "verb opposite stationary environment" (an)
Torah = ycocedi = "noun legal religious publication" (an)
tornado = ygowi = "noun atmospheric helix" (AN)
torpedo = ogutaje = "noun wet war machine" (AN)
torque (number) = onynu = "noun force distance" (an)
torque (vector) = ylenynu == ylenyu = "noun physical force distance" (an)
torture = ylapeci = "noun opposite happy manipulation" (AN)
to torture, to torment = ulapeci = "verb opposite happy manipulation" (an)
torus = ywu
toucan = ybadabo = "noun top front animal" (an)
to touch = inununy == inunuy = "verb short distance force" (an)
tough = alakyli = "adjective opposite brittle" (an)
toughness = ylakyli = "noun opposite brittle" (an)
tourism = ypeni = "noun happy path" (an)
tourist = openipy = "noun happy path person" (an)
to tow = udajo = "verb front vehicle" (an)
towel = yfufu = "noun dry textile" (an)
tower = yzozo = "noun tall building" (AN)
town = ylozu = "noun small city" (an)
toxic = awubu = "adjective chemical sickness" (an)
toy = opepusi == opeusi = "noun happy child tool" (PHZ)
trade (buying and selling) = hyti
foreign trade = ymyti = "noun outer trade" (an)
trade union = ojate = "noun craftsman organization" (AN)
tradition = ytyge = "noun old environment" (an)
traditional = atyge = "adjective old environment" (an)
traffic (vehicular) = ojoso = "noun vehicle group" (an)
tragedy (theatrical composition) = ylapeno = "noun opposite happy work" (an)
tragic = alapeno = "adjective opposite happy work" (an)
trail (path) = ybeni = "noun wild path" (an)
trail (scent) = ybyni = "noun smelly path" (an)
trail (stream of dust or smoke) = ofeni = "noun powder path" (an)
trail (stream of gas) = ogoni = "noun gas path" (an)
to trail = ujujo = "verb rear vehicle" (an)
trailer = yjujo = "noun rear vehicle" (an)
traitor = osytapy = "noun bad war person" (an)
transformer = ysiwu = "noun electric torus" (an)
transistor = omuka = "noun chip valve" (AN)
train = yfojo = "noun long vehicle" (AN)
training, learning, education, instruction, schooling = ydudu = "noun gained knowledge" (an)
transfer = yjolu = "noun mobile abstraction" (an)
to translate = ucide = "verb changing language" (an)
translation = ycide = "noun changing language" (an)
translator (person) = ocideja = "noun changing language craftsman" (AN)
translator (program) = ocidemi = "noun changing language software" (ei)
translucent = ugu
transmission, gearbox = yciwoje = "noun changing rotating machine" (AN)
transparent = ugo
transposition = opici = "noun sibling manipulation" (an)
to transplant = ujobe = "verb mobile plant" (an)
to transport = ijono = "verb vehicle work" (AN)
transportation = ojono = "noun vehicle work" (an)
trap = ywataji = "noun sticky dangerous place" (AN)
to travel = upeni = "verb happy path" (AN)
tray = ylazoza == ylazoa = "noun opposite tall container" (an)
treason = ysyta = "noun bad war" (an)
treasure = ytuli = "noun rich" (an)
treasury = ogazo = "noun money building" (an)
tree = ysobe = "noun big plant" (AN)
coniferous tree = yfesobe = "noun cold big plant" (AN)
broad-leaved tree = ysozybe = "noun big warm plant" (AN)
tree spade (tree excavation and short distance transport vehicle) = ysobejo = "big plant vehicle" (ei)
transsexual = ajadeli = "adjective sexual different" (AN)
trial (judgment), legal action = ycono = "noun legal work" (AN)
triangle = yseko = "noun sharp shape" (an)
drafting triangle = osekosi = "noun sharp shape tool" (an)
(backward) tribe = ytyty = "noun old country" (an)
trigger= otakuka = "noun dangerous tube valve" (an)
trillion, 10^12 = ode
Trinidad and Tobago = mozety = "longitude=300 latitude=99 country" (an)
trip, journey, tour = yfoni = "noun long path" (an)
trowel = okesi = "noun soft solid tool" (AN)
troop = otaso = "noun war group" (AN)
tropical = azyge = "adjective warm environment" (an)
tropics = yzyge = "noun warm environment" (an)
trough = yfoza = "noun long container" (an)
trousers (long pants) = ysajefi = "noun bottom masculine garment" (an)
trout = yjigubo = "noun clean wet animal" (an)
truce = ytolata = "noun ephemeral opposite war" (an)
truck = ykijo = "noun massive vehicle" (AN)
truculent = azanypy = "adjective strong repulsive person" (an)
true, yes = ame
(tree) trunk = ysodybi = "noun big middle anatomical..." (AN)
to trust = umepe = "verb true relationship" (AN)
truth = ymece = "noun true communication" (an)
try square = otylasi = "noun old angle tool" (an)
t-shirt = yzudyfi = "noun inner middle garment" (AN)
T square = ogylasi = "noun simple angle tool" (an)
to try, to attempt = ulyno = "verb random work" (AN)
tube, pipe = hyku
tuberculosis = ysujybu = "noun prolonged sonic sickness" (AN)
Tuesday = ezo
tugboat = yzagujo = "noun strong wet vehicle" (AN)
tulip = yjadobe = "noun sexual pretty plant" (AN)
tuna = ogubybo == ygubyo = "noun wet food animal" (an)
tungsten = ymezalo = "noun 74 strong atom" (an)
Tunisia = byjety = "longitude=8 latitude=123 country" (an)
tunnel = ysani = "noun bottom path" (an)
turbojet = ywokujy = "noun rotating burning engine" (an)
turbine = ywojy = "noun rotating engine" (an)
turkey (animal) = yfucybo = "noun dry safe animal" (an)
Turkey (country) = pojoty = "longitude=36 latitude=127 country" (an)
Turkmenistan = dojuty = "longitude=60 latitude=129 country" (an)
Turks and Caicos Islands = masety = "longitude=288 latitude=111 country" (an)
Tuvalu = fowuty = "longitude=180 latitude=81 country" (an)
to twist = iwiny = "verb helix force" (AN)
turbulent = alyjoli = "adjective random mobile" (AN)
to turn (change direction) = uwojo = "verb rotating vehicle" (an)
to turn, to rotate = uwoli = "verb rotating" (an)
to turn on = unoje = "verb busy machine" (an)
to turn off = uzeje = "verb idle machine" (an)
turned on, switched on = anoje = "adjective busy machine" (an)
turned off, switched off = azeje = "adjective idle machine" (an)
turtle = ynunibo = "noun short secret animal" (AN)
twelve = ogy owu
twenty = owu ogy
twin = olosopi = "noun small group sibling" (an)
to twist = iwici = "verb helix manipulation" (an)
two, 2 = owu, hofo
type, kind = ypilu = "noun similar abstraction" (an)
to type = ijedy = "verb machine text" (an)
typewriter = otydyje = "noun old text machine" (an)
Uganda = pyfyty = "longitude=32 latitude=89 country" (an)
ugly = aladoli = "adjective opposite pretty" (an)
Ukraine = pycyty = "longitude=32 latitude=137 country" (an)
ulcer = owybu = "noun surface sickness" (an)
umami, meaty taste, savoury taste = etybysy = "adjective old food part" (an)
umbrella = ybagufi = "noun top wet garment" (AN)
unanimous = apipice = "adjective similar similar communication" (an)
uncle = ojepopi == ojepoi = "noun masculine parent sibling" (AN)
uncomfortable, inconvenient = asyge = "adjective bad environment" (an)
uncommon, rare = adelu = "adjective different abstraction" (AN)
unconscious = agamili = "adjective lost mental" (ei)
unconsciousness = ygamili = "noun lost mental" (ei)
under = hifa
to underestimate = ucaloly = "verb false small number" (AN)
to understand, to recognize, to imagine = umido = "verb mental picture" (an)
underwear = yzufi = "noun inner garment" (an)
undershirt (underwear) = yzubafi = "noun inner top garment" (an)
(short) underpants, briefs, panties (underwear) = yzudyfi = "noun inner middle garment" (an)
long underpants (underwear) = yzusafi = "noun inner bottom garment" (an)
to undo = ulaci = "verb opposite manipulation" (an)
to undress = ugafi = "verb lost garment" (an)
unless = ilu haca = if not
unlucky = agalyli = "adjective lost random" (AN)
unemployed = alano = "adjective opposite work" (AN)
unemployment = ylano = "noun opposite work" (an)
uneven = alyko = "adjective random shape" (an)
to be unfaithful = ulype = "verb random relationship" (PHZ)
unfaithful = alype = "adjective random relationship" (PHZ)
unhealthful = ebuge = "adjective sickness environment" (an)
Unification religion = yjocete = "noun mobile religious organization" (an)
uniform (garment) = ypifi = "noun similar garment" (PHZ)
(labor) union = onote = "noun work organization" (an)
unit = yle
United Arab Emirates = dysyty = "longitude=56 latitude=113 country" (an)
United Kingdom = bacity = "longitude=0 latitude=143 country" (an)
United States = cajoty = "longitude=264 latitude=127 country" (an)
United States Virgin Islands = myzity = "longitude=296 latitude=107 country" (an)
to unite (to have common opinion) = umimo = "verb mental fusion" (an)
unimportant, minor = afylu = "adjective lightweight abstraction" (AN)
universal = apisolu = "adjective similar big abstraction" (an)
universe, cosmos = ysosoba = "noun big big astronomical object" (AN)
university = onaduzo = "noun complex knowledge building" (AN)
unjust = asycoli = "adjective bad legal" (an)
unknown = hini
unlikely, improbable = hife
to unload = umyza = "verb outer container" (AN)
unoccupied = acapy = "adjective no person" (an)
to unplug = izimy = "verb hole separation" (an)
unpredictable, irregular = alyli = "adjective random" (an)
unreliable, experimental = alyno = "adjective random work" (AN)
unstable = ajoge = "adjective mobile environment" (an)
up = iba
upper = abaji = "adjective top place" (an)
upside down, inverted = abasape = "adjective top bottom relationship" (an)
to turn upside down, to invert = ubasaci = "verb top bottom manipulation" (an)
uranium = obemylo = "noun 92 separation atom" (an)
Uranus = fegoba = "proper noun cold atmospheric astronomical object" (an)
to urge = unoce = "verb busy communication" (an)
urgent = anoce = "adjective busy communication" (an)
to urinate = isagupa = "verb bottom liquid anatomical..." (AN)
urine = osagupa = "noun bottom liquid anatomical..." (AN)
URL, Internet link address = ocyji = "noun net place" (an)
urologist = oneguco = "noun medical liquid expert" (an)
Uruguay = muguty = "longitude=304 latitude=57 country" (an)
us, our, we = ijy
USB flash drive = omysame = "noun outer concavity recorder" (an)
USB plug = ocumusu = "noun new chip fastener" (an)
USB socket = ocumusa = "noun new chip concavity" (an)
to use, to apply something = isici = "verb tool manipulation" (AN)
user = ynopy = "noun busy person" (an)
usurer = opugaja = "noun hungry money craftsman" (an)
as usual = hipi aladeli
uterus, womb = ofizapa = "noun feminine container anatomical..." (AN)
utopia = ycamaji = "noun false good place" (an)
utilitarian = agycu = "adjective simple technology" (an)
Uzbekistan = dujuty = "longitude=64 latitude=129 country" (an)
vacation = hepe
vaccine = ycybu = "noun safe sickness" (an)
to vaccinate = icybuci = "verb safe sickness manipulation" (an)
vaccination = ocybuci = "noun safe sickness manipulation" (an)
vacuum = ogozi = "noun gas hole" (AN)
vagina = ofizipa = "noun feminine hole anatomical..." (AN)
vain, conceited, egotistic = emadabu = "adjective good name sickness" (an)
valid = amecoli = "adjective true legal" (an)
valley = ygifosa = "noun geological long concavity" (an)
value, worth, merit = ymemali = "noun true good" (an)
valuable = atulu = "adjective rich abstraction" (an)
valve = hyka
one-way valve, check valve, clack valve = ogika = "noun pump valve" (an)
vanadium = hytudulo = "noun 23 gained atom" (an)
vanilla = ypedyby = "noun happy middle food" (an)
vanity, conceit, egotism, superiority complex = omadabu = "noun good name sickness" (an)
Vanuatu = fawaty = "longitude=168 latitude=73 country" (an)
vapor = ygugo = "noun wet gas" (an)
variety = odesyso = "noun different part group" (an)
various = edesyso = "adjective different part group" (an)
vassal = ypywitu = "noun owned genetic manager" (an)
Vatican = hupu bojity = "south longitude=12 latitude=131 country" (an)
vector = ylely = "noun physical number" (AN)
pathogen vector = obuza = "noun sickness container" (AN)
vegetable = obiby = "noun anatomical... food" (AN)
root vegetable = ysaby = "noun bottom food" (AN)
leaf vegetable = oweby = "noun sheet food" (AN)
flower vegetable = yjaby = "noun sexual food" (AN)
seed vegetable including nuts except grain = opuby = "noun child food" (AN)
vegetarian (adjective) = ebiby = "adjective anatomical... food" (an)
vegetarian (person) = ebiby u ypy = "vegetarian person" (an)
vehicle = yjo
remotely controlled vehicle = ocijo = "noun manipulation vehicle" (an)
vein = ygapa = "noun lost anatomical..." (AN)
Velcro fastening tape = olosuso == olosuo = "noun small fastener group" (AN)
velocity (vector) = yjolely = "noun mobile physical number" (an)
venereal disease = yjabu = "noun sexual sickness" (AN)
Venezuela = myzaty = "longitude=296 latitude=97 country" (an)
vendetta = otapota = "noun dangerous parent war" (an)
street food vendor = ojobypy = "noun mobile food person" (an)
vengeance = otati = "noun war trade" (an)
vengeful = etati = "adjective war trade" (an)
venom = otabogu = "noun dangerous animal liquid" (an)
venture = ytato = "noun dangerous business" (AN)
Venus = kugeba = "proper noun burning stationary astronomical object" (an)
verb = onodysy = "noun busy text part" (AN)
version (of product) = ycida = "noun changing name" (an)
version (account of facts) = ycice = "noun changing communication" (an)
vertical = azoni = "adjective tall path" (an)
veto = yladisu "noun opposite political fastener" (an)
to vibrate, to oscillate, to swing, to reciprocate, to tremble, to shake, to quake = utini = "verb repeating path" (an)
vibrating, oscillating, swinging, reciprocating, trembling, shaking = atini = "adjective repeating path" (an)
vibration, oscillation, tremble = ytini = "noun repeating path" (an)
vice = ytape = "noun dangerous relationship" (an)
viceroy = opytytu == opytyu = "noun owned country manager" (an)
vicious = asybo = "adjective bad animal" (an)
victim = ylapepy == ylapey = "noun opposite happy person" (an)
victory, success = yduta = "noun gained war" (AN)
Vietnam = gozuty = "longitude=108 latitude=105 country" (an)
vigorous, energetic = azano = "adjective strong work" (AN)
village = ozoso = "noun building group" (an)
to vindicate = udumada = "verb gained good name" (an)
vine = yfobe = "noun long plant" (an)
vinegar = ykanygu = "noun weak repulsive liquid" (an)
violation = ylacoci = "noun opposite legal manipulation" (an)
violence, rage = obota = "noun animal war" (AN)
violent = ebota = "adjective animal war" (an)
violet = ugy
violin = ylojyfo = "noun small sonic fiber" (AN)
virgin = ylajapy = "noun opposite sexual person" (AN)
virtuous, admirable, dear, beloved = amapy = "adjective good person" (an)
virtuous person = ymapy = "noun good person" (an)
virus = ygywebu = "noun simple cellular sickness" (an)
computer virus = omubu = "noun chip sickness" (an)
viscosity = ytegu = "noun slow liquid" (AN)
visa = omytydy = "noun outer country text" (an)
vise = yzamysi = "noun strong outer tool" (AN)
visibility range = yfobinu = "noun long optical distance" (AN)
visible = abima = "adjective optical detector" (an)
visit = omypymo = "noun outer person fusion" (an)
to visit = imypymo = "verb outer person fusion" (an)
visitor = omymopy == omyopy = "noun outer fusion person" (an)
vitamin = omabysy = "noun good food part" (an)
vivid = hufu
vocabulary = osodesy = "noun big language part" (an)
voice = yjypy = "noun sonic person" (an)
volcano = ygika = "noun geological valve" (an)
volleyball = ozocyfa = "noun tall net ball" (AN)
volume = ozuzaly = "noun inner container number" (an)
volunteer = yponopy = "noun caring busy person" (an)
to vomit = umyby = "verb outer food" (AN)
volt = ytale = "noun dangerous unit" (AN)
vote = ydisu = "noun political fastener" (AN)
to vote = udisu = "verb political fastener" (AN)
to vote against = udisu hiny (an)
to vote for = udisu hitu (an)
vowel = omodesy = "noun attractive language part" (AN)
vulnerable = akylu = "adjective brittle abstraction" = (AN)
vulture = ybanybo = "noun top repulsive animal" (AN)
wage, pay = onoga = "noun work money" (AN)
waist = ydyzipa = "noun middle narrow anatomical..." (an)
to wait = uzeno = "verb idle work" (an)
waiter, waitress = opobypy = "noun caring food person" (an)
to wake up = uzenoli = "verb idle busy" (AN)
to walk = utepy = "verb slow person" (AN)
walking = atepy = "adjective slow person" (an)
wall = okizowe = "noun massive building sheet" (AN)
wallet, purse = ofygaza = "noun lightweight money container" (an)
Wallis and Futuna = fuwety = "longitude=184 latitude=75 country" (an)
walnut (edible seed) = onapuby = "noun complex child food" (an)
to want = upupe == upue = "verb hungry relationship" (AN)
war = hyta
wardrobe = ofize = "noun garment furniture" (AN)
warehouse = ozazo = "noun container building" (AN)
warlord = olotatu == olotau = "noun small war manager" (AN)
warm = azy
warning = ytamace = "noun dangerous good communication" (an)
warranty = ocotisu = "noun legal trade fastener" (AN)
to wash = ujigu = "verb clean liquid" (an)
washbasin, washbowl = yjiza = "noun clean container" (an)
washstand = yjize = "noun clean furniture" (AN)
washing machine = ojifije = "noun clean garment machine" (an)
waste = ypucu = "noun hungry technology" (AN)
wasteful = apucu = "adjective hungry technology" (an)
wastebasket, trash can = ykeza = "noun dirty container" (an)
water = ybegu = "noun wild liquid" (an)
fresh water = yjibegu = "noun clean wild liquid" (an)
waterfall = ygijygu = "noun geological sonic liquid" (an)
waterproof = afugumy = "adjective dry wet separation" (AN)
watt = ojyle = "noun engine unit" (AN)
wave = yjoko = "noun mobile shape" (AN)
wavelength = ojokonu = "noun mobile shape distance" (AN)
wax = ozyguke = "noun warm liquid soft solid" (an)
we, us = ijy
weak = haka
wealth = ytulu = "noun rich abstraction" (an)
weapon = otaje = "noun war machine" (AN)
to wear = ifili = "verb garment" (AN)
weather = ygoge = "noun atmospheric environment" (an)
weatherman, meteorologist = ygoco = "noun atmospheric expert" (an)
weber = onuwyle = "noun short surface unit" (AN)
wedding = opomo = "noun parent fusion" (AN)
wedding band = olopoku = "noun small parent tube" (AN)
wedge = ololasi == oloasi = "noun small angle tool" (AN)
to weave = icufumo = "verb new textile fusion" (an)
Wednesday = ezu
weed = ybebe = "noun wild plant" (AN)
week = ewu
weekend = ebe
weekly magazine, weekly publication = ywydi = "noun slippery publication" (AN)
weight = ykiny = "noun massive force" (AN)
weld = ykumo = "noun burning fusion" (AN)
well = ygugisa == yguisa = "noun wet geological concavity" (an)
west = ube
western = a ube = "adjective west" (an)
Western Sahara = losyty = "longitude=348 latitude=113 country" (an)
wet = agu
whale = osowybo = "noun big surface animal" (AN)
what, who, which, whose = iwe
wheat = ytygyby = "noun old simple food" (AN)
(vehicle) wheel = ojowo = "noun vehicle disk" (an)
(machine) wheel = ywowo = "noun rotating disk" (an)
wheelbarrow = ygyjo = "noun simple vehicle" (AN)
wheelchair = obujo = "noun sickness vehicle" (AN)
steering wheel = oniwo = "noun path disk" (AN)
when (date) = iwe hena = "what ISO 8601 date?" (an)
when (universal time) = iwe eme = "what Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)?" (an)
when (local time) = iwe ejo = "what local time of day?" (an)
whether = "e ... y" (an)
whim = ylypudu = "noun random hungry knowledge" (an)
whip = opyboki = "noun owned animal rod" (AN)
whiplash = ojyfoni = "noun sonic fiber path" (AN)
whipped cream = ofyfyby = "noun lightweight foam food" (AN)
to whisper = ukajyde = "verb weak sonic language" (an)
to whistle = ugyjyce = "verb simple sonic communication" (an)
white = uba
whitewash (paint) = uba u owygu = "white paint" (an)
whitewash (gloss over faults) = ykacace == ykacae = "noun weak false communication" (an)
who? = iwe ypy = "what person?" (AN)
wholesale = ysoti = "noun big trade" (an)
whom = a iwe = "adjective who" (an)
whore = ykejaja = "noun dirty sexual craftsman" (AN)
why? = iwe opope = "what cause?" (AN)
wide, broad = alazili = "adjective opposite narrow" (an)
widow, widower = ybucopo = "noun dead legal parent" (an)
width = yzinu = "noun narrow distance" (AN)
wife = ycofipo = "noun legal feminine parent" (an)
wild = abe
wilderness, nature = ybege = "noun wild environment" (AN)
wig = ycabofi = "noun false hairy garment" (an)
will (document) = ybucody = "noun dead legal text" (an)
will (volition) = yzadu = "noun strong knowledge" (an)
willow = ysofabe = "noun big elastic plant" (AN)
to win = uduta = "verb gained war" (an)
winch = owofowo = "noun rotating fiber disk" (an)
wine = ytymigu = "noun old mental liquid" (AN)
wineglass = omiguza = "noun mental liquid container" (an)
wind (natural movement of air at any speed) = yjogogo = "noun mobile atmospheric gas" (an)
slow wind (wind speed between 10m/s and 30m/s) = ytegogo = "noun slow atmospheric gas" (an)
very slow wind (wind speed between 3m/s and 10m/s) = yzegogo = "noun idle atmospheric gas" (an)
absence of wind (wind speed below 3m/s) = ygegogo = "noun stationary atmospheric gas" (an)
to wind (string on reel, pay out or reel in) = iwofowo = "verb rotating fiber disk" (an)
to wind (spring, mechanism), to crank = uwono = "verb rotating work" (an)
windfall = ydupeli = "noun gained happy" (an)
wing = ygowa = "noun atmospheric tape" (AN)
window = ogyzi = "noun photon hole" (an)
windshield = ydabiwe = "noun front optical sheet" (AN)
windy (wind speed below 30m/s) = ajogogo = "adjective mobile atmospheric gas" (an)
windy (wind speed over 30m/s) = amugogo = "adjective fast atmospheric gas" (an)
winner = ydupy = "noun gained person" (AN)
winter = hefe
wintry = a efe = "adjective winter"
wipe = ujifu = "verb clean textile" (an)
wire = ysifo = "noun electric fiber" (an)
wisdom = ygylidu = "noun simple philosophical knowledge" (an)
wise, reasonable, rational, equitable, realistic, pragmatic, common-sense, sensible = amamili = "adjective good mental" (an)
wise user, anti-environmentalist = okegepy = "noun dirty environment person" (AN)
(potion making) witch, wizard = onebeja = "noun medical plant craftsman" (PHZ)
witch, wizard = oninija = "noun secret path craftsman" (PHZ)
witch hunt = ycodita = "noun legal political war" (an)
with, plus, including = iwa
withdraw = ujudani = "verb rear front path" (an)
without, minus, excluding = ide
witness = omepy = "noun recorder person" (an)
wolf = ybobebo == yboebo = "noun hairy wild animal" (an)
woman, female, Ms., Mrs. = yfipy = "noun feminine person" (AN)
wonderful = amadeli = "adjective good different" (an)
wood = obeky = "noun plant rigid solid" (AN)
woodpecker = ytibabo == ytibao = "noun repeating top animal" (AN)
wool = obobofo = "noun hairy animal fiber" (an)
word = odysy = "noun text part" (AN)
work = hyno
to work = unoli = "verb work" (ei)
workday = heno
worker, employee = onopy = "noun work person" (AN)
workoholic = ynonopy = "noun busy busy person" (an)
(mechanical) workshop = ojazy "noun craftsman room" (-ei)
world = ysoge = "noun big environment" (an)
worm = yfabo = "noun elastic animal" (AN)
worn out = asysuno = "adjective bad prolonged work" (an)
to worry = ulapeli = "verb opposite happy" (an)
worse = iza asy = "more bad" (an)
worst = iso asy = "most bad" (an)
wound = ybusa = "noun dead concavity" (AN)
wounded = abusa = "adjective dead concavity" (ei)
to wrap = ifaweza = "verb elastic sheet container" (an)
wreckage, ruin = ysylu = "noun bad abstraction" (an)
wrench, spanner (for nuts and bolts) = owowisi == owoisi = "noun rotating helix tool" (an)
to wrestle = uzacyta = "verb strong safe war" (an)
to wriggle = utiwobo = "verb repeating rotating animal" (an)
wrinkle = ylofose = "noun small long protrusion" (AN)
wrist = ynobapa = "noun busy top anatomical..." (AN)
wristwatch = ojotusi = "noun mobile manager tool" (AN)
to write, to note = idyme = "verb text recorder" (AN)
wrong (incorrect) = asycali = "adjective bad false" (an)
xenon = yzizelo = "noun 54 idle atom" (an)
X-rays = ynegy = "noun medical photon" (an)
conventional X-ray machine, projectional radiography machine = onegyme = "noun medical photon recorder" (an)
computed tomography (CT) scanner = ynegy u ytizima = "X-rays scanner" (an)
X-ray picture, projectional radiograph, computed tomography picture = onegydo = "noun medical photon picture" (an)
yaw angle (aviation) = ybasala = "noun top bottom angle" (an)
year = heki
yeast = olobebo == olobeo = "noun small plant animal" (an)
yellow = huco
Yemen = dazoty = "longitude=48 latitude=103 country" (an)
yesterday = eju
yeti, Abominable Snowman = ycabopy = "noun false hairy person" (an)
yogurt = okakeby == okaeby = "noun weak soft solid food" (an)
Ygyde (any language based on any prefix table) = ygyde = "noun simple language" (AN)
long Ygyde = fogyde = "proper noun long simple language" (an)
short Ygyde = nugyde = "proper noun short simple language" (an)
standard Ygyde = cogyde = "proper noun legal simple language" (an)
to yield, to give in = ugape = "verb lost relationship" (an)
yodel = yjykode = "noun sonic artistic language" (PHZ)
you (singular) = hipe
you (plural) = hita
your (singular) = a ipe = "adjective you"
your (plural) = a ita = "adjective you"
yourself (singular) = hipe hipa = "you reflexive"
yourself (plural) = hita hipa = "you reflexive"
young = acupy = "adjective new person" (an)
ytterbium = hycocilo = "noun 70 changing atom" (an)
yttrium = ywybilo = "noun 39 optical atom" (an)
Zambia = pywety = "longitude=32 latitude=75 country" (an)
zebra = ozywabo = "noun warm tape animal" (an)
zeolite = olocyky = "noun small net rigid solid" (an)
zero, 0 = hofi, hofe
zigzag = olani = "noun angle path" (AN)
Zimbabwe = pykuty = "longitude=32 latitude=69 country" (an)
zinc = ygimylo = "noun 30 outer atom" (an)
zipper = ofofisu == yfoisu = "noun long garment fastener" (AN)
zip (postal) code = yluca = "noun mathematical address" (an)
zirconium = ywodolo = "noun 40 pretty atom" (an)
zone = ogiwysy = "noun geological surface part" (an)
zoo = obozu = "noun animal city" (AN)
zooplankter = ygulobo = "noun wet small animal" (an)
zooplankton = o ygulobo = plural "noun wet small animal" (an)
zygote = ywepu = "noun cellular child" (AN)
The compound words of similar things may sound so similar that they are difficult to distinguish. To avoid this problem, the similar things are divided into smaller taxonomical groups. All names in the same group share two identical morphemes.
Fruits are divided into four groups:
fruit = yzoby = "noun tall food"
berry, fruit of annual, biennial or perennial plant or shrub = ydyby = "noun middle food"
tree fruit = ybaby = "noun top food"
Vegetables are divided into six groups:
vegetable = obiby = "noun anatomical... food"
root vegetable = ysaby = "noun bottom food"
leaf vegetable = oweby = "noun sheet food"
flower vegetable = yjaby = "noun sexual food"
seed vegetable including nuts except grain = opuby = "noun child food"
cereal, grain = ygyby = "noun simple food"
Common animals are divided into many groups:
amphibian = yfebo = "noun cold animal"
bird = ybabo = "noun top animal"
bacterium = ywebo = "noun cellular animal"
coral = obobe = "noun animal plant"
crustacean = ykybo = "noun brittle animal"
fish = ygubo = "noun wet animal"
insect = ylobo = "noun small animal"
jellyfish = ykabo = "noun weak animal"
lizard = yzebo = "noun idle animal"
mammal = ybobo = "noun hairy animal"
mollusk = ysabo = "noun bottom animal"
parasite = yzubo = "noun inner animal"
reptile = ynibo = "noun secret animal"
sea anemone = ydobo = "noun pretty animal"
sea urchin = ysebo = "noun sharp animal"
sea star = osebo = "noun protrusion animal"
spider = ocybo = "noun net animal"
sponge (animal) = ofybo = "noun foam animal"
worm = yfabo = "noun elastic animal"
Mammals are divided into six groups:
mammal = ybobo = "noun hairy animal"
aquatic mammal = owybo = "noun surface animal"
bat = yjybo = "noun sonic animal"
cat (member of the Felidae family) = yfubo = "noun dry animal"
herbivorous mammal = yzybo = "noun warm animal"
primate = ymibo = "noun mental animal"
Birds are divided into six groups:
bird = ybabo = "noun top animal"
bird having long beak = ydabo = "noun front animal"
herbivorous bird = ycybo = "noun safe animal"
hummingbird = yfybo = "noun lightweight animal"
parrot = ykobo = "noun artistic animal"
bird bigger than hummingbird but not bigger than pigeon = ydybo = "noun middle animal"
Human body is divided into 29 parts named with
bold text. The last morpheme of all anatomical names
is pa. (anatomical part of a multicellular animal).
Optional morpheme, shown as XXXXX, can be placed anywhere.
"noun geological XXXXX anatomical..." describes foot or ankle.
"noun long XXXXX anatomical..." describes leg except foot and ankle.
"noun bottom XXXXX anatomical... describes a body part below waist
except leg, genitals, intestine, and urinary tract.
"noun feminine (or masculine) XXXXX anatomical..."
describes genitals.
"noun sticky XXXXX anatomical..." describes intestine.
"noun wet XXXXX anatomical..." describes urinary tract.
"noun inner XXXXX anatomical..." describes a body part
near waist except liver, kidney, pancreas, and spleen.
"noun rich XXXXX anatomical..." describes liver.
"noun clean XXXXX anatomical..." describes kidney.
"noun hungry XXXXX anatomical..." describes pancreas.
"noun dead XXXXX anatomical..." describes spleen.
"noun middle XXXXX anatomical..." describes a body part
far above waist and below neck except arm, spine, heart, and lung.
"noun short XXXXX anatomical..." describes arm except
hand and wrist.
"noun busy XXXXX anatomical..." describes hand or wrist except fingers.
"noun rod XXXXX anatomical..." describes fingers.
"noun tall XXXXX anatomical..." describes spine.
"noun XXXXX pump anatomical..." describes heart.
"noun lightweight XXXXX anatomical..." describes lung.
"noun narrow XXXXX anatomical..." describes neck.
"noun top XXXXX anatomical..." describes head except
tooth, brain, eye, and ear.
"noun sharp XXXXX anatomical..." describes tooth.
"noun mental XXXXX anatomical..." describes brain.
"noun optical XXXXX anatomical..." describes eye.
"noun sonic XXXXX anatomical..." describes ear.
"noun XXXXX lost anatomical..." describes vein
(blood vessel devoid of oxygen).
"noun XXXXX gained anatomical..." describes artery (blood
vessel carrying oxygen).
"noun random XXXXX anatomical..." describes lymphatic system.
"noun repulsive XXXXX anatomical..." describes immune system.
"noun chemical XXXXX anatomical..." describes hormone.
"noun chemical cellular XXXXX" describes enzyme.
Names of human ailments are based on the names of human body parts and have the same length. The last morpheme of all ailments is bu (sickness), rather than pa.
Cuss (swear) words are based on the English equivalent of the word dung (defined in Ygyde as dirty soft solid) except for the word whore (defined as dirty sexual craftsman), the word idiot (idle mental person), the word imbecile (mental child person), and the word moron (slow mental person). For example, scoundrel is called okekepy (dirty soft solid person) and frustrating software is called okekemi (dirty soft solid software).
"Islamophobia was invented by the holy warriors of the Muslim Brotherhood to silence any adverse comment of Islam." - Melanie Phillips (British journalist and broadcaster)
"All I Want for Christmas Is a White Genocide." - George Ciccariello-Maher (Drexel University professor)
"White people are committed to being villains. We gotta take these motherfuckers out." - Brittney Cooper (Rutgers University professor)
"White supremacy could only be ended once whites are dead. We should be prepared to die silently, without having children, so that white supremacy could come to an end at last. White people should commit suicide as an ethical act." - Terblanche Delport (philosophy professor at the University of Pretoria, South Africa)
"Islamophobia" and "Naziphobia" are common words in the English language, but they do not exist in Ygyde because they describe irrational fear and because intense fear of these violent ideologies is rational. It is impossible to make politically correct oligosynthetic conlang. For example, it is impossible to make politically correct compound words describing human races. We cannot use morphemes describing their skin color because completely different races (Negroids, Capoids, Pygmies, and Australoids) have the same skin color. Like it or not, we have to use morphemes describing their intelligence and behavior. Ignorant neo-Marxists know nothing about racism and human races, but they claim that this dictionary is "racist." The following pictures provide basic education for these ignorants.
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Summary of the book: Male brain is on average 12 percent larger than the female brain, in both newborns and adults. Median IQ (intelligence quotient) of adult males is higher than median IQ of adult females. The male advantage is 5 IQ points for Caucasoids, 4 IQ points for Mongoloids, and 1.5 IQ points for Negroids. The male advantage in spatial abilities and general knowledge is 7 IQ points. Males also have faster reaction times than females. Females have better reading and writing ability, better understanding of non-verbal cues, and they learn foreign languages faster. The greatest difference between male and female brains is the ability to visualize how an object will look when rotated so as to be seen from another angle - males have 9 IQ points advantage. (Wechsler tests ignore this ability because they have been designed by neo-Marxists to "prove" that there is no gender difference in median IQ.) Girls mature faster than boys. When they are two or three years old, their average vocabulary is 50% greater than that of boys. Their brains and IQ stop growing at the age of 15 years. The brains and IQ of boys grow for several more years. |