introduction | dictionary | grammar | compound words |
The best way to start learning Ygyde is reading the Ygyde language introduction and its grammar. The most important and the most difficult tables to memorize are the abridged prefix table, the adjective table, and the noun table. The easiest way to memorize the adjective table and the noun table is to memorize the following pairs of adjectives and matching nouns. The adjectives and the nouns seem to be identical. They are distinguished by a vowel prefix described in the prefix table. These pairs are called odypi (text siblings). Odypipi are pairs of odypi (text siblings). For example: yzeze (bed) and ysese (spike) may be combined into odypipi called spike bed. The spike bed is easy to memorize when it is associated with funny cartoon about bed made of spikes.
ybaba = noun top astronomical_object = sky
ybebe = noun wild plant = weed
ybyby = noun smelly food
ybobo = noun hairy animal = mammal
ybubu = noun dead sickness = fatal disease
ybibi = noun optical anatomical_part_of_a_multicellular_plant = chlorophyll
ypapa = noun magnetic anatomical_part_of_a_multicellular_animal = magnetoreceptor
ypepe = noun happy relationship
ypypy = noun owned person = slave
ypopo = noun caring parent
ypupu = noun hungry child
ypipi = noun similar sibling = identical twin
ydada = noun front name = first name
ydede = noun different language = foreign language
ydydy = noun middle text = comment
ydodo = noun pretty picture
ydudu = noun gained knowledge = education
ydidi = noun political publication = propaganda
ytata = noun dangerous war = terror
ytete = noun slow organization = bureaucracy
ytyty = noun old country = (backward) tribe
ytoto = noun ephemeral business
ytutu = noun rich manager = owner
ytiti = noun repeating trade = commerce
ygaga = noun lost money = financial loss
ygege = noun stationary environment = balance, stability, equilibrium
ygygy = noun simple photon = monochromatic light
ygogo = noun atmospheric gas = air
ygugu = noun wet liquid
ygigi = noun geological pump = geyser
ykaka = noun weak valve = safety valve
ykeke = noun dirty - soft solid = dung, excrement
ykyky = noun brittle - rigid solid = ceramic
ykoko = noun artistic shape
ykuku = noun burning tube = chimney, exhaust pipe
ykiki = noun massive rod = battering ram
ywawa = noun sticky tape
ywewe = noun cellular sheet = cell wall
ywywy = noun slippery surface = smooth surface
ywowo = noun rotating disk = machine wheel
ywuwu = noun chemical torus = molecular ring
ywiwi = noun genetic helix = DNA
yfafa = noun elastic ball
yfefe = noun cold powder = snow
yfyfy = noun lightweight foam = aerogel
yfofo = noun long fiber
yfufu = noun dry textile = towel
yfifi = noun feminine garment = brassiere, bra
yzaza = noun strong container
yzeze = noun idle furniture = bed
yzyzy = noun warm room
yzozo = noun tall building = tower
yzuzu = noun inner city = downtown
yzizi = noun narrow hole = slot, chink, crevice
ysasa = noun bottom concavity = pothole
ysese = noun sharp protrusion = spike
ysysy = noun bad part
ysoso = noun big group
ysusu = noun prolonged fastener = rivet
ysisi = noun electric tool = tool powered by electricity
yjaja = noun sexual craftsman = prostitute
yjeje = noun masculine machine
yjyjy = noun sonic engine = rocket engine
yjojo = noun mobile vehicle
yjuju = noun rear road
yjiji = noun clean place
ycaca = noun false address
ycece = noun religious communication = prayer
ycycy = noun safe net = safety net
ycoco = noun legal expert = lawyer
ycucu = noun new technology = invention
ycici = noun changing manipulation
ymama = noun good detector = sensitive detector
ymeme = noun true recorder = high fidelity recorder
ymymy = noun outer separation = burst
ymomo = noun attractive fusion
ymumu = noun fast microchip
ymimi = noun mental software = soul
ynana = noun complex calculation = puzzle
ynene = noun medical science
ynyny = noun repulsive force = push
ynono = noun busy work
ynunu = noun short distance = proximity
ynini = noun secret path
ylala = noun opposite angle
ylele = noun physical unit
ylyly = noun random number
ylolo = noun small atom
ylulu = noun mathematical abstraction
ylili = noun philosophical absurd
The easiest way of memorizing the odypi is combining them into 42 pairs which sound alike, and one group of odypi which begins with letter l.
ybaba = noun top astronomical_object = sky
ypapa = noun magnetic anatomical_part_of_a_multicellular_animal = magnetoreceptor
ybebe = noun wild plant = weed
ypepe = noun happy relationship
ybyby = noun smelly food
ypypy = noun owned person = slave
ybobo = noun hairy animal = mammal
ypopo = noun caring parent
ybubu = noun dead sickness = fatal disease
ypupu = noun hungry child
ybibi = noun optical anatomical_part_of_a_multicellular_plant = chlorophyll
ypipi = noun similar sibling = identical twin
ydada = noun front name = first name
ytata = noun dangerous war = terror
ydede = noun different language = foreign language
ytete = noun slow organization = bureaucracy
ydydy = noun middle text = comment
ytyty = noun old country = (backward) tribe
ydodo = noun pretty picture
ytoto = noun ephemeral business
ydudu = noun gained knowledge = education
ytutu = noun rich manager = owner
ydidi = noun political publication = propaganda
ytiti = noun repeating trade = commerce
ygaga = noun lost money = financial loss
ykaka = noun weak valve = safety valve
ygege = noun stationary environment = balance, equilibrium
ykeke = noun dirty - soft solid = dung, excrement
ygygy = noun simple photon = monochromatic light
ykyky = noun brittle - rigid solid = ceramic
ygogo = noun atmospheric gas = air
ykoko = noun artistic shape
ygugu = noun wet liquid
ykuku = noun burning tube = chimney, exhaust pipe
ygigi = noun geological pump = geyser
ykiki = noun massive rod = battering ram
ywawa = noun sticky tape
yfafa = noun elastic ball
ywewe = noun cellular sheet = cell wall
yfefe = noun cold powder = snow
ywywy = noun slippery surface = smooth surface
yfyfy = noun lightweight foam = aerogel
ywowo = noun rotating disk = machine wheel
yfofo = noun long fiber
ywuwu = noun chemical torus = molecular ring
yfufu = noun dry textile = towel
ywiwi = noun genetic helix = DNA
yfifi = noun feminine garment = brassiere, bra
yzaza = noun strong container
ysasa = noun bottom concavity = pothole
yzeze = noun idle furniture = bed
ysese = noun sharp protrusion = spike
yzyzy = noun warm room
ysysy = noun bad part
yzozo = noun tall building = tower
ysoso = noun big group
yzuzu = noun inner city = downtown
ysusu = noun prolonged fastener = rivet
yzizi = noun narrow hole = slot, chink, crevice
ysisi = noun electric tool = tool powered by electricity
yjaja = noun sexual craftsman = prostitute
ycaca = noun false address
yjeje = noun masculine machine
ycece = noun religious communication = prayer
yjyjy = noun sonic engine = rocket engine
ycycy = noun safe net = safety net
yjojo = noun mobile vehicle
ycoco = noun legal expert = lawyer
yjuju = noun rear road
ycucu = noun new technology = invention
yjiji = noun clean place
ycici = noun changing manipulation
ymama = noun good detector = sensitive detector
ynana = noun complex calculation = puzzle
ymeme = noun true recorder = high fidelity recorder
ynene = noun medical science
ymymy = noun outer separation = burst
ynyny = noun repulsive force = push
ymomo = noun attractive fusion
ynono = noun busy work
ymumu = noun fast microchip
ynunu = noun short distance = proximity
ymimi = noun mental software = soul
ynini = noun secret path
ylala = noun opposite angle
ylele = noun physical unit
ylyly = noun random number
ylolo = noun small atom
ylulu = noun mathematical abstraction
ylili = noun philosophical absurd